Открытый историко-познавательный урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме “Robert Burns is the greatest poet of Scotland” (Роберт Бёрнс — величайший поэт Шотландии)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Участники: 6, 8 классы.
Цели урока:

  • научить учащихся самостоятельно работать с фонетическим материалом стихов и песен;
  • формировать актёрские навыки при исполнении стихов, пьес, песен на английском языке;
  • активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника; повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Задачи урока:
Образовательная: добиться правильного употребления речевых образцов в стихах и пьесах (I don’t know…, I can’t…, Can you…? You can’t…).Познакомить учащихся с творчеством Джерома К.Джерома. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики, используемой в пьесах.
Развивающая: развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, уметь импровизировать; развить память и логическое мышление учащихся.
Воспитательная: создать благоприятный эмоционально-психологический климат, атмосферу благожелательности, сопереживания героям пьес, сопричастности, сотрудничества и сотворчества. Воспитать в детях положительный образ матери, женщины.

Ход мероприятия

Beauty, woman, girl, flowers, Mother, spring. There’re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words! Today, you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and spring. Each of you is the mother, mummy, mam! This party is dedicated to you!
Pupil 1:
I love dear Mummy!
I love her very much!
And do you love your Mummy?
Children (in chorus):
Of course, we do!
Pupil 2:
Who loves Mummy best?
“I”, says Fred,
“I give her flowers:
White, yellow and red.”
Who loves Mummy best?
Pupil 3:
“I”, says May,
“With my dear Mummy
I always play.”
Who loves Mummy best?
Pupil 4:
“I”, says Joe,
“She asks to help her
And I always do so.”
Pupil 5:
I’m mother’s little pet,
Yes, that’s me
And my hair is very black
As you can see.
Pupil 6:
I’ve two balls, many toys
And a brother.
And I’m very, very
Fond of my mother.
Pupil 7:
Who fed me when I was a child?
Children (in chorus):
My mother!
Pupil 8:
Who sat and watched my childish head,
When I slept in my little bed?
Children (in chorus):
My mother!
Pupil 9:
Mother is busy
From morning till night
Keeping her family
Happy and bright!
Pupil 10:
Help your mother to lay the table
With a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother to lay the table
Every afternoon!
Pupil 11:
Help your mother to clear the table,
Take the knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother to clear the table
Morning, night and afternoon!
Pupil 12:
Make basket
For your mother
And fill it
With flowers gay.
Then put in a card
Just to say:
Children (in chorus):
Happy Mother’s Day!
Pupil 13:
Each bright flower
Is here to say
My wish for you
Children (in chorus):
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thank you! Now we’ll watch a few plays. Our children have prepared short plays about mothers. One of them is

“Little lost Baby”

Characters: Story-teller, baby Animal (Elis), Dog, Cat, Bear, Elephant, Squirrel.
The baby animal had walked all morning and most of the afternoon. He was tired. He was lost. He couldn’t remember his name. he didn’t even know what he was. He wanted his mummy.
Baby Animal:
I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. I want my mummy. Whose baby animal am I?
He met Mother Dog. She was knitting a sweater for her baby.
Baby Animal:
I’m lost. I can’t remember my name. will you be my mummy?
Mother Dog:
Can you sound like a dog? Can you say, “Bow-wow. Bow-wow?”
Baby Animal:
Mother Dog:
I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a dog.
Baby Animal met Mother Cat. She was making a birthday cake for her kittens.
Baby Animal:
I am lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mummy?
Mother Cat:
Can you sound like a cat? Can you say, “Meow, meow?”
Baby Animal:
Mother Cat:
I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a cat.
Baby Animal met Mother Bear. She was reading a story to her bears.
Baby Animal:
I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mummy?
Mother Bear:
Can you sound like a bear? Can you say “Grr, grr?”
Baby Animal:
Mother Bear:
I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a bear.
Baby Animal met Mother Squirrel. She was spanking her baby squirrels.
Baby Animal:
I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mummy?
Mother Squirrel:
Can you sound like a squirrel? Can you say, “Keoo, keoo?”
Baby Animal:
Mother Squirrel:
I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a squirrel.
Baby Animal met Mother Elephant. She was all alone. She was weeping.
Baby Animal:
I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mummy?
Mother Elephant:
Can you say, “Ugh, ugh?”
Baby Animal:
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Mother Elephant:
I am glad. You are my lost baby. Your name is Eli. I’m your mother.

Thank you! It was very touching play. Now let us watch the second play. It’s about fruits. Its title is “Fruit Present.”

“Fruit Present”

Characters:Story-teller, Girl, Pineapple, Banana, Cherries, Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Mother.
Once a girl decided to bake a pie for her mother’s birthday. She took some fruit out of the fridge and began to think what kind of pie she would bake. And the fruit began to argue.
Everybody knows that pineapple is the king of the table! Look how beautiful I am! I even have a crown of leaves on my head!
But nobody bakes pies with pineapples. A pie with banana and apple is quite a different thing! It is so tasty!
The best pie in the world is cherry pie! Just imagine-this pie is sweet and sour at the same time.
But plum is very good, too. You are too sour, while the banana is too sweet! Plum pie is the tastiest in the world!
The fruit quarreled. Now they were sitting in different corners of the room and didn’t want to talk to each other. The poor girl didn’t know what to do- it was her mother’s birthday and she had no pie at all! What if she put all the fruit together?
That is a very good idea. I am very glad of it. First of all I’ ll make my batter and then cut the fruit.
But the fruit didn’t like it.
Fruit (all together):
You can’t put us in your pie together. It is impossible! It is so ugly!
If you mix us, the pineapple will become red from the cherry’s juice.
And the banana will become blue from the plum’s juice!
Besides, the banana is very soft and if you put it together with the pear, the banana will melt while the pear will be hard!
Fruit (all together):
We are not going to sit together in the same pie!
But what should I go? I wanted to celebrate my mother’s birthday ever so much!
It’s quite simple . We will prepare a fruit dinner.
But what is that?
For example you can prepare a very tasty fruit salad. You need a banana, an apple and a pear.
You can make a wonderful pudding out of me!
Very well! We’ll make an orange pudding. And what about the cherries?
We’ll be the dessert. You can dress us with cream and put us into small glasses.
That’s great! So I’ll bake a plum pie.
I agree!
The plum liked this very much. She knew that she was very good for people’s health and that doctors advise people to eat plums in the morning.
But what about the pineapple?
The girl was glad that the fruit were not quarrelling.
We have forgotten about you!
Pine apple:
Oh, no! I’ll be the decoration of the table. Besides, you can cut me into pieces so everyone will get me.
And so they did. When Mother came there was a real celebration.
Fruit (all together):
Sing the song “Happy Birthday!”
What a clever daughter I have! How did you do it?
My friends helped me! Thank them very much!
All the fruit were lying on the table and were very happy.

Pupil 1:
Dear mothers and teaches! We wish you:
Pupil 2: happiness.
Pupil 3: good health.
Pupil 4: love.
Pupil 5: gladness.
Pupil 6: kind ness.
Pupil 7: warm sun rays.
Pupil 8: good children.
Pupil 9: loving husbands.
Pupil 10: beauty.
Pupil 11: many flowers.
Pupil 1: We like way looke
Pupil 2: We like the way you cook.
Pupil 3: Now what we really say so much
All together: Is: “Happy 8th of March!”
Поют песню «My dear mummy.”

Thank you. It was the performance of the 6th form pupils. I hope all of you will like the next play “An absent-minded man” after Jerome K. Jerome.
Persons of the play:
Mr. Pratt, an absent-minded man
Mr. Stillkins, his friend
Mr. Mowitt, a young man
Mrs. Pratt
Mrs. Pratt’s mother, mrs. Snowdon

Scene 1:
Mr. Pratt appears pushing a pram in front of the curtain. There is a complete change of clothing in the pram, everything but the baby.
Pratt pushes the pram slowly and talks to hem self. When he comes to enumeration the baby’s clothes, he stops and lilts them up for in spection.
Mr. Pratt:
What a pity that my wife has gone to visit her mother and has left the baby behind. Now I have the trouble of talking everything to her, and I am afraid I have forgotten something. (Pratt stops and scratches his head). Let me see. (Taking the things out). Flannel petticoats, bibs, socks. No, it isn’t that. There is something missing. Now let us start at the baby’s head and work down wards: bonnet, bib, flannel petticoat, socks… .Oh, no, that won’t do either.
He scratches his head. At this time stillkins appears from the opposite side of the stage.
Mr. Pratt:
Look here, Stillkins, think over your family and tell me what your babies wear. Start from morning and work down to the night.
Mr. Stillkins:
(Looking at his friend in wonder). Seems to me, your head wants some fresh air.
Mr. Pratt:
Oh, no. You see, I am taking the baby to his mother and I’ve forgotten one of his things- remind me what it is.
Mr. Stillkins: (At once)
Mr. Pratt:
No, I’ve thought of them dozens of times.
Mr. Stillkins:
Lace collars? Socks? Handkerchiefs?
Mr. Pratt:
No, it isn’t that.
Mr. Stillkins:
Flannel petticoats?
Mr. Pratt:
No, no, it isn’t that!
A young man approaches them, and Pratt seems very glad to see him.
Mr. Pratt:
I say, Mowitt, three heads are better than two. I’ve forgotten something belonging to the baby. Can’t you tell me what it is?
Mr. Mowitt:
Mr. Pratt:
Oh, dash it, no!
Mr. Stillkins:
Oh, no, we’ve thought of that lots of times.
They walk off the stage enumeration the things.

Scene 2:
A door to the lefts. Mr. Pratt and his friends approach the door. Pratt pushes the pram, the others mutter: “A bib? No, it isn’t. Flannel petticat? No, hot that.” Pratt rings at the door, the others stand at the door muttering:”Bibs, socks, bonnet, napkins.”
The door opens and Mrs. Pratt and her mother appears in the door.
Mrs. Pratt (to friends):
Hello, I am Mrs. Pratt.
Mrs. Pratt’s mother:
Hello, I am her mother, Mrs. Snowdon!
Mrs. Pratt wheels up the pram, his friends stand modestly aside. Mrs. Pratt runs to the pram to take the baby.
Mr. Pratt (to his wife who looks at the pram in horror, and then throws bibs, petticoats, etc. out, looking for the baby):
I know I’ve forgotten something, Lizzie, I’ve tried to remember, Stillkins and Mowitt… also…
Mrs. Pratt (shrieks):
Bibs?! Petticoats?! Socks?! You, idiot, where is the baby??!!
Everybody stands horror striken.

Pupil 1:
We like the way you look,
Pupil 2:
We like the way you cook.
Pupil 3:
Now what we really say so much
All together:
Is: “Happy 8th of March!”
Песня «I just called to say I love you.”

Список используемой литературы.
1. Коханова Т.В. Внеклассная работа. ИЯШ №3 2004.с. 63-64.
2. Алексеевцева В.С. Экологический КВН на английском языке. ИЯШ. №5 2006г с. 73.
3. Конышева А.В. Игровой метод в обучении иностранному языку. Санкт-Петербург, Каро, 2006г.
4. Миронова О.С. Английский язык. Поурочные планы по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой - второй год обучения. Волгоград: Учитель-АСТ, 2005г.
5. Подгорская О.Н., Черничкина Е.К. Английский язык: предметные недели в школе. - Волгоград: Учитель, 2007г.
6. Хаткевич О.А., Минич О.А. В помощь учителю английского языка.- Мн.: Изд. ООО «Красико-Принт», 2004г.(Педагогическая мастерская).
7. Амамджан Ш.Г. Играя, учись! М., «Просвещение», 1978г.