Урок английского языка на тему "Погода"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема: Погода.
2 урокa по 40 минут.
Цель урока:
формирование лексических навыков по теме.

Образовательный компонент цели урока:

  • совершенствование лексических навыков говорения;
  • закрепление изученной лексики;
  • совершенствование умения выражать мнение на тему “Weather”;
  • совершенствование правописания;
  • совершенствование лексических навыков аудирования.

Развивающий компонент цели урока:

  • развивать информационно-коммуникативную компетенцию;
  • развитие учебно-организационных и учебно-интеллектуальных умений и навыков;
  • формирование умений понимания аутентичного материала.

Воспитательный компонент цели урока:

  • расширение кругозора учащихся;
  • формирование умения работать самостоятельно и в парах;
  • развитие логики, памяти, мышления.

Практический компонент цели урока:

  • практическое применение речевых умений на практике, осуществление общения только на английском языке;
  • способствовать всестороннему развитию личности, творческих способностей детей.

Тип урока:

интегрированный, урок по закреплению и совершенствованию знаний.


  • репродуктивно-продуктивный;
  • наглядно визуальный;
  • частично-поисковый.

Методическое обеспечение урока:

  • материал учебника “Rising Star. A Pre-First Certificate Course”, урок 4, упр.2, 3;
  • материал учебника “English Vocabulary in Use” upper-intermediate, урок 32, упр. 32.1,32.3, 32.4,32.5.

Оснащенность урока:

  1. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. “English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate”, Cambridge University press.
  2. Мультимедийный учебник “English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate”, Cambridge University press.
  3. www.bbc.co.uk/worldwheather.

Lesson plan

Teacher: Nigmatullina N.N. Date: 27.02.2007. Group: 9d

Main aim: to provide opportunities for the general development of speaking skills and fluency practice оn the topic and to develop listening skills.

Text book: “Rising Star. A Pre-First Certificate Course” by Luke Prodromou.

Additional literature: “English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate”

Support materials: cards with words about weather, cards with situations.

Equipment used: a board, a tape recorder, computers.






•Greeting.(Model : T-CI)

-Hello, my friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you getting on? I hope, well.

•Introducing the topic of the lesson

-We are going on with the present topic- “weather”. Look at the board (there is a proverb: “You never know where you are with the weather”). And as I want you to always know where you are- we should learn as much as possible about the subject.

2 min

warm up


•Checking H/W (Model : T-P1-P2-P3 etc.).

-First of all, of course we should check your homework, the vocabulary that we covered at the previous lesson. So let’s start.

• matching (cards)

-There are some words written on the board. Match each word with the word I have and give a definition. (Board: snow, thunder, gale, torrential, heat, down, hail. Cards: stones, pour, wave, rain, warning, storm, drift. Definitions (possible answers): deep banks of snow against the walls. (snow drift), thunder and heavy rain. (thunderstorm), very hot, dry period. (heat wave), small balls of ice falling from the sky. (hailstones), when people are informed there is a hurricane on the way. (a gale warning), heavy rain (torrential rain).

• giving definitions

-Now vice-versa. I‘m giving some definitions-you are trying to guess what it is.

1) Mixture of fog and pollution (smog).

2) Dirty, brownish, half-snow, half-water (slush).

3) Change from solid to liquid under heat. (melts)

4) Light mist, usually caused by heat. (haze/hazy)

5) Deep banks of snow against walls. (snow drift)

6) Thunder and heavy rain. (thunderstorm)

7) Very hot, dry period. (heat wave)

8) Small balls of ice falling from the sky. (hailstones)

9) Thin white coat of ice on everything. (frost)

10) Snow blown by high winds. (blizzards)

10 min to remember and check vocabulary covered before, to develop speaking skills and fluency practice
3). •Practising Vocabulary

(Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc.).

CD program “Vocabulary in use. Cambridge.

Upper intermediate.” Unit 32 “Weather”

Exercises:1,2,3. See appendix 1.

- Not bad at all. You’ve done it and certainly deserve to do what you like doing most. Now you may work with computers. The program is your favourite one “English vocabulary in use. Upper intermediate”. Go to the menu, click on units 30-45, click on “weather”. You are supposed to do exercises one and two and the test on the topic. You have 10-12 minutes and when you are ready, call me to show your progress in the progress part. Feedback.

15min to practise vocabulary, to develop memory,

to develop spelling

4). Speaking (Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc. Pair work).

-completing given situations

SB Unit 32, Ex 32.3

When someone is ready I give a card with the next task. See appendix 2.

- Your task is to think over what kind of weather caused the following to happen? Think of what could happen before a given situation. You can work in pairs to complete the situations. Feedback.

10 min To develop speaking skills.
5).Find information and report back. (Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc. Discussion.).

Internet www.bbc.co.uk/worldweather. See appendix 3.

- Now my friends I see you are really very good at this topic. And it’s high time we had a look at the world weather forecast to find out about the best and the worst places for the coming holidays. Are you ready to surf the Net? Open the Net page. Enter the address given on the board. You have 5 minutes to find out as much as possible about world weather. Be ready to report back where to go and why, and where not to go and why as well.


Students report back and discuss, as a whole class, possible places.

10 min To develop reading, speaking skills.
6) Listening and speaking.

(Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc.).

-We are not the only ones who are going to travel.

There are three women who are talking about their future plans. Open your books, page 49, exercise 2. You are going to hear three women who share a house in England, speak. Eva is from Greece, Alice is British and Bjorn is Norwegian. Listen to the tape. Tick the chart to show which country the expressions in exercise 1 describe. (tape. Feed back.)

- Now exercise 3. You are going to listen to the same conversation again, for each question 1-7, decide whether the answer is Yes or No. (tape. Feed back.)

See appendix 4.

20 min To develop listening and speaking skills.
7). Speaking. (Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc. Pair work).

- Now it’s your turn to talk about the weather. Every pair is given two situations and you are supposed to give a two minute talk on them. First take it in turns to deliver a two minute monologue on each situation. Then two students will introduce their monologues to the whole class. You have two – three minutes to be ready. After listening to your partner’s answer you are supposed to analyze it and mark it.

10 min To apply vocabulary, to develop speaking skills.
6). Conclusion, giving Homework. (Model: T-P1-P2-P3 etc.).

- Choose one word or phrase about the weather to describe what you feel about our lesson and why?

- Please continue to work with this topic at home. Exercises 32.4, 32.5. from “English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate” will help you. See appendix 2.

- Also exchange given situations and write about them at home.

2-3 min To provide feedback.