Урок по теме "Еда"

Разделы: Технология


1. to revise the vocabulary on the topic

2. to enhance listening comprehension

3. to enhance students` skills to discuss traditional Russian and British cuisine.

1. T- Cl: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m very glad to see you safe and sound. Today we`ll be talking about different kinds of food people eat in Russia and Great Britain, about rules people follow having their meals. At the beginning of the lesson we brush up phonetics:

P1: Peter, Peter, pumkin eater, had a wife and couldn`t keep her. He put her in a pumkin shell and there he kept her very well.

P2: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

P3: She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

T – Cl: Very well! Look at the blackboard. These pictures are the illustrations to the proverbs. Match the proverbs with the pictures.

List of proverbs

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Forbidden fruit is sweet

The rotten apple injures its neighbors

You can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs

Life is not all beer and skittles

All is fish that comes to his net

Tastes differ

An apple a day keeps the the doctor away

One man`s meat is another man`s poison

2. T – Cl: Now try to think over what you`ll say in the following situations.

Учитель прикрепляет на доску надпись:


P1 – P2: Could you pass the biscuits, please?

P2 – P1: Here you are.

P1 – P2: Thanks.

P3 – P4: Do you want another cup of tea?

P4 – P3: Yes, thank you.

P5 – P6: Would you like some apple pie?

P6 – P5: Thank you, that would be nice.

P7 – P8: Do you take sugar?

P8 – P7: No, thank you etc.

Затем вывешивается надпись:


P1 – P2: I like ice-cream.

P2 – P1: So do I.

P3 – P4: When I`m invited to the party I prefer to come on time.

P4 – P5: So do I.

P6 – P7: I bring the hostess something such as flowers.

P7 – P6: So do I.

P8 – P9: I usually take my seat when the hostess shows me where to sit.

P9 – P8: So do I etc.

Учитель вывешивает надпись:


T – Cl: Now let`s remember anecdotes and have fun together.

P1 – P2: Waiter, waiter, what`s this fly doing in my soup?

P2 – P1: It`s swimming, sir.

P3 – P4: Waiter, waiter, what`s this in my soup?

 P4 – P5: I`ve no idea, sir. All insects look the same to me.

P6 – P7: Waiter, waiter, this plate is wet.

P7 – P6: That`s the soup, sir.

P8 – P9: Waiter, waiter, there`s a fly in my soup.

P9 - P8: Of course, there is, sir. It`s a fly soup.

Вывешивается надпись:


T – Cl: Now imagine it`s not a classroom, it`s a cafe. Your task is to choose any dish you like. The rest of you while one “is eating” try to guess what he/she “is eating” and comment the process of eating.

На столе стоит супница и приборы. Учащийся, вызвавшийся, выходит, вытаскивает из супницы название блюда и начинает “есть”, показывая мимикой, вкусное блюдо или нет. Остальные учащиеся комментируют, называют то блюдо, которое было выбрано. Тот ученик, который правильно называет блюдо, подходит к супнице следующим.

P1: I think he is eating bliny.

P2: No, he isn`t. He is using a fork, he is eating vareniki.

P3: I think they are tasty because he is chewing and smiling etc.

3. T – Cl: Thank you very much. It was really funny. We are not hungry anymore and we are going to visit an art gallery. In the picture the artist depicted one of the Russian traditions: tea-drinking.

Школьникам предлагается обсудить картину В.Г. Перова “Чаепитие в Мытищах”.

T – Cl: Your task is to describe the picture. Try to mention all the things related to tea- drinking.

e.g. P1: Perhaps, this is evening. The dark color of the sky and background are the evening colors.

P2: The soldier and the boy are hungry, their clothes are poor.

P3: The thick monk at the table likes tea-drinking and he looks like the bright samovar on the table.

P4: He is not hungry and doesn`t pay attention to the boy.

P5: I`d put on the table sweets.

P6: Russian cuisine is famous for its pies which were baked in good old times.

P7: They remain popular nowdays. They are: kulebiaka, rastegay, boubliki, baranki, sooshki etc.

4. T – Cl: Now you have a chance to compare Russian traditions of having meals with the British ones. You`ll listen to the text and complete the chart.




We eat eggs and bacon for breakfast   It used to be true, but it isn`t true anymore. It`s only in hotels.
There`s always meat and vegetables at the main meal  

Not always.

We drink tea during the day   Yes, we do. But not at every meal.
We always drink wine at lunch and dinner  

Yes, we do.

We often eat potatoes with our main meal  

Yes, we do.

Many people don`t eat meat  

No, they don`t.

Примерный текст.

Q: Is it true, Lisa, that you always have bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Lisa: Well, it used to be true, but it isn`t true anymore. People often have toast and cereal, jam, yoghurt, things like that, but not have time to cook bacon and eggs. It`s only in hotels when you get bacon and eggs – what we call a cooked breakfast, or an English breakfast.

Q: Do you always have meat and vegetables at the main meal?

Lisa: Not always, no. In any case I don`t eat meat.

Q: Do people in Britain drink a lot of wine?

Lisa: Yes, they do, but not at every meal. They don`t drink wine at lunch and dinner every day. Perhaps, we`ll have a glass of wine at the weekend.

Q: What do people drink then?

Lisa: Water, juice. Some families drink tea with their meals.

Q: Do you drink much tea?

Lisa: Yes, people drink tea during the day. Many people will have five or six cups of tea a day. We usually have it with milk. Other people prefer coffee.

Q: What`s the main vegetable that you find at most meals?

Lisa: I suppose we often eat potatoes with our main meal. Potatoes are very popular. But we also eat a lot of pasta, but we don`t eat a lot of pasta, but we don`t eat pasta and potatoes!

Q: Are there many people who don`t eat meat in Britain?

Lisa: Yes, there are many vegetarians like me in Britain. Every restaurant will always offer several vegetarian dishes, and when people come to dinner you always check to see if there any vegetarians.

T – Cl: And what are Russian traditions having meals?

P1: Some people eat eggs. As for me I like scrambled eggs.

P2: Yes, we eat meat and vegetables at the main meal.

P3: Even at school we have meat for dinner every day etc.

T – Cl: We see people in Russia and Great Britain have much in common. British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. Eating in Britain is quite international as well as in Russia. You`ve done a lot of work today. I want to say “Thank you” to all of you. Our lesson is over.

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