Интегрированный урок "Праздники в Великобритании и во Франции"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11 «В»

Выбран 11 «В» класс в связи с тем, что ребята в нём отличаются высокой учебной активностью. Их интерес к английскому и французскому языкам, наличие хорошей базы во всех видах речевой деятельности позволили использовать различные приёмы и формы обучения, создали все условия для проведения этого интегрированного урока.

Цель урока: формирование навыков устной речи, уч-ся используя биллингвальную модель обучения путём интегрированного урока.

Задачи урока:

  • осуществление межпредметных связей посредством английского и французского языков
  • развитие познавательных интересов уч-ся на основе страноведческого материала по теме «Праздники в Великобритании и во Франции»
  • формирование активности, умение работать в контакте с другими учащимися
  • повышение мотивации говорения
  • развитие ценностного - отношения к странам изучаемых языков
  • формирование положительных эмоций у уч-ся

Оборудование: компьютер, видеопроектор, экран, электронная презентация по теме, валентинки в форме сердца.

Ход урока


Nice to see my friends!

Bonjour mes amis!

Today we`ll speak about two different countries: Great Britain and France.

Different customs and traditions, different holidays, different people. C`est toujours tres interessants de decouvrir les choses nouvelles, de savoir la culture et les traditions d`autres pays, de voir la diversite de la vie. Les fetes font les gens gais, souriants et heureux.

Holidays are always exciting, enjoyable, amusing and joyful. Today we’ll speak about some holidays in Great Britain and France, we’ll see the differences of celebrations some holidays, I think you’ll get more useful and interesting information and it will be very interesting for you.

Imagine you are two students’ delegations from Great Britain and France. You can speak English and French. La deligation francaise va presenter les fetes francaises. English delegation will speak about their holidays. Every nation and every country has its holidays which play an important role in their lives. People of different countries are proud of their holidays and carefully keep them up.

So, let’s start. I know that Christmas is one of the most important and interesting holidays in Great Britain. Let’s speak about it.

Pupil 1.

Every year the people of Norway give to Londoners a present. It`s a Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar square. Christmas is a family holiday. Traditionally on this day people decorate their Christmas trees. On Christmas Eve children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey & Christmas pudding.

Ученик задает вопрос к французской делегации студентов.

Do you know anything about Christmas?

Pupil 2.

We know that Christmas is a joyful holiday. No matter where you may be, the rest of the year, being at “home” with your relatives and friends for Christmas is “a must”


What makes an English Christmas?

  1. Food and Drink
  2. Parties
  3. Television and the Queen’s Speech
  4. A walk after dinner
  5. Midnight Mass and Carol Services
  6. Children activities (playing games)
  7. Sending out cards
  8. Shopping in the dark streets
  9. Ghost stories.
  10. Visiting fiend and relatives.
  11. Carol – singing
  12. Decorating


Christmas around the world. How much do you know?

1. The tradition of putting up a tree at Christmas is from:

A. Germany

B. Finland

2. In North America, children put stockings out at Christmas time. Children in Netherlands use:

A. old hats

B. shoes

3. In Syria, Christmas gifts are brought by:

A. Father Christmas

B. on of the Wise Men’s camels.

4. According to English tradition, Santa Clause lives at:

A. the South Pole

B. the North Pole

5. Who is the author of a Christmas Carol?

A. Mark Twain

B. Charles Dickens

6. How many reindeer has Santa got?

A. Ten

B. eight


In France there is also a holiday like Christmas in Great Britain It is Noёl.

Pupil 3:

Noёl est celebre dans toute la France. Pour les francais Noёl - c`est la fete la plus importante. Les symbols de Noёl sont l`arbre de Noёl et le Pere Noёl. En Angleterre on l`appelle – Father Christmas, aux Etats-Unis – Santa Claus, en Italie – Babbo Natale, en Russie – Pere Gel.

La tradition de l`arbre de Noёl est tres ancienne. En Alsace au XVI siecle c`etait un sapin decore de pommes et dresse sur la place de l`hotel de ville.La veille de Noёl on donnaient de spectacles devant des eglises. Alors le sapin symbolisait l`Arbre de Paradis.

Apres on a ajoute des gateaux et des petits jouets aux pommes.Les Allemands et les Americains ont rajoute des noix peintes et des bonbons. Au XIX siecle ont apparu des objets en papier mache, en verre ou en cire. Toujours vert le sapin symbolise l`espoir de l`homme.

Pupil 4:

Le Reveillon du 24 decembre se passe en famille. Voila le menu traditionnel: dinde farcie aux marrons, salade, fromage, foie gras, huitres, buche de Noёl. Le Reveillon de Noёl est impossible sans la Buche de Nоёl.

Autrefois pendant les longues soirees d`hiver, toutes la famille se reunissait devant la cheminee ou brulait la buche.On la choisissait dans un bois tres dur pour qu`elle brule le plus long possible. (plus de temps elle brule, plus de bonheur elle apporte). Pour la nuit de Noёl on la decorait de rubans, puis le chef de la famille la benissait avec de l`huile, ensuite le le plus jeune et le plus age de la famille l`allumaient. De nos jours la Bouche est symbolisee par un gateau.

Savez-vous ou posent les enfants leurs souliers?

(вопрос задаётся английской делегации)

Pupil 5:

Oui, les enfants posent leurs souliers devant les cheminees pour y trouver les cadeaux le matin du 25 decembre. Pour les enfants c`est une fete joyeuse.


Vous avez raison. Noёl est une fete magique surtout pour les enfants.

Ecoutez ce qu`ils ecrivent:

Pour savoir comment sont les jouets qu`on veut, le Pere Noёl va les voir dans les magasins et apres il va les fabriqueravec ses nains dans la montagne.

(Daniel, 5 ans)

Comme il y a beaucou d`enfants qui veulent des cadeaux, ils les deposent tres vite, sans parle, c`est pour ca qu`on ne le voit jamais.

(Caroline, 4 ans)

Aux papas et aux mamans il n`apportent que de livres.

(Michel, 3 ans)


There is a funny holiday – «April Fool`Day». We love this holiday very much.

Mark Twain said: «Let us be thankful for the fools. Bur for them the rest of us could not succeed»

Pupil 6:

April Fool`Day is simply a fun little holiday. Nobody is certain where this tradition comes from, but it is believed to have started when the calendar changed to start in January and not April. Those people who didn’t know the new system and still thought that April the first was the first day of the year were called «fools». Newspapers always print an April Fool’s story to try and fool the readers. In schools, pupils play tricks on teachers and teachers play tricks on their pupils, of course.

Are you an April Fool?

A. It`s true

B. It`s an April Fool`s joke

Which ones are true and which ones are April Fool’s jokes?

  1. The Queen of England has got two birthdays.
  2. David Beckham pays 300 for a haircut.
  3.  In London, they are building a new Big Ben clock with a digital watch face.
  4. In Scotland the national food is sheep’s stomach.
  5. In England, you can buy chocolate crisps.


We know that April Fool’s Day in France is called April Fish. Tell us about this holiday.

Pupil 7:

Le 1 avril c`est le jour de farces. Les enfants et les adultes inventent des farces. On accroche aux dos des passants des poissons en papier qu`on appelle le «poisson d`avril». Tout le monde s`amuse et raconte des histoires amusantes.


There are so many holidays in Great Britain and in France: family holidays, religious holidays, funny holidays and a holiday when boys and girls, sweethearts, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors exchange greetings of love. It is St. Valentine’s Day. Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words.

St. Valentine’s Day.

Pupil 8:

St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St. Valentine’s Day, February 14, has roots in several legends. This is the legend of how St. Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a low against marrying because he felt marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at this time there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decisions. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly.

Pupil 9:

There are many other legends about how Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them are true. There are a lot of traditions of celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in different countries.

In Germany girls tried a different way of learning whom they would marry. They planted onions on St. Valentine’s Day. Each girl tagged onions in a corner heart the fireplace. She thought she would marry the man whose onion sprouted first.

Pupil 10:

Et en France aussi on fete la Saint-Valentin le 14 fevrier.

En France comme dans beaucoup de pays, c`est le moment de montrer son amour. On offre des bouquets de fleurs, des boites de bonbons en forme de cœur, de bijoux, on invite au restaurant ou tout simplement on lit des mots d`amour et des poemes. Les cœurs sont les symboles romantiques les plus populaires. Les gateaux, les petits fours sont faits en forme de cœur.

Au soirees de la Saint-Valentin on voit partout des cœurs, des angles et des lyres qui jouent de la musique romantique.

L`un des symbolesc les plus populaires est Cupidon avec son arc et ses fleches.

On fetait le jour des amoureux de facon differente. Quelquefois, les symboles de la Saint-Valentin etaient caches dans un gateau. Chaque invite en prenant un morceau et, s`il etait heureux, y trouvait «le petit truc». Cet objet pouvait render l`avenir. Le grain de riz annoncait un marriage.


Thank you very much!

Merci beaucoup!

Be Happy!

Que votre vie soit pleine de sentiments amoureux, de joies!

Sans amour, c`est clair, la vie serait beaucoup moins attirante. Pour parler d`amour, les plus timides se font poetes.

I have a little valentine Cet amour
That someone sent to me Si violent
It’s pink and white Si fragile
And red and blue Si tendre
And pretty as can be Cet amour
  Beau comme le jour

Les poesies…. Elles nous a aident a exprimer les sentiments les plus sinceres

And now I would like you to make Valentine`s cards. Vous avez tout ce qu`il vous faut. We shall present cards to each other.


Thank you very much for the lesson. I hope it was interesting for you to know about some holidays in Great Britain and in France. There are other different holidays in these two countries and at our next lessons we shall speak about them.

This will help you to enrich your knowledge and you’ll have a good practice in speaking English and French.


Merci beaucoup. J`espere c`etait tres utile pour vous. Il y a encore beaucoup de fetes. Elles sont, sans doute, tres interessantes. On va continuer a etudier les fetes en Grande Bretagne et en France.

Good-buy. Have a nice day!

Aurevoir. Bonne chance!