Разработка урока по теме "По страницам английской и американской литературы". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Урок по теме “По страницам английской и американской литературы”

Обучающие цели:

1. Тренировка произносительных навыков (интонация повествовательного предложения, интонация вопросов).

2. Повторение и активизация лексического материала.

3. Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (разные типы вопросов).

4. Говорение (практика монологического высказывания и диалогической речи).

5. Чтение (практика чтения повествовательных предложений).

6. Письмо (развитие навыков письма – вставить пропущенные слова в предложения).

7. Аудирование (практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность).

Развивающие цели:

1. Развитие коммуникабельности.

2. Развитие самостоятельности (составление диалогов и монологических выступлений).

3. Развитие памяти и логического мышления.

Воспитательные цели:

1. Воспитание любви к чтению.

2. Повысить мотивацию к чтению произведений зарубежной литературы.

Форма урока:

повторительно-обобщающий урок (обобщение, систематизации и закрепление изученного материала).

Оборудование для урока:

1. Книги: “ Питер Пэн”, “Путешествие Гулливера”, “Приключения Тома Сойера”, “Алиса в Стране Чудес, “Книга Джунглей. Маугли.”. (на английском языке)

2. Портреты писателей: М. Твен, Л. Кэрролл, Д. Барри, Дж. Свифт, Р. Киплинг.

3. Видеокассета с мультфильмом “Питер Пен” на английском языке.

4. Карточки с текстом из книги “Чарли и шоколадная фабрика” и карточки для проверки понимания текста.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

“Along the pages of your favorite books” - this is the topic of our lesson.

II. Речевая зарядка.

1. Answer my questions:

Do you like to read books and how often do you read books?

Do you like to read stories in English?

What stories or chapters from what stories have you read this year?

Have you read these books in Russian? If not, would you like to read them?

Who are the main characters of these books?

Look at the blackboard! And where do we come across these characters?

(Shere Khan, Cheshire Cat, Captain Hook, Aunt Polly, Wendy, Bagheera,

The Queen of Hearts, Mr. and Mrs. Darling, Becky).

In which places lands or countries do these characters live and act?

2. Look at the blackboard! You see the quotations from books. Read them and say “Whose words are these?”

“We are of one blood, you and I”.

“We had the best of education, we went to school every day”.

“A man- cub is a man- cub, and he must learn the Law of the Jungle”.

“I ran away from home the day I was born”.

“How could you be so noble”.

“I’ve often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat”.

“Look me in the face, did you tear this book?

“It is perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls”.

III. Говорение.

You see the portraits of writers. What can you say about each of these writers?

Примерные высказывания учащихся:

Rudyard Kipling was a great English poet and a talented writer. He was born in India and spent many years of his life there. It is not strange that India acted as the setting for many of his books. Kipling’s most famous children’s books arе ”The Jungle Book” and ”Just So Stories”. In 1907 Kipling became the first English writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

IV. Диалогическая речь. Проверка домашнего задания. Составление диалогов по прочитанным произведениям.

Now I’ll check up your home task. Your home task was to make up dialogues. You will listen to the dialogues and try to guess who the participants of the dialogues are.

Примерный вариант диалога:

-I shall have my own tribe and I lead them.

-You have been with the Monkey-People, the people without a law! That is great shame!

-When you once punished me I went away and the grey monkeys had pity on me. They sad I was their blood-brother and I should be their leader.

-They have no leader! They lie!

-They were kind. I liked to play with them.

-Listen, man-cub! The Monkey-People have no Law. Their way is not our way. They pretend they are great people, but they are silly, dirty and boastful.

(This is the dialogue between Mowgli and Baloo.)

V. Монологическая речь. Составление рассказа на заданную тему по прочитанным произведениям.

What story do you like most of all and why?

Примерный вариант рассказа:

Most of all I liked the story about Tom Sawyer. It describes the life of a boy in a small town. Tom is a clever and brave boy but often in trouble. He has always dreamed of treasures, mysteries, unknown countries and adventures. Once Tom and his friends ran away from home and lived on the island for some time. They felt like real heroes. Tom was very curious. One day he wanted to see the wonders of the cave but lost his way back. The children had a lot of moments of fear before people found them. Aunt Polly loved Tom greatly but often punished him, because she wanted to make Tom a good boy. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is the greatest story of American boyhood.

VI. Говорение. Беседа по прочитанным произведениям. Ученики задают друг другу вопросы по содержанию текста.

Примерные варианты вопросов:

How did Peter Pan teach the children to fly?

Who gave the boy the name “Mowgli”?

Did the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon really get a good education?

What was schoolmaster’ favorite book?

Why did Peter Pan want Wendy to come with him to the Neverland?

VII. Аудирование с опорой на наглядность. Просмотр мультфильма.

You have read the story “Peter Pan” and now you will watch the cartoon. You task is to watch and compare the film and the text.

Some words will help you to understand the film:

Pixie-эльф, фея
Pixie dust- волшебная пыль

Примерные высказывания после просмотра фильма:

There is one more character in the cartoon-Tinker Bell. She is a firefly, a pixie who doesn’t like Wendy. In the cartoon children can fly not only with the help of pleasant thoughts but with the help of pixie dust. In the film Michel and John want to fly to Neverland to fight with pirates. There no these words in the text.

VIII. Чтение.

Now, children, I’ll give you a text. This is the chapter from the book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. But the paragraphs are mixed up. Your task is to arrange the paragraphs in the right order and read them.

IX. Письмо.

(After reading the text) Read the text once more, then I’ll give you the sheets of papers and the cards. You must complete the sentences.

X. Аудирование .

You have read adventure stories, the travel story, fairy tales. What other kinds of books do you know? (detective story, love story, legend, fantastic story, true story, horror book, historical novel)

Let’s play a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is.

  1. It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight just as we thought we were lost we saw a light behind some trees. We saw a house. We knocked on a heavy wooden door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed in black stood there. “Good evening”, he said in a deep slow voice.
  2. We were traveling through deep space at the speed of light. Suddenly the spaceship flew down. A bright star with 20 planets. One of these planets will be our new home, 5 light years from our new galaxy.
  3. One of my earliest memories is my father running along the beach with our dog. I must have been about 3 year old. I remember the dog jumping up on me and knocking me into the water.
  4. The man lay on the ground next to a tree. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket-some money, handkerchief and a theatre ticket. 3 men in 3 weeks and all of them killed in the same way.
  5. Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a beautiful princess. She was an only child and her mother and father, the Queen and the King, loved her very much.

XI. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание.

Prepare the short summary of the book you have recently read.