Открытый урок в 5-м классе с использованием коллективного метода работы по теме: "Dream Town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • развивать навыки монологической речи: составление рассказа описательного характера;
  • активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме: “ Путешествие в Британию”;
  • активизировать употребление в речи предлогов места;
  • показать владение страноведческим материалом;
  • развивать у детей умение договариваться между собой, подчинять свои интересы и желания общей цели;
  • воспитывать чувства товарищества, взаимопомощи, ответственности;
  • развивать инициативу и смекалку.

Оформление доски:

  1. Большой рисунок города.
  2. Маленькие рисунки отдельных объектов (парка, школы, развлекательный центр, библиотека, различные виды транспорта)
  3. Символы и эмблемы Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса.

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент.


- Hello, children! Glad to see you! You may sit down.

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?


- What season is it now?

- It is winter now.


This is the season
When mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
In the wood and the park.
This is the season
When children ski,
And Santa Claus
Brings the New Year’s Tree.

In the winter time we go
Walking in the field of snow,
Where there is no grass at all,
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree
Is as white as white can be.

Many pretty snowflakes
Are falling from the sky,
On the trees and houses
Soft and thick they lie.
Look into the garden!
All is soft and white:
Apple-trees and bushes.
What a pretty sight!


- Do you like traveling? We have spoken a lot about traveling. Today we shall have an unusual traveling. We shall go to the “Dream Town”

- Сегодня мы сами придумаем “Город мечты”, куда и отправимся в путешествие. Но делать мы это будем очень необычным способом, каждый из вас примет участие в создании нашего города. Вы будете добавлять разные предметы, и в конце у нас получится один общий “Город мечты”. Слушайте друг друга очень внимательно, так как дома вам необходимо будет рассказать про наш город, почему вы хотите отправиться туда в путешествие, что интересного вы можете в нем увидеть. На листочках вы будете схематически помечать каждый предмет, чтобы подготовить свой рассказ.

- Are you ready?

- Let’s start our lesson.

II. Речевая разминка.


- How many boys are there all around?


- Many boys, many boys, many can be found.


- How many girls are there all around?


- Many girls, many girls, many can be found.


- How many children are there all around?


- Many children, many children, many can be found.

III. Фонетическая разминка.


А теперь давайте повторим слова, которые могут нам пригодиться, для описания нашего города. Я буду называть их по-русски, а вы по-английски.









школа библиотека








IV. Диалогическая речь – обсуждение общих параметров города.


- We have spoken a lot about Britain. I think our town will be in this country. What do you know about Britain? First of all, what is the official name of the country?


- The official name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK consists of (состоит) four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


- And what country would you like to visit?

Pupil 1.

- I would like to visit Ulster. It is the old name of Northern Ireland. Ulster has its own symbol (shamrock) and flag. Its capital is Belfast. There are horse fairs, balloon races and shows there. Every year many people come to Northern Ireland and take part in them. I think it is very interesting.

Pupil 2.

- As for me, I would like to visit England. It is a magic country. It is a land of attractive landscapes with lakes and dales. The capital of England is London. The symbol of the country is red rose.


- And who would like to visit Wales?

Pupil 3.

- I would like. It is a romantic land. It is a land of romantic valleys and daffodils. The capital of the country is Cardiff. The symbol is daffodil.

Во время рассказа каждый ученик показывает флаг и эмблему каждой страны и ее местонахождение на карте.


- So, what country will we choose for our “Dream Town”?

- Will it be big or small?


- It will be not very big not very small.


- How many streets are there in the town?


- There are several streets in the town.

Учитель вывешивает на доску схему будущего города, на которой нарисованы несколько улиц и площадь. <рисунок 1>

V. Коллективная работа – монологическая речь.

На доске вывешиваются картинки с изображением частей города. Дети по очереди берут картинки и прикрепляют к общему рисунку, сопровождая свои действия монологическим высказыванием.


There is a park in the middle of the town. There are a lot of flowers and trees in the park. The park is divided into several parts. There is a sport ground, where people can play football, volleyball or badminton. There is a Picnic Area, where people can have a rest and eat some food.

- And what about river or lake? Are there any in the park?

- Yes there is a small lake in the corner of the park, where people can go fishing.

- And there is a castle on the left. It is very large, old and beautiful. I would like to visit it and look at historic collections.

Visitor Centre.

There is a large Visitor Centre in the town. On rainy days tourists are not upset. There are many attractions inside the Visitor Centre. Tourists listen to traditional music or go to the cinema. It has a large aquarium among other things. There are a lot of shops and cafes there.

School and Library.

There is a school in the town. It is the only school and it is rather big. Near the school there is a library. There are a lot of books there. I like historical books about history and heroes.


There are a lot of cars in the town. It is very convenient to have a car.

There are buses. They carry people around the town.

And I prefer to travel by plane. It is very fast and comfortable. So there is an airport in the town.

VI. Подведение итогов.

- Now we have a picture of the “Dream Town”. Let’s repeat what is there in the town.

At home you have to describe this picture.

 The “Dream Town” is in England. It is not very big and not very small. There is a park in the middle of the town. In the park there is a lake and a castle. There is a Visitor centre in the town. There is a school opposite the park. Near the school there is a library. There are a lot of cars and buses in the town. On the left there is an airport.

 <рисунок 1>