Урок английского языка в 5-м классе по теме "Мир вокруг нас"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: обобщение знаний, умений и навыков но темам «Погода», «Спорт», «Алфавит и правила чтения», «Англоязычные страны».


Познавательный аспект:

  1. Отрабатывать английское произношение.
  2. Формировать лексические навыки говорения, грамматические навыки говорения и чтения (конструкции like / enjoy / hate doing, I can).
  3. Развивать умение читать с целью поиска информации.
  4. Повторять и закреплять алфавит, правила чтения.
  5. Учить понимать смысл сказанного собеседником однократно в нормальном темпе.

Развивающий аспект:

  1. Развивать память, мышление, речь, творческие способности учащихся.

Воспитательный аспект:

  1. Воспитывать любовь к окружающему миру, чувство прекрасного, развивать способность видеть прекрасное и безобразное в окружающем.

Познавательный аспект:

  1. Обобщить знания о природе России и Великобритании.

Лексический материал:

А) продуктивный: Russia, England, Scotland, Wales, Russian,, to speak, can, attractive, amazing, lake, land, dale, spring, summer, autumn, winter, to like, to enjoy; to hate., to walk., to play, to go, to cycle, to swim, числительные в пределах 20.

Б) рецептивный: flower, field, poem, song, happy, funny, sunny., wind, strong, stronger, coat, to take off, play snowballs, месяцы.

Грамматический материал: конструкции can do, like/ enjoy/ hate doing, глагол to be in Simple Present.

Страноведческий материал: некоторые географические особенности Великобритании.

Оборудование: плакаты с надписями, цветочки с буквами английского алфавита, карточки с текстом для чтения, костюмы для сценки, «снежки» из бумаги со знаками транскрипции; аудиокассета с музыкальным оформлением и песенкой алфавита, выставка фотографий «Времена года».

Ход урока

I. Организация начала урока

Good morning, dear children. Welcome to the World of English. What is the date today?

II. Фонетическая зарядка

The World of English is the world of sounds, letters and words. Let's begin with sounds and do phonetic exercises.

[ж] land, attractive valleys, a land of attractive valleys.
Russia is a land of attractive valleys.

[eı] lakes, lakes and dales.
It is a land of lakes and dales.

[eı]-[ж] amazing land,
I love my amazing land.

[w] Welcome to Russia, a romantic place.

Russia is a land of attractive valleys.
It is a land of lakes and dales.
I love my amazing land.
Welcome to Russia, a romantic place.

III. Речевая зарядка

Answer my questions, please?

  1. What language do you speak? (I speak Russian.)
  2. What language can you speak a little? ( I can speak English.)
  3. Where do people speak English? (They speak English in Great Britain.)
  4. What can you tell about England? (England is a land of attractive landscapes with lakes and dales.)
  5. In Scotland people speak English, too. Is Scotland an amazing land? (Yes, it is. Scotland is a land of amazing lakes.)
  6. What do you know about nature of Wales'? (Wales is a land of romantic valleys and daffodils)

Thank you.

IV. Повторение алфавита

Nature is attractive in spring. What color is spring? (Spring is green.)

Larisa has got a poem about spring.


Spring is coming,
Spring is coming.
Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen.

Thank you, Larisa.

The first flowers appear in spring. Let's imagine. (перевод) Our board is a spring field.

You have got attractive flowers with letters. Let’s plant them as the ABC. Is it clear?

(Учащиеся по очереди выходят и наклеивают цветочки-буквы на «полянку») <Рисунок 1>

Great! What an amazing field! Let's sing the ABC song together. (Под запись на аудиокассете к указанному УМК поют)

Q R S and T U V
W X and. Y and Z.
Now you know your ABC
You can sing along with me.

Thank you.

V. Говорение. Грамматическая конструкция like/ enjoy doing.

After spring, summer comes. What is the weather like in summer?

(It is hot. The days are sunny.)

Yulya has got a poem.


This is the season
When nights are short;
When children are full
Of fun and sport:
Playing, swimming
All the day.
With a happy song
On a sunny day.

What do you like doing in summer? You may use the pattern on the board:

I like
I enjoy

playing football
going hiking
like cycling [΄saıklıŋ]
going fishing
playing tennis

For example, I like walking and playing tennis in summer. What do you like doing?

VI. Физминутка

Let’s play. Stand up, please.

Walk at your place.
Play football.
Play tennis. Swim.
Good. Take your seats.

VII. Чтение

Read the text and say what Pete likes doing and what he hates doing.

Hi, I am Pete. I am English. I enjoy summer. In summer I like playing football and going fishing. But I hate watching TV.

Pete likes…

Pete hates…

(Чтение вслух. Ответ на вопрос.)


VIII. Аудирование с пониманием основного содержания

What is the season when days are cold, when children go to school? (autumn)

Your classmates have got a short play. Kostya, Andrey and Lyuba, get ready. And we’ll learn new words:

wind -ветер
strong - сильный
stronger - сильнее
coat - пальто
to take off- снимать (одежду)

So, the main characters are the Sun, the Wind and a man. Listen to them and answer the question. What's the play about? (перевод)

The Sun and the Wind. (на фоне музыки)

Wind: Oh, I am strong!
Sun: Oh, no, Mr Wind, I am stronger than you.
W: Let us see. Look at that man. He is in a black coat.
S: I see him.
W: Let us see who can take off his coat.
S: All right.
W: I will begin.
Whooo-o-o… I want that coat!
Man: Oh, it is cold.
W: Whooo-o-o...
M: What strong wind. (закутывается)
It is so cold!
W: Whooo-o-o... I can't: take off his coat.
S: Well, Mr Wind, you are not so strong. I'll try to take off his coat. (Солнце светит.)
M: What a funny day!
How it is hot.

(Солнце светит и светит.)

It is too hot. (снимает пальто)
W: Well, Mr Sun, I see you are strong, too.
What's the play about?

IX. Повторение правил чтения.

How cold it is in autumn! Answer my question. What is the season when it is frosty? (winter)

Ksenya has got a poem.


Winter is snowy,
Winter is frosty.
The ground is white
All day and all night.

Winter is an amazing season. And it is children's favourite season, because you can play snowballs. Let’s play snowballs here.

play snowballs - играть в снежки

Look at the board. Here you can see words and I have got snowballs with transcription signs. You take a snowball and stick it above the word following the rules of reading.

<Рисунок 2>

X. Итог урока

And the year is over. Answer my question. How many months are there in a year? Let’s count. January – 1, February – 2,… December – 12.

So, I see you can speak English. You know the ABC, seasons. You can say what you like doing. You know the rules of reading.

You are good students. Thank you.