Итоговый урок-проект по теме "Хобби"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Проектная методика характеризуется высокой коммуникативностью, предполагает выражение учащимися либо студентами своих собственных мнений, чувств, активное включение их в реальную деятельность, принятие личной ответственности за результаты.

Цели урока:

  • обобщение изученного материала по теме;
  • развитие творческих способностей студентов; способности логически излагать;
  • поддержание интереса студентов к изучению английского языка;
  • развитие речевых умений.

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствование речевых умений по теме;
  • совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации;
  • совершенствование умений читать текст с детальным пониманием;
  • обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.

Оборудование урока: текст для чтения, таблицы для письменной работы.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.

Teacher (T): Good morning! We are glad to see you at our lesson “Hobby”. A hobby is a favourite pastime of a person. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby, to your liking, lucky

you are: you have made your life more interesting.

2. Речевая подготовка (проводится в режиме Т —> Р)

There are many different classes of hobbies. Try to name some of them.

Учащиеся заполняют “Word Web”

Учитель зачитывает небольшие рассказы – описание различных хобби. Студенты, прослушав рассказ, заполняют таблицу, вписывая название хобби.

  1. This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. People like to go the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and cheerful. Their hobby helps them to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time. (Sport.)
  2. This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures, dolls, etc. Their collections can be thematic. This hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events. (Collecting.)
  3. People like work in the garden and to spend some time in the fresh air. They are fond of flowers, bushes, trees and different kinds of plants. They like nature and admire the beauty of nature. Their hobby is the best way to relax. (Gardening.)
  4. People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for their friends. They can present the food nicely and lay the table beautifully. They use spices (vinegar, oil, pepper, etc.) They can boil or fry meat, fish, and chicken and make souses and deserts. (Cooking.)
  5. People like to go to the library. Some of them a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand other people better. (Reading.)

3. Презентация проектов. Приводятся индивидуальные работы проектов студентов (проекты демонстрируются.)

Несколько человек представляют свои проекты.

T.: Let’s listen to Olga’s opinion about how she spend her free time

Project “My hobby”

My hobby is painting and drawing. I have finished art school and now I paint and draw in my free time. I depict things that have impressed me deeply: beautiful flowers, poetic landscapes, ancient ruins. I like to paint portraits as well. It is very important to catch a person in a moment of action, feeling, perception and record that moment with unerring strokes. Only geniuses are blessed with this gift. Sometimes I create decorative compositions, large in scale and bright in colour. I paint on canvas and draw on paper. I work in oil and watercolour, pencil and pastel. For me painting is a means to understand the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, a way to express my own emotions, feelings and perception of life.

4. Чтение текста с целью детального понимания.

T: Let’s read the text “How I spend my free time” very attentively. Try to get as much information as possible. You have five minutes.

“How I spend my free time”

Unfortunately I have not had much free time this year that is why I have done my best to spend it wisely. As is known, in Moscow there are a lot of opportunities of spending one’s free time as there are a lot of theatres, cinemas, museums, art galleries, concert hall, and disco clubs here. When I have some free time I can choose any of them. But when the weather is fine, it is better to go for a walk. After classes together with my friends we liked to walk along the boulevards and streets of Moscow enjoying the beauty of the city’s architecture. Sometimes during my leisure time I read books, listen to my favourite music, or call up my friends inviting them to a cafe or a park. I can say that there are a lot of ways of spending one’s free time. It is very nice to have some free time and do what is really pleasant.

Привожу примерные вопросы для проверки прочитанного:

  1. Are there a lot of opportunities of spending one’s free time in Moscow?
  2. What are these opportunities?
  3. What is the better to do on a fine day?
  4. What do people do when they walk along the streets of Moscow?
  5. Do people read books when they have some free time?

What do you like to do when you have some free time?

5. Ответ на вопрос. Студенты письменно отвечают на вопрос.

Why do hobbies play important role in our life?

6. Заключительный этап урока. Подводятся итоги урока.

В заключение хочется добавить, что во время выполнения проекта происходит непроизвольное запоминание лексических средств и грамматических структур, стимулируется развитие творческого мышления, воображения, создаются условия для свободного выражения мысли. Таким образом, проектная работа обладает уникальными возможностями для действительно коммуникативного обучения детей иностранному языку.