Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение.
Вид занятия: комбинированный урок.
Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме “Food & Meals”.
Задачи урока:
1. Образовательные:
- совершенствование речевых навыков и умений монологической и диалогической речи.
2. Воспитательные:
- формирование интереса к стране изучаемого языка;
- повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
- осуществление этического и эстетического воспитание учащихся;
- учить соблюдать правила культуры поведения.
3. Развивающие:
- активизировать внимание учащихся на занятии, создавать благоприятный психологический климат;
- развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь;
- развивать содержательность, понятность, выразительность, действительность;
- развивать (творческое, продуктивное) воображение;
- развивать умение владеть собой, выдержку;
- развивать умение познавательной деятельности.
4. Социокультурная:
- привлечение интереса к стране изучаемого языка.
Оснащение урока: видео, аудио записи, (видеоклип «В английском ресторане»), тематические
картинки, творческие работы учащихся.
Ход урока
Planning the lesson.
The beginning of the lesson.(Организационный этап).
T: Hello! You are looking great, too. Delighted to see you. How are you?
St: Hello! You are looking great, too. Delight to see you, too. We are
fine thanks. And how are you?
Сообщение темы и цели занятия.
T: The subject of our lesson is “Tastes differ”. We’ll work with proverbs, sayings, poems, monologue and polylogue.
Повторение ранее изученного материала.
Revision of the learning material:
1. Повторяются пословицы: [1]
Sts restore the proverbs. They are:
Every cook praises his own broth.
Каждый повар хвалит свой бульон.
After supper mustard.
После ужина горчица.
Tastes differ.
Вкусы расходятся.
A hungry man is an angry man.
Голодный человек- сердитый человек.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Бесполезно плакать над разлитым молоком.
Dry bread at home is better that roast meat abroad.
Сухой хлеб дома лучше, чем жареное мясо за границей.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Слишком много поваров портят бульон.
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Невозможно сделать омлет, не разбив яиц.
Before you choose a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.
Прежде чем выбрать друга, съешь с ним мешок соли.
Better an egg a today than a hen tomorrow.
Лучше яйцо сегодня, чем курица завтра.
Too lengthen your life, lessen your meals.
Чтобы продлить свою жизнь, уменьши (сократи) свою еду.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Путь к сердцу мужчины лежит через желудок.
He has other fish to fry.
Он жарит другую рыбу. (Он занят другими делами.)
First catch your hare, then cook him.
Сначала поймай своего зайца, а потом готовь его.
2. Учащиеся рассказывают стихи по теме: [2]
Sts recite the rhymes on the topic:
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy.
A cup of nice coffee
In a nice coffee cup.
Two little boys!
John and Jem!
Sit down and
Have tea with jam!
One, two, three!
Let me see
Who likes coffee,
Who likes tea!
I like coffee,
I like tea,
I like apples
In the tree.
I don’t like milk,
I don’t like bread,
I don’t like custard
On my head.
I like fish,
I like eggs,
I like cheese and meat.
I like cakes and biscuits.
In fact, I like to eat.
Drink, drink, drink your milk!
Drink it every day!
Father and Mother,
Sister and Brother
Drink it every day.
Tell me, little Pete,
What do you like to eat?
-Well, I like to eat
What is good and sweet.
I eat my pease with honey,
I’ve done it all my life.
It makes the pease taste funny,
But it keeps them on my knife.
Get up, little Freddie!
Breakfast is ready.
Butter and bread
For brother Fred.
Handy-Pandy, Jack a dandy
Loves plum cake and sugar candy.
He bought some at a grocer’s shop,
And out he came, hop, hop, hop!
The clock says, ”Eight!”
Quick, you’ll be late,
Breakfast is ready,
Master Teddy.
The clock says, “One!’
Pudding is done.
Dinner’s ready,
Master Teddy.
The clock says, “Five!”
Cake will arrive.
And tea’s ready,
Master Teddy.
The clock says, “Eight!”
Put up your plate!
Supper’s ready,
Master Teddy.
If you, Sandy,
Have two candies,
Give one candy
To Andy, Sandy!
If you, Andy,
Have two candies,
Give one candy
To Sandy, Andy!
Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow.
Sweet, but not honey
What is it? - Sugar!
3. Учащиеся повторяют два разных стиля жизни: британский и континентальный.
Sts remember two different styles of life (British and Continental).
On the continent:
- people seldom speak about weather;
- Sunday papers appear on Monday;
- some people like cats, others don’t;
- people proud of the things they know. They try to show off their knowledge;
- you can offend people in many ways: if you laugh at them or make jokes about their life and jobs;
- people either tell you the truth or lie;
- on Sundays even the poorest person puts on his best suit and tries to look nice and respectable;
- many continentals think life is a game;
- people have good food.
In Britain:
- people repeat the phrase ”It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” two hundred times a day;
- Sunday papers appear on Sunday;
- cats are very special animals. Everyone loves them and takes care of them;
- people don’t try to show off their knowledge;
- the English take everything with a sense of humour;
- people hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth either;
- even the richest man dresses in some old clothes and doesn’t shave;
- the English think cricket is a game;
- people have good table manners.
4. Учащиеся начинают проигрывать диалог и полилог: [3]
(Music sounds. Sts began to dramatize the situations).
(In the restaurant)
-Aren’t you hungry?
-Oh, yes we are.
-And I’m awfully thirsty.
-Would you like a glass of orange juice?
-Thanks. I’d love one. I like orange juice very much.
-And I prefer apple juice.
-All juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and, of course, pine apple juice.
-I like apples best of all.
-What shall we have?
-The three-course meal, I suppose.
-A la carte? Table d’ote?
-Well, you choose.
-Let’s start with salad, then chicken soup, fish and chips.
-I think, I’ll have green peas, fruit and a cup of tea without sugar.
-Are you on a slimming diet?
-Yes, I am.
-What does you diet allow you?
-Well, a little boiled meat or fish, a few hard –boiled eggs, some cheese or milk, a lot of vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, very few potatoes, a lot of fruit. No cakes, no ice-cream, no chocolate and very little salt. I have to be on a diet. I don’t live to eat but I eat to live.
-Tastes differ, of course.
-Are you a vegetarian?
-I think, none of us is a vegetarian.
-Good roast-beef is much tastier than watery vegetables.
-I must confess I like good food.
-And what is your keep-fit program?
-My motto is:”Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.”
-The advice of my doctor is quite different. Don’t take a taxi, he says.
Walk to your work each day. Ignore the lift.
Climb the stairs. Don’t eat bread and butter.
Take too cold showers a day. do plenty of housework. Stop drinking.
Give up smoking. Exercise your memory. Train your body.
In short, early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
(The mother with her children)
Mother: Now, children, sit down and be quick about it, or you‘ll be late for school.
Jane: And what is there for breakfast?
Mother: Sausage, cheese, eggs, bread and butter.
Peter: That’s fine. I like sausage and eggs.
Jane: No eggs for me. Just a sandwich with sausage, please.
Mother: O.K.
Peter: Pass me the salt, please.
Jane: Here you are.
Peter: Can I have tea with lemon? I like tea with lemon very much.
Mother: All right. Here you are. Be careful. Don’t spill the tea. It’s very hot, you may scald yourself.
Peter: No fear. Thank you, Mom.
Jake: Can I have cocoa instead of tea, Mom?
Mother: You are welcome.
Peter: I don’t like cocoa. I just hate it!
Jane: You don’t understand anything. Oh, Mom, these cookies are delicious! Can I have another one?
Mother: Of course, help yourself.
Peter: One for me, please.
Mother: Here you are.
Peter: Thank you.
Mother: When you will be home from school?
Peter: Some time about two.
Jane: I’ll be home early today. We have only four lessons.
5. Подведение итогов занятия.
Home task: учащиеся получают дифференцированные домашние задания:
(Sts are divided into 5-level groups and receive their tasks)
1. Put the correct group of adjectives from the chart next to each noun:
White, brown hot, mild fresh, frozen dry, sweet rare, medium, well-done black, white fizzy, still.
a. Wine…….
b. Bread……
c. Coffee…….
d. Mineral water….
e. Curry……..
f. Pears…….
g. Steak………
2. Mixed vegetables:
3. Odd- one-out:
a. bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb
b. carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce
c. beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee
d. grapes, apple, pear plum, almond
e. butter, milk, cheese, oil, cream, yoghurt.
4. What is missing?
What do you need for:
- Cabbage soup: potatoes, carrots, onion, salt, meat, pepper, water.
- Pancakes: flour, salt, eggs, milk, raisins, sour cream.
- Russian salad: beetroot, carrot, pickled cucumber, onions, peas, salt, oil.
- The word puzzle:
There are 17 words connected with food. They go across and down. Find them and write them.
L | C | Y | P | N | C | R | I | S | P | S | M |
A | V | Z | O | B | P | B | A | N | A | N | A |
M | U | S | T | E | A | K | N | B | T | R | R |
B | Z | Q | A | M | O | Y | R | Y | J | A | M |
K | G | F | T | G | H | O | D | F | G | H | A |
B | A | C | O | N | F | G | R | A | P | E | L |
H | J | K | F | I | S | H | T | Y | U | I | A |
H | O | N | E | Y | B | U | B | R | E | A | D |
R | A | S | D | F | G | R | Z | K | L | P | E |
I | B | V | E | G | E | T | A | B | L | E | I |
C | Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | L | P | G | J |
E | W | E | C | E | R | E | A | L | B | G | U |
- Стефанович Г.А. и др. Английский язык в пословицах и поговорках.- Москва.:Просвещение,1987.
- Захарченко И.А. 700 английских рифмовок.- Москва.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС,1999.
- Игнатова Т.Н. Английский язык для общения. Интенсивный курс. Изд. РТ-Пресс/Диск-ТМ, 2007.