Урок по страноведению в 9-м классе с углубленным изучением английского языка "Четыре части Объединенного Королевства Великобретании и Республики Башкортостан"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: практическое использование знаний учащихся о политико-административных единицах Великобритании в сравнении с Республикой Башкортостан.


1. Активизировать употребление лексико-грамматических единиц на основе заданной ситуации по предмету география.
2. Развивать интерес учащихся к традициям народов Великобритании и Башкортостана.
3. Воспитывать у учащихся гордость за свою республику.

Оборудование: Техническое оснащение:

1. Компьютер
2. Телевизор
3. Интерактивная доска
4. Видео диски и видеокассеты.

Наглядность и раздаточный материал:

  1. Карта Объединённого Королевства.
  2. Карточки в “волшебной шкатулке”.
  3. Листы – опросчики.
  4. Карточки, прикреплённые к доске, показывающие план изложения материала.
  5. Плакат с картинками из жизни Великобритании “It’s all the UK”.

Продолжительность урока: два академических часа.

Ход урока:

1.Начало урока. Введение в тему.

Учитель: Hello, how are you? How do you like today’s weather?

Ученик: Well, it’s not bad. Perhaps, a bit windy, but not so dreadful.

Учитель: What do you think the weather is like in Great Britain now?

Ученик: Which part of Great Britain are you asking about?

Учитель: And which parts do you know?

Ученик: Well, they are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. And I can also tell you about the weather particularly in London.

Учитель: Oh, you are speaking like a real Englishman. Let’s forecast the weather in any part of Great Britain.

Ученик: (у карты Великобритании): And now with you is a weather forecaster with a weather report on TV. This is … with a look at weather problems in Great Britain. It’s a bit chilly with strong wind in Scotland. Wales meets us with scattered clouds and gusts of gall. The weather in Northern Ireland suggests taking umbrellas: it’s going to rain heavily during the day. And finally, the southern resorts of England are sunny, but temperature drops to 10`C above zero.

Учитель: Thanks, it’s more than enough. Can you forecast the weather in London?

Ученик:I guess, the sky is overcast, it’s drizzling, the fog is so thick that it makes it difficult to see anything so close.


Учитель: So, we’ve discussed the weather patterns in different parts, but you can guess we aren’t going to speak only about the weather, but about peculiarities of different parts of the country. We’ve launched five projects and today the students are presenting them at the lesson. But we have to do some warning – up work for better comprehension. Here’s a magic box with some flash – cards. Pick up one each and explain what this word means and what and how it refers to.

Ученик выбирают слова из коробки и дают объяснения.

Loch – an old word for ‘lake’ in Scotland.

Kilt – a traditional checked skirt worn by men in Scotland.

Bagpipes – a national musical instrument of the Scots.

The Celts – tribes of ancient people who came from Europe and settled in Britain.

Snow don – the highest peak in Wales.

The City – the business and financial centre of London.

Gaelic – the language spoken by the ancient Britons and still spoken in some villages of Scotland and Wales.

Albion – the root of the word means”white”. The Romans saw the white cliffs of the country while reaching it by sea. И другие.

3.Презентация сообщений. (2 сообщения) (Примечание 1, 2)


Учитель: To make a break I’d like to ask you about the superlative facts concerning Great Britain. You are to start with “The most … is …” or “The …est is …” For example: the biggest city in Great Britain is London.

Ученики дают следующие факты:

- The longest river is the Severn.

- The most densely populated part in England.

- The most popular pet with the English is a cat.

- The most frequently mined natural resource is coal.

- The highest peak of Great Britain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.

- The most picturesque part of Great Britain is Lake District.

- The most ever popular British musical group is “The Beatles”.

- The most visited top attraction of Great Britain is Stonehenge, the place of the pagans’ worship in England.

5.Презентация следующих сообщений.

(Примечания 3,4)


Учитель: before the final presentation, let’s check your homework. You were given the task to prepare an interesting fact about Great Britain, the one which is supposed we don’t know.

Учащиеся рассказывают интересные факты о Великобритании.

  1. ‘You’re English’ will sound rather offensive to the people of other parts, but England. They prefer being called the Welsh, Irish, Scottish.
  2. The British are known to stick to their customs and traditions. They still try to live isolatedly. For example, if they live in a block of flats, each flat has a separate entrance door or the doors are painted in different colours.
  3. Football being the most popular sport and game is played in many villages on holidays. The match can last for a whole day because the gates are sometimes tens of kilometres from each other.
  4. One of the peculiarities that differs Wales from any part of Great Britain is that they have preserved their language and it’s not dead. In some villages people don’t even understand English.
  5. The Scots used to live in clans. The clans have been preserved though rather formally. Each clan has their own tartan kilt pattern and colour, coat of arms, anthem and brand of scotch.

7. Презентация последнего сообщения.

(Примечание 5)

8. Заключительная часть урока.

1.Учитель: It was super! I’ve heard many new facts. Now we’ll see how well you’ve obtained the information at the lesson. I am going to give out the sheets with the comparative characteristics of some facts about Great Britain. You have to tell us the corresponding fact about Bashkortostan. (Ученики обсуждают материал опросника). Опросник, прилагается.

2.Учитель: Now, we’ve discussed everything. I hope you’ve learned a lot of new facts both about Greet Britain and our native republic of Bashkortostan. Thank you for the lesson.

The questionnaire.

  1. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy consisting of 4 federal self – governing parts. Bashkortostan …
  2. England enjoys the humid and mild marine climate with warm winters and summers and a lot of rainfall throughout the year. Bashkortostan …
  3. The territory of Scotland is 78.8 square kilometres Bashkortostan occupies …
  4. The capital of Wales is Cardiff, where as in Bashkortostan it’s …
  5. There’s a red hound on the Irish flag and its symbol is a shamrock. Bashkortostan has …
  6. Scotland is divided into the Highlands and lowlands because it has the upland areas and valleys. Bashkortostan is …
  7. Coal, cooper, iron, lead, silver and gold have been mined in Wales. In Bashkortostan …
  8. Light engineering, machine production, electronics, textile manufacturing are the industries developed in Northern Ireland. Bashkortostan is famous for its …
  9. There are 26 rivers flowing directly into the sea in England. In Bashkortostan …

Each part of Great Britain has its local parliament and sends its representatives to British Parliament. The Parliament of Bashkortostan is …
