Урок английского языка по теме: "Scotland the Beautiful"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  • формировать умения и навыки устной речи учащихся по теме “Шотландия”.


  • развивать творческие способности, языковую догадку, логическое мышление, воображение.


  • воспитывать интерес, уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оснащение урока: фотографии с видами Шотландии, листы с текстом, классная доска, аудиозапись, аудиомагнитофон, компьютер, компьютерные презентации, выполненные в Power Point, постеры, видеосюжеты.

Ход урока


Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you!


At our lesson today we are going to travel. Can you guess what country we are going to visit? That’s right. We are going to visit Scotland. A beautiful country with men in kilts, sad sounds of bagpipes, high mountains and bonnie banks of wild lochs. What do you imagine when you hear the word “Scotland”? What is Scotland for you?

Let’s see how good you know some facts about Scotland by doing a small quiz. Take your places beside the computers and try to answer all the questions by choosing one of the proposed answers.

(Используется тестовое задание с вариантами ответов, представленное в виде презентации, выполненной в Power Point.) ‹Приложение 1›


Now it’s time to start our journey. Unfortunately not real but, nevertheless, I suppose it to be very interesting. We are going to travel to Scotland by visiting our own Internet-site.

Here it is. WWW. Scotland the Beautiful/7A.com

Look! This is the menu. Though we haven’t got enough time to visit all the pages let’s have a look at some of them.

(Презентация “Интернет-сайта www.Scotland the Beautiful/7A.com” первой группой учащихся. Презентация представляет собой устные доклады учащихся о географическом положении, городах, эмблемах, традициях Шотландии, сопровождающиеся показам подготовленных на листах ватмана “интернет-страниц”. Каждая “страница” соответствует докладу ученика.)

Look! Videos about the Highland games are available on our site. Let’s watch. Your task is to watch and say which video is connected with tossing the caber and which one is connected with throwing the hammer.

‹Приложение 2›

Now I invite you to Famous People page. By the way, what famous people of Scotland do you know? Right, one of them is Sir Walter Scott. What facts about him can you name? Let’s learn something then.

There is some information about Sir Walter Scott behind the blackboard. It’s going to be ‘a running dictation’. Are you ready? You should do it very quickly. Let’s start.

(На крыльях доски сзади с двух сторон -листы бумаги с информацией о Вальтере Скоте. Учащиеся делятся на пары. Каждая пара выбирает сама, кто будет диктовать, а кто писать. На диктант даётся определённое время, за которое каждая пара должна полностью записать текст с доски. Орфографические ошибки про проверке не учитываются.)

Sir Walter Scott

Walter Scott, a Scottish writer was born in Edinburgh in 1771 in the family of a lawyer.

In his childhood Walter Scott heard many stories and legends of the past from his grandparents and had a great interest for them.

At the age of 7 Walter Scott went to the famous Royal High School of Edinburgh. When he was 12, he entered Edinburgh University. Later, he studied arts and law.

Scott made himself famous as a poet and as the author of historical novels. His knowledge of history is remarkable, and his descriptions of historical events are very talented.

Scotland is the land of romance, the land of legendary knights, battles, the land that inspired Robert Burns to write so many wonderful poems about its countryside and its people. But do you know much about Robert Burns? Then it’s time to learn something new. Let’s choose Robert Burns’s page.

(Компьютерная презентация Power Point проекта “Robert Burns. The Great Poet of Scotland”, подготовленная второй группой учеников.)

Here are some more sections to choose: Music, Video, Pictures Gallery. Let’s listen to some music. Would you like to?

One of the most famous Scottish songs, known all over the world is “My Bonnie Is Over the Ocean”. It is a song about Prince Charles Edward Stewart who was known as Bonnie Prince Charlie because he was young and good-looking. He was also Scotland’s national hero who fought against the English in the 18th century trying to make Scotland independent, but Charlie’s army was defeated.

Listen to the song. Sing the song together with the singers. Sing the song to the music. (Караоке “My Bonnie Is Over the Ocean”.) ‹Приложение 3›

My Bonnie is over the ocean,
My Bonnie is over the sea,
My Bonnie is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back.
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back.
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Well, wind, you blow over the ocean,
Well, wind, you blow over the sea,
Well, wind, you blow over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Chorus: (3 times)

Bring back, bring back.
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back.
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Oh, what’s this? A strange picture. ‘Want to get a prize? FREE!’ Let’s have a look at this picture. (Презентация Power Point) ‹Приложение 4› Use your imagination when guessing what these pictures mean and tell us about one of the Scotland’s famous tourist attractions. But first we should part into 3 groups.

(На компьютерах учащиеся просматривают презентацию в виде рисунков, которые передают содержание следующего текста:

Loch Ness is not the largest lake in Britain (it is thirty-five kilometers long), but it is very famous. A lot is written and said about the monster who lives there. And for some people Nessie is good business: shirts with “Nessie” on them, books about the monster and all kinds of picture postcards and souvenirs are sold to thousands of visitors who come to Loch Ness every year.

One of stories about the water monster says, for example, that one Sunday morning a young woman looked out of the dining-room window of the house near the lake and saw in the waters of Loch Ness “the largest animal I have ever seen”. It had, she said later, a giraffe-like neck, a very small head and a huge dark grey body.

That was in 1934, the year when the first book about Nessie was published.

(Каждая группа составляет свой собственный текст, по-своему истолковывая изображения из презентации, а затем его представляет.)

Now I’ll tell you the true facts about Loch Ness Monster. (Учитель читает оригинальный текст, а ученики сверяют его со своим.) What was right and what was wrong in your texts? And these are your prizes!

Well, we’ve got some time to watch TV News about this monster. It’s available here. Let’s click.

(Презентация ролевой игры “Nessie is on TV News”, подготовленная третьей группой учеников.)


Thank you for your active work. You all deserve excellent marks today. Good-bye.

(Подведение итогов, выставление оценок с комментариями.)

Your hometask is to read Lesson 9 from your Reader Book and be ready to discuss the story.