Внеклассное мероприятие для начальной школы "Merry Christmas"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Для каждого класса были составлены посильные конкурсные задания. Чтобы младшие школьники лучше поняли исторические события, ребята 6-го класса изготовили макет “Вертепа”. В ходе повествования они расставляли картонные фигурки действуюших лиц в определьнном порядке.

Оформление: нарисованый большой камин, на который повесили заранее изготовленые малышами носочки, ёлка, композиции со свечами, колокольчики, веточки, рисунки.

Действующие лица: Harry Potter, Santa Claus, ангелы

Harry Potter: Hello, my dear friends ! I am very glad to see you today! Do you know what is my name?

Children: Hello, Harry Potter! We are very glad to see you too!

H. P.: What is you name?

P. 1: My name is Pavel.

H. P.: How are you?

P. 1: I am fine, thank you!

H. P.:

  • How old are you?
  • What form are you in?
  • Where are you from? (etc.)

(Диалог проводится с несколькими малышами)

Н. P.: Today is the 25 th of December. You study English and you want to celebrate this magic holiday with your English and American friends. Enjoy our Christmas party! Let‘s play, sing, dance, recite poems and listen the Christmas story!

(Девочки в костюмах ангелов поют <<WIND THROUGH THE OLIVE TREES>>. Одна девочка – ангел танцует.
Эта музыкальная группа исполняет все песни под электропианино.)


Приложение 1

H. P.: The Bible tells us a very interesting story. There was a fine night. Some shepherds herded their sheep. Suddenly they saw a big bright star. An angel appeared to them ahd told that a SAVOUR had been born ih Bithlehem. The shepherds went there to see the JESUS. The baby JESUS was born in the stable.

His father was JOSEF and his mother was the VIRGIN MARY.

(звучит песня << ROCKIHG>>)

Приложение 2

H. P.: The Bible tells us how the WISE MEN followed this big bright star until it led them to JESUS. The WISE MEN gave JESUS many gifts. Because of the birth of JESUS CHRIST, the Christians celebrate CHRISTMAS.

(звучит песня <<BORN THIS NIGHT>>)

Приложение 3

P. 1:

I love Christmas for most of all.
I look forward to a neighbour’s call,
A friendly chat, a cap o f tea.
Love in the home means Christmas to me.

P. 2:

I love Christmas for many things
Trees, candles, angel wings,
Stars in the heavens,
Snow covered hills.

P. 3:

Litle toy trains,
Dolls in their frills.
I love Christmas, ribbons of gold,
Familiar carols, so very old.

P. 4:

Sweet candy canes, bright red sled
Little kids tucked snug
In their beds.

P. 5:

I’ve done many things for Christmas:
I’ve tied each present with bow,
But there’s one thing
I wanted to tell you,
How much I love you,
But I think you know.

P. 6:

It’s our love for little children
That keeps Chistmas all year long.
As we listen to their laughter,
We can make a Christmas song.

(все поют << Jingle Bells>>)

(Выходят дети, у каждого по две карточки с буквами.)

A is for angels from haven above.

B is for bells, ringing news of God’s love.

C is for Christmas, our most joyful day.

D is for Dancer, who pulls Santa’s sleigt.

E is for evergreen, a fine Christmas tree.

F is for flower, so pretty to see.

G is for gifts for our friends big and finy.

H is for holly with leaves green and shiny.

I is for icicles agleam in the sun.

J is for JESUS, the holiest one.

K is for kitten, a warn Christmas ball.

L is for Chistmas lights.

M is for mailbox with mail over flowing.

N is for neighbors, their cold faces glowing.

O is for ornaments, cheery and gleaming.

P is for plum pudding, tasty and steaming.

Q is for guilt rof a long winter’s nap.

R is for ribboh, you present to wrap.

S is for Santa Claus, stockings and sleight.

T is for tree, shining on Christmas Day.

U is for all that is under the tree.

V is for voices, singihg with glee.

W is for wreath, the best one we found.

X is for kisses and hugs all around.

Y is for Yuletide, the time of good cheer.

Z is for Zoom! Santa’ll be back next year.

H. P.: Well done! I am surprised and admire you! You are so clever , gay, merry, nice! It’s time , my dear friends …

(Под музыку и звон колокольчиков выходит Santa Claus.)

S. C.: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! I agree with you,Harry. These boys and girls are very clever, beautiful and so funny!

I live in England
Funny and merry.
My cheeks are like roses,
My nose is like a cherry.
With a branch of green holly
And robin, his friend
To all little children
Best wishes I send!
Merry Christmas, my dear friends!

Ch.: Merry Christmas, Santa Claus!

S. C.: I see a beautiful Christmas tree, a fire place with many stockinds, nice pictures and cards! Do you know poems about me?

(S. C. caдится в кресло около камина, слушает выступления детей, раздает конфеты.)

S. C.: Thank you, my dear boys and girls! Now let’s play some funny games (<<Can You?>>, <<Alouette>>, <<London Bridge>>, <<Missing Consonant Puzzle >>, <<Christmas Word Hunt>>.)

Приложение 4

S. C.: Thank you very much! But I must go away! I want you to be healthy,to be good students! Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Трубникова Т. А., Шеварихина Ю. С. Сценарии тематических вечеров. Ростов н/Д: 2002.
  2. Galina Dolya “ Happy English”. Москва:1994.