Знакомство с The Present Progressive

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Самый короткий путь эмоционального раскрепощения ребёнка, снятия зажатости, обучения чувствования — это путь через игру, фантазирование, сочинительство. Всё это может дать театрализованная деятельность. Являясь наиболее распространённым видом детского творчества, именно драматизация, “основанная на действии, совершаемом самим ребёнком, наиболее близко, действенно и непосредственно связывает художественное творчество с личными переживаниями”. (Л.С.Выготский).

С древних времён, различные формы театрального действа служили самым наглядным и эмоциональным способом передачи знаний и опыта в человеческом обществе.

Театр как вид искусства не только средство познания жизни, но и школа нравственного воспитания подрастающего поколения.

Использование театрализованной деятельности позволяет стимулировать способность детей к образному и свободному восприятию, которое, развиваясь параллельно с традиционным восприятием, расширяет и обогащает его.

Цели урока:

  • знакомство с новым грамматическим материалом,
  • развитие навыка аудирования;
  • развитие умения согласованных действий с партнёрами, коммуникабельности в общении.


  • иллюстрации сказочных героев, изображённых за разными занятиями;
  • театральные костюмы к сказке “Репка”;
  • ИКТ для показа презентации.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент и фонетическая зарядка.

T: Good morning kids!

P: Good morning teacher!

T: I hope you are well, kids.

P: We hope you are too.

T: Begin with phonetic drill. Let’s practice the sound [n]-носовой.


morning bring song lung
evening sing strong tongue

2. Введение в тему.

Т: At our lesson there is a fairy who will take us in the tale country of tenses. We’ll visit the Present Tense and learn a lot of interesting and mystery things. Let’s remember the tale “The Turnip”.

What the main characters of the tale do you know?


the grandfather

the grandmother

the granddaughter

the cat

the dog

the mouse and the turnip


T: Look and say: Who is this?

What does he/she usually do?

(The teacher shows some illustrations with a computer.) (appendix 1)

P1: This is a grandfather.

He works in the garden.

P2: This is a grandmother.

She cooks tasty food.

P3: This is a granddaughter.

She plays with a cat.

T: What tense is it?

What do you know about it?

P: The Present Simple Tense is generally used for an action that is done regularly, for an action that happens every day.

T: Now the fairy will do some magic things. (The fairy (a girl) does a trick. She changes illustrations. The teacher shows some illustrations with a computer.) (appendix 2)

Task 2

T: Look and say: What is he/she doing now?

P1: A grandfather is planting a turnip.

P2: A grandmother is watering a turnip.

P3: A granddaughter is helping them.

(All sentences are written on the board.)

T: What tense is it?

What have you known about it?

P: The Present Progressive Tense is the one that most truly expresses an action in the present time, an action that is taking place now and means that the actions are going on at this moment.

T: Compare these actions in the Present Tense.

P: In the Present Simple it is described the actions which are going regularly, every day. In the Present Progressive it is described the actions which are going now, at the moment.

3. Aудирование. Театральное представление.

Task 3

T: Let’s see the tale “The Turnip”. (appendix 3) Sit comfortable, please.

Before listening and seeing – What phrase is in the Present Progressive?

(A fairy does mystery thing. The children put on the fancy dresses. A grandfather is the least. A mouse is the biggest.)

After listening and seeing.

P: The phrase - I am coming… is in the Present Progressive (The sentence is written on the board.)

T: What are they doing together?

P: They are pulling the turnip together. (The sentence is written on the board.)

T: What have you noticed in these sentences?

P: There are three verbs (is, am, are) as the helps in these sentences. The verbs of actions have – ing.

T: What unusual thing in the tale have you noticed?

P: A grandfather is the least and weakest.

A mouse is the biggest and strongest.

T: All right. You are good audience.

4. Отработка грамматического материала.

Task 4

The tale characters will do some actions and speak.


P1: a cat – I am drinking milk.

T: What is she doing now?

P2: She is drinking now.

P3: a dog – I am running.

T: What is he doing at the moment?

P4: He is running at the moment.

T: What keys do you use in the Present Simple and the Present Progressive?

P: In the Present Simple we use some keys: always, often, sometimes, normally, usually. In the Present Progressive we use some keys: now, at the moment.

Task 5

T: You can try to do some magic things now. You will turn the Present Simple into the Present Progressive with a fairy.

F: Think and say: What do you usually do?

What are you doing at the moment?


P1: I wash my face every day.

I am standing now.

P2: I usually watch TV.

I am speaking English at the moment.

P3: I usually go for a walk at four o’ clock.

I am having English lesson at the moment.

5. Заключение.

T: Thank you and a fairy for her help. At the end of our lesson let’s revise the main rules of forming the Present Progressive. (Children’s answers). All right. Write down you home task.

See you soon. Good bye.