Урок по теме " Мы готовимся к поездке в Великобританию"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • обобщать лексические знания учащихся по теме «Мы готовимся к поездке в Великобританию»,
  • учить воспринимать небольшие высказывания на слух и находить им понятие, развивать орфографические умения, технику чтения,
  • развивать умения диалогической речи с опорой на диалог-образец.


  • Развивать воображение и творческую активность учащихся, языковую догадку, интерес к изучению английского языка.


  • Воспитывать у учащихся чувство взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу, культуру поведения.

Оснащение урока:

  • раздаточный материал для групповой и индивидуальной работы
  • учебник по английскому языку «Enjoy English», автор М.З. Биболетова
  • аудиозапись к учебнику
  • мультимедиа к уроку
  • наклейки в качестве подарков

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Учитель приветствует учеников, знакомит с темой урока.

Учитель: Dear friends, good morning!


Good-morning to you!
I’m glad to see you!

Учитель: I’m glad to see you too. Sit down, please. How are you?

I’ve got wonderful news for you. This is an invitation-letter from a girl Jessica. She invites us to visit her school. But there’s one problem. I can’t read the name of the country. Can you help me to read the name of the country we are going to visit?

Ученики: Great Britain

2. Ознакомление учащихся с темой, планом и задачами урока.

Учитель: So, we are going to travel to Great Britain. (Приложение 1, Слайд 1) What should we know to stay there? Should we know how to pronounce words, how to read, write, understand people around us and speak to them?

The aim of our lesson: to prepare for traveling to Great Britain

Our route to Great Britain will be long and may be difficult. We’ll visit many countries before we get to Great Britain. Here’s our route. (Приложение 1,

Слайд 2) If you pronounce these words (on the blackboard), you’ll be in the Ukraine. If you read the words on the cards correctly and find out the ‘odd’ one, we’ll go to Poland. If you can understand the words, I’ll describe, you’ll be in Germany. Then if you can do the puzzle, you’ll visit France. And if you can read and act out a dialogue you’ll be in Great Britain.

3. Фонетическая зарядка (Учитель - Ученик)

Учитель: Now we are in Russia. (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 1) Our aim is the Ukraine. To get there you should pronounce the words. Look at the Blackboard. Listen and repeat.

English, Great Britain, visit, misses

Teacher, Steven, read, speak, meeting

Head, friend, spend, forget, memory

School, group

Invite, idea, time, Friday

Invitation, situation, education, arrange, great

Well, you’ve done the task very well. You’re in the Ukraine now. (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 2)

4. Чтение (Прочитать слова и найти слово, выпадающее из «логического ряда». Ученики работают в группах)

Учитель: Now we’ll visit Poland. To do this you should read the words on the cards, cross out the odd word and explain your choice.

1) invitation, situation, education, arrange
2) speak, invite, visit, teacher
3) read, idea, time, meeting
4) local, social, memory, educational
5) school, teacher, student, Friday

Учитель: Please, divide into two groups. Group one and group two. You can start doing the task.

(После выполнения задания) So, we are in Poland now. Well done! (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 3)

5. Аудирование (Прослушать высказывание и назвать слово, к которому они относятся)

Учитель:To go to Germany you should guess the words, I’ll describe. For example, it’s a big country. Its capital is Moscow. Can you guess the country?

Ученики: Russia

Учитель: These words on the blackboard will help you.

Invite, memory, idea, local, speak, teacher.

Учитель: You work at school. You organize lessons. You work with children. You are …..

Ученики: a teacher

Учитель: You’ll have a party next week. You call your friends and ask them to come to the party. So, you….

Ученики: invite

Учитель: You spend much time with somebody. You can say, for example, Misha is my… (friend)

Ученики: friend

Учитель: You study English. You can …..English.

Ученики: speak

Учитель: You’ve done the task. Now you are in Germany. (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 4)

6. Говорение (прослушать диалог со зрительной опорой, ответить на вопросы учителя, прочитать диалог со сменой партнеров у доски)

Учитель:The next aim is France.

But at first, I’ve got some news for you. The head teacher of British school has invited a group of students from Moscow to visit his school.

Listen to the dialogue between the secretary and the head teacher of Moscow school. Page 26 in your textbooks. Follow the text, please.

A - Good morning, Mr. Golovin, this is Anna speaking.

P - Morning, Anna!

A - I have some news for you.

P - Do you? What kind of news?

A - Mr. Stephen Wooding wants to invite our students and teachers to London.

P - Does he? Oh, how nice of him. When can we visit them?

A - In April.

P - How many people is he inviting?

A - Up to 20 students and 2 teachers.

P - Fantastic! We’ll think it over.

A – Anna Kovaleva, Secretary

P – Peter Golovin, Director

Учитель:Now answer my questions. Who is talking?

Ученики: Anna Kovaleva, Secretary and Peter Golovin, Director

Учитель: What are they talking about?

Ученики: About the invitation.

Учитель: Who wants to invite students and teachers to London?

Ученики: Mr. Stephen Wooding.

Учитель: When do the students and teachers can visit his school?

Ученики: In April.

Учитель: How many people is Mr. Wooding inviting?

Ученики: Up to 20 students and 2 teachers.

Учитель: Is Mr. Golovin happy?

Ученики: Yes, he is.

Listen again and repeat quietly.

Come to the BB. Take your textbooks, please. Make a circle. Read the dialogue in pairs. When you finish, change partners.

Now act out the dialogue.

Учитель (После выполнения задания):You’ve done the task. Now you are in France. (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 5)

7. Письмо (Задание № 1 - разгадать кроссворд, задание № 2 – расшифровать слово)

The last aim is Great Britain. To know the city we are going to visit we should do the crossword puzzle. (Приложение 2)

Учитель: (После выполнения задания): Well, my congratulations to you. We are in GB now. (Приложение 1, Слайд 3, рис 6)

Did you like the travel?

Ученики: Yes, we did.

Учитель: Jessica is absent now. But she left a magic message for you. Would you like to read it? (Приложение 3)

8. Заключительная часть урока. Итоги

So, today we have prepared for the travel to Great Britain. Jessica has sent some photos of her school. Would you like to look at them? (Приложение 1, Слайд 4) Did you like the lesson? What did you like? Our lesson is over. Your homework is to make your own crossword puzzle. Your marks are….

(Приложение 1, Слайд 5)