Урок английского языка в 5-м классе по теме "Around a strange town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Lesson objectives

Pp will be able

  • to ask for and give information about location using prepositions of place.

Skills development

Pp will practice

  • listening for specific information
  • reading for information and for further speaking about the place
  • working with a street map

Materials: street maps, pictures of objects in a town, a policeman cap in a box Warm- up. To revise the vocabulary.


Today we are traveling around a strange town. What can we see in the town? Listen to my associations about the places in the town and try to name them :

- beds, patients, white, doctors;

- stamps, telegrams, letters;

- desks, blackboards, classrooms, children, teachers;

- cars, uniform, criminals, policemen, killers;

- trees, bikes, games, benches, birds, fountain, dogs;

- chairs, no light, actors, films, popcorn;

- Don’t talk, a lot of shelves, bookcases, books, lamps


Listen and guess



Post office


Police station




 (на доске вывешиваются картинки или таблички отгаданных объектов)

2A. To practise using prepositions of place.


Look at the street map on the blackboard. The map has some blanks. Choose the right place for these objects (pictures on the blackboard). Put them on the map.


Speak and use the structure:

There is a … (opposite\ next to\ behind\ on the left of\ etc.) …

(один ученик может быть у доски, слушать класс и вывешивать картинки или таблички на карте, либо отдельные ученики выходят к доске и сами определяют место разных объектов на карте)

2В. To ask about places, to practice: Is there…? - Yes, there is.\ No, there isn’t.


Let’s play the game. One of you goes out. We hide an object (school) on the map. When he comes back he should guess the place of the object.


Ask questions and guess:

P: Is there a school near the museum?

Pp: No there isn’t.

P: Is there a school opposite the bank?

Pp: …

(можно играть в игру несколько раз, меняя ведущих и отгадываемые объекты)

3. To listen for specific information.


Listen to 5 short conversations and find the place on the map. Do ex. 2, p. 90.

Listen to the tape again to check the answers (pause after each conversation).


Listen and put the numbers

Name the objects

 (один ученик может озвучивать правильные ответы в конце каждого диалога)

4. To read for specific information


1. – Excuse me, where can we find a bank?

- There’s a big one in Silver Street on the right of the supermarket.

2. – Excuse me, do you know where we can park our car?

- Go to Silver Street. There is a car park on the corner.

3. – Excuse me; we’re looking for a hotel?

- Oh, yes. There’s one in Apple Street next to the museum.

4. - Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?

- Of course, there’s one behind the shops in Apple Street.

5. – Excuse me can you tell me where the post office is?

- Over there in Broad Street, opposite the swimming pool.

6. – Excuse me, where the library is?

- On the left! It’s between the cinema and the school.



Look at the street map and read the dialogues. Mark the objects on the map.

Compare your answers in pairs and practice your reading. Change your roles.


Read and fill in. Work individually.

Work in pairs and read

 (можно обратить внимание на произношение и интонацию наиболее трудных фраз и выражений)

5. To ask for and give information about location


I have a surprise for you. It’s in this box. Can you guess where it is from? Ask me questions.

Yes, it’s from the police station. It’s a policeman cap. Look!

Here it is! Now, we can play a game. One of you is a policeman and he has a policeman map. The rest are passers-by in a strange town. They ask for information about location of the given places and the policeman gives it to you. Find the places on a passer- by map.


Ask and guess:

-Is it from the bank\ school\ cinema\ police station?

Play the dialogues:

- Excuse me.

- Yes.

- Can you tell me where the

stadium is?

- It’s behind the Sport shop.

- Thank you.

Listen to the policeman and find the places on the map. Fill in the form on their own or in pairs.

(по окончании игры один из “прохожих” идёт к доске и демонстрирует местоположение объектов на большом плане, используя структуру: There is a …)

6. Homework. To practise writing about the place where Pp live. Ex. 5, p. 90.