"Welcome to Russia". Обобщающий урок английского языка в 10-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Я работаю в средней общеобразовательной школе № 14 города Кирова учителем английского языка. Я очень люблю свой предмет и постоянно думаю, как увлекательнее провести урок, как сделать так, чтобы интерес к предмету не пропадал ни на минуту у моих учеников. Нестандартные формы проведения уроков привлекают внимание учащихся, повышают их интерес к предмету и, как следствие, способствуют лучшему усвоению материала.

Сейчас преподавание осуществляется по учебнику английского языка для 10-11-х классов В. П. Кузовлева, который повышает мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка через ролевые игры и увлекательные проекты. Вот такой проект “Let’s make a guidebook about Russia” был представлен на данном уроке обучающими 10 класса.

Привожу далее содержание этого урока.

Цель урока:

  • образовательная - развитие речевых умений, умения систематизировать учебный материал, уметь применять его в учебной ситуации;
  • развивающая – развитие самостоятельности, индивидуальности, умения высказываться логично и связно, с достаточной скоростью, выражая законченную мысль;
  • воспитательная - прививать учащимся любовь к родной стране, краю, уважительное отношение к своему народу. Воспитывать умение работать в коллективе бесконфликтно и, следовательно, эффективно, прислушиваясь к мнению товарищей.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.

III. Основной этап.

1. Составляем туристический буклет о России. Проекты учащихся.

  • Первая страница –“Географические особенности России ”.
  • Вторая страница – “Характерные черты россиян ”.
  • Третья страница – “Мой родной край ”.

2. Релаксационная пауза (песня “We are the world”)

3. Употребление косвенных вопросов в вежливой форме в различных речевых ситуациях. (Диалоги обучающихся)

  • В туристическом агентстве.
  • Беседа двух друзей о летних каникулах.

IV. Контроль и самопроверка знаний.

  1. Выполнение тестовых заданий
  2. Поставить определённый артикль, если это необходимо, Составить предложение, соединив линиями две части по смыслу.
  3. Зачеркнуть лишнее слово.
  4. Найти в предложениях ошибки и исправить их.

V. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher (T): Morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Is everybody on time? I hope nobody is absent today.

Pupil (P): Yes, all the pupils are on time.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.

T: Тоday some guests are present at our lesson. It’s very good for us because you are going to present а guidebook for foreign tourists “Welcome to Russia”. There will be three pages. They will help foreigners to know and understand Russia – its geographical peculiarities, the influence of geography on Russian people and their lifestyles, the Russians’ personality traits and some interesting facts about our native town. Let’s begin our presentation “Welcome to Russia!”

III. Основной этап.

1. . Составляем туристический буклет о России. Проекты учащихся.

P1: Let’s dream a little. Imagine yourself in a plane flying over its territory. You will see wonderful sights: blue lines of the rivers, blue mirrors of the lakes and seas, green plains and forests and high mountains. Our country is huge in size. You will enjoy every minute of your flight.

P2: Yes, you are right. Let’s speak about the geographical peculiarities of Russia and their influence on Russian people and lifestyle. It will be the first page of our guidebook.

P3, P4: The students’ projects

“What is special about the geographical position of Russia. ”

“The geographical position of a country can explain a lot of things.”

T: Thank you very much for your projects. They give us some new information and a clear explanation how Russia’s geography influences its people’s life.

P5: The second page of our guidebook “Welcome to Russia” is the personality traits of Russians. There is a belief that some national characteristics of people are the result of the influence of geography on the country. What can we say about Russians? Are they different from the other nations?

P6, P7: The students’ projects

“The typical personality traits of Russians.”

“The Russian national character is influenced by geography.”

T: Your projects are interesting. The description of Russians is fantastic. We are all lucky to be Russians.

P8: There are stereotypes about different nations. The British are said to be polite, conservative, careful about almost everything. Americans are known to be risk-takers, to have a sense of optimism. Russians are considered to be tough, cautious, patient, to value stability, social order. Now we can say that understanding the differences and similarities between people and their behaviour in different countries is the first step to bridging them.

P9: Russians are supposed to think of themselves as having not just one motherland but two – Russia and some little places of it where they were born.

The third page of our guidebook is about Kirov, our native town. We don’t want to live 2anywhere else but in Kirov. We were born here and we are not going to leave it. Kirov is a charming place. What can we say about our native town to foreigners?

P10,11: The students’ projects

“Some glimpses of Vyatka”

“Foreigners in Vyatka”

T: Thank you very much for your information about our country and its people.

I think our guidebook “Welcome to Russia” will be very useful for foreigners.

2. Релаксационная пауза (песня “We are the world”)

There comes a time when we heed a certain call

When the world must come together as one

There are people dying – and it’s time to lend a hand

To life … the greatest gift of all

We can’t go on – pretending day by day

That some one – somewhere will soon make a change

We are all a part of – god’s great big family

And the truth – you know love is all we need


We are the world – we are the children

We are the ones to make a brighter day

So let’s start giving

There’s a choice we’re making

We’re saving our own lives

It’s true – we make a better day just you and me.

3. Употребление косвенных вопросов в вежливой форме в различных речевых ситуациях. (Диалоги обучающихся)

The best way to discover Russia is to visit Russia. To know Russia is to love Russia. When the foreigners are going to Russia they have to ask a lot of questions to find out information about various things. The way they speak depends on the situations they are in.(formal, informal, neutral ).

It’ s useful to get information in travel agencies. Now you will listen to the conversation in one of them and answer the questions:

What kind of situation is the foreigner in formal, informal or neutral?

What expressions do the people use in this situation?

Visitor (V): Good afternoon !

Travel22 agent (TA): Good afternoon! What can I do for you?

V: I’m going to Russia in July. And I’d like to make the most of my holidays. What would you advise me to visit?

TA: Oh, there are a lot of special tours. They’ll take you to all the important historic places. I wonder if you could tell me what you are interested in?

V: Russian history and literature.

Do you know what the weather is like in Russia in summer?

TA: Most summer days are pleasantly warm.

V: Can you tell me what travel documents I need? Besides I’d like to know what the average temperature is in Russia at this time? Things like that.

TA: All that information you’ll find in this leaflet.

V: Thank you very much for your help. See you soon. Bye.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

T: Now you’ll listen to the conversation of two friends.

F1: Hello, how were your holidays?

F2: Oh! Great, thanks! My family and I spent a month in Russia.

F1: Any idea what your strongest impression of visiting Russia was?

F2: Everything was so great that it’s hard to notice anything special.

F1: That’s really nice. I’d like to know if it is wonderful to discover new countries?

The best city in Russia is Moscow, I believe. I’d like to visit it someday.

F2: Yes, Moscow is fantastic. But people. They are very hospitable. By the way, I’d like to know where you have been this summer.

F1: I investigated our own country...

Учащиеся определяют стиль речи.

IV. Контроль и самопроверка знаний.

T: Now you will write the test.

1.What do these geographical names stand for? Write the correct information. Add articles where necessary.

Yenisei largest lake in Northern Russia.
Arctic Ocean river in Siberia.
Lake Ladoga is most populous city in Russia.
Mount Elbrus coldest ocean in world.
Volga highest mountain in Caucasus.
Moscow longest river in Europe

2.Which is the odd word out? Why?

Ocean sea river mountain
Valley park prairie mountain
Sea coast beach field
Forest wood river tree

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

- I should interested to know what are the major country’s exports and imports?

- Do you know how many time zones are there in Russia?

- Have you got any idea why are winter posidelki so popular with Russians?

- Do you happen know how far is it to the airport?

- Could you tell me what climate has Central Russia?

- I’d like know what area does Russia cover?

- I wonder if you could tell me why do Russians take off shoes and leave them at the door?

V. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

T: I appreciate your work very much today. Your marks are …

(Учащиеся слушают оценку своих проектов и выбирают лучший)

Can you tell me if our guidebook will be useful for foreigners?

(Ученики оценивают свою работу)

Thanks for the lesson. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Good-bye.