Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5-м классе по теме "Моя квартира"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Систематизировать и проконтролировать усвоение лексических навыков по теме «Моя квартира»;
  • Развитие умений применять полученные знания на практике;
  • Развитие умений сравнивать, соотносить, обобщать;
  • Воспитание внимания, памяти, языковой догадки и познавательного интереса учащихся.

Оборудование – предметные картинки с изображением различных комнат, лексические карточки, карточки с тестовыми заданиями по контролю аудирования.


1. Opгмомент

Teacher: Dear friends, today we are going to speak with you about your flat. Look at the blackboard! You see a house.

But what has happened to it? Everything here is mixed.
Who can help me to guess the words which are hidden here.

(Учащиеся восстанавливают слова -flat, room, bedroom, living room, dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.) и отрабатывают их хором, переводя на русский язык.

2. Основная часть урока. Развитие диалогической и монологической речи.

(Учитель использует предметные картинки и строит разговор на изученных структурах)

T:  Is it a bedroom?                               P: Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)
– What kind of room is it?                      – It is a bedroom.

T: The rooms may be different.

(На доске записи)

Big                     bad
Gloomy              uncomfortable
Good                 small
Clean                 light
Comfortable       dirty

T: Read these words and find the antonyms!
T: Let us play a game "A boaster" and describe your room.


P1 – My room is big and light and yours?
P2 – My room is big, light and clean...

T: Who can say the longest sentence?

3. Повторение лексики. Защита проектов. Работа в группах

Ex. 5, р. 105 (аудиозапись) – аудирование, чтение хором и индивидуально.

Т: Let us put all these things into your rooms (работа в группах)

1 гp. – А living room
2 гр. – A bedroom

(Уч-ся выходят к доске и прикрепляют рисунки, приготовленные дома, создавая проект)

Т: What is there in your room?

P1: There is a coffee table in the room. It is new and brown.
P2: There are pictures in my room. They are beautiful. Etc.

T: Now work in pairs and ask questions, using "Is(are) there ...in the room?"

P1: Is there a bookcase in your bedroom?
P2: No, there is not. There is no bookcase in my room.
P1: Is there a sofa in your room?
P2: Yes, there is. There is a new sofa in my room.
P1: Are there armchairs in your living room?
P2: Yes, there are. There are two armchairs in my room.
P1: How many beds are there in your bedroom?
P2: There are two beds in my bedroom.
P1: Is there a carpet on the floor?
P2: Yes, there is. Etc.

T: Let us see how attentive you were. Describe Nadia s room!

P1: Nadia s room is not big. There is a table, a sofa, two armchairs in her room. There is also a carpet on the floor. It is blue. There are three nice pictures on the walls. There is a TV and music centre at the window. The room is light and cosy.

4. Динамическая пауза

(Учащиеся, повторяя движения за учителем, рассказывают стихотворение наизусть)

This is my house,
This is the door!
The windows are clean,
And so is the floor!
Outside there's a chimney,
As tall as can be,
With smoke that goes up, come and see!

5. But before to come into this house and see what there is, you have to do this task.

(Учащиеся выполняют задание Ех.Б. p. 108 и осуществляют взаимоконтроль.)

Вставьте There is, There are, Are there или is there.

1. ... a bookcase in my room.
2. ... a wardrobe in your room?
3. ... a TV and a video at the window?
4. ... books on the bookshelf?
5. ... three rooms in my flat.
6. ... four armchairs in the living room.

6. Работа с текстом "The best room" и проверка понимания прочитанного

(Учитель, показывает план дома)

T: You see so many rooms in this house. And there are so many things there. Let us look at these rooms and decide which room is the best.

The best room. Ех.б. р.106

Sunday, 11 a.m.

Father: So, whose room is the best for Robin?
Misha: Our living room! It is very cosy. In our living room there is a big table, an old bookcase, a sofa, four chairs and two armchairs. There is also a TV and a video at the window.
Father: But it is a family room. This room is very noisy.
Misha: What about Masha's room? It is very nice. There is a coffee table, a chair and a big bed in that room. There is a carpet on the floor and a nice picture on the wall. It is a very comfortable room.
Sister: My room is small and there is one bed in my room. What about Misha' s room? It is big.
There are two small beds, a wardrobe and a bookshelf in his room. There is a computer on the table and two funny posters on the walls. There is also a Playstation under his bed. Misha: Yes, my room is the best!

(Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись текста и читают его по ролям)

Ех. 9. р. 107

T: Answer the questions!

Whose room is small?    P: Masha's room is small.
Whose room is cosy?     P: The parents' room is cosy.
Whose room is big?       P: Misha's room is big.

T: Let us describe these 3 rooms.

(Работа в группах. Глядя на рисунки Ех,10, р. 107, учащиеся описывают комнату Миши, Маши и родителей.)

7. Тестовый контроль аудирования по теме "Our house"

Rooms Bedroom Children's room Living room Dining-room Hall
№ 2 № 4 № 1 № 5 № 3

№ 1. There is a fireplace, a sofa, a TV. This room is not small. There is a big table with chairs in the middle of the room. There are pictures on the walls.
№ 2. The room is small. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a mirror and a carpet. The room is very nice.
№ 3. This is not a room. There is no table. There is a mirror, a telephone, a light switch. There are pictures on the wall.
№ 4. The room is small. There is a desk. There are two beds and some bookshelves. There are toys on the floor.
№ 5. The room is large. In the middle of the room there is a big table. There are some chairs round the table. On the table there are plates and cups, forks and spoons.

8. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока

T: Dear friends. I am very proud of you. You showed good knowledge today. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. You will have 5s and 4s for today. Your hometask is Ex. A. B. p. 108. Good-bye.