Открытый урок по теме "Внешность. Одежда" в 6-м (кадетском) классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: закрепление знаний и способов деятельности.

Цель: Активизация лексики по теме в речи учащихся.

Задачи урока:

  • закрепить лексику по теме “Внешность. Одежда”.
  • совершенствовать навыки монологической речи.
  • учить учащихся высказывать свое мнение, аргументируя его.

Познавательный аспект - знакомство с внешним видом учащихся Британии.

Развивающий аспект - развитие способностей к логическому изложению и формированию выводов.

Воспитательный аспект - формирование у учащихся сознательного отношения к своему внешнему виду, к ношению школьной формы.

Речевой материал- лексика предыдущих уроков.

Оборудование: предметные картинки с изображением одежды, магнитофон, телевизор, видеомагнитофон.

Ход урока

Начало урока.

1) Орг. момент.

(командир класса, кадет, сдает рапорт о готовности к уроку)

Рlatoon, stand up Stand at attention! Comrade, teacher! Cadets of form 6a are ready for English lesson. The commander of platoon is cadet Molokanov.

T. Good morning, boys and girls!

P. Good morning, teacher! Командир: Stand at ease. T. Sit down.

T. Glad to see you, sit down, please. Well, how are you today?

P. Fine, thanks. And what about you?

T. I am also fine, thank you. . Oh, I see you look fine today. You are so tidy and your parade uniform suits you very much. By the way, how do I look today?

P. You look wonderfully.

You look bright.

As for me you look fine.

2) Cooбщение темы, цели урока

Everyone wants to look great always and everywhere. That’s why we’ll speak how to look good, what people like to look like, about your cadet uniform and a school uniform.

The topic of our lesson is “ Appearance. Clothes”.

Фонетическая зарядка.

[o:]- all, always, awful, because;

[w]- wear, want, why;

[r]-friend, friendly, bright, wearing;

[l]-light, lips, lift;(используется видеомагнитофон, ученики повторяют за диктором:

Неis thin

She is short

- He’s got brown eyes

- He’s got dark hair

- She’s got fair hair

- They wear glasses.

Речевая зарядка по картинкам с изображением людей.

T:Oleg, will you act as a teacher and ask different questions about the people in the pictures.

P:Is the boy tall or short?

P:He is tall.

P: Right, thank you. What is he wearing? etc.

T: Now look at Andrew and try to describe his appearance.

P: He is thin.

He is tall

He has got fair hair

He has got short fair hair

He wears cadet uniform.

T. That’s right, but what can you say about me?

P. You are tall.

P. You’ve got short fair hair

P. You’ve got blue eyes

P. You wear glasses.

P. This white blouse suits you very much

P. To my mind, a white blouse always makes a good combination with black skirt.

P. Teachers like to wear this clothes

P. You are good-looking

T. Dear pupils, thank you very much

T. One of you has a birthday today. Guess who it is. (Учащиеся задают вопросы)

Is it a boy or a girl?

What colour is his/her hair?

What colour are his/her eyes?

What is his/her face like?

Is his/ her hair short or long?

What is he/she wearing?

What is his/ her nose like?

Is he/she holding anything?

P. This is Sasha.. T. You are right. (исполняется песня “Happy birthday to you” )

Проверка домашнего задания.

Тренировочное - подстановочное упражнение на формирование лексических навыков

Are you different or alike?

Compare yourself and Bill. (С помощью опор ребята сравнивали себя с Биллом)

I am not as … as … I look like …
I am a bit … than … I am as … as …
I am much … than … I and … both have got …

Лексический тест Match: thick, shorter, longer, older, younger, calmer, my mother/my father, parents.

Аудирование текста (ребята слушают текст с помощью магнитофона и отвечают на вопросы об одежде Британских школьников)

What are their favourite clothes?

What do they like to wear every day?

What is their school uniform?

Why are they happy?

Why do the children feel this way? Etc.

Постановка проблемного вопроса.

Воуs and girls!

You are cadets, you also wear a uniform. Do you like it? Is it necessary to do it? Is it important to wear a school uniform in Russia?

Монологическая речь. Развитие речевых умений. (работа в группах)

T. I want to divide you into 2 groups. Think a little and begin.

T. Do you like to wear your cadet uniform?

Do you wear it with pleasure?

Do you wear your uniform regularly? Why?

Why mustn’t cadets wear different clothes? Etc.

Let’s summarize our discussion. (от каждой группы выступают учащиеся)

P. - We think it’s important to wear a uniform for cadets. In cadets code we can read “Cadets must wear a uniform every day”. We can wear favourite clothes after school. I want to be an officer and like to wear a uniform. So, we think it’s good rule to wear a uniform.

T. I agree with you. You are right. How do you think, pupils?

P. In my opinion it’s not important to wear a uniform. Pupils like to wear something different every day, for example jeans and a T-shirt. It’s very convenient when you want to run or to jump during the break. We think pupils can live without a uniform. T. And what about cadets? P. I think its not necessary to wear a uniform every day.

T. Thank you, boys and girls. I think Dima is not right. Your cadet uniform is smart and you look good in it. You are cadets and you must wear uniform. You are so smart and handsome in your uniform. You are real men. As for girls I think they like it. Am I right, Olga? P. You are right.

Now tell me, please, are you for or against wearing a uniform at school?

P. Pupils must wear school uniform. Cadets must wear cadet uniform. Good discipline helps us to study well.

T. By the way what shall we do for looking good?

P. We should go in for sport.

P. We should do morning exercises regularly.

P. We should not smoke.

P. We should eat healthy food.

T. I agree with you. We should take care of our health and wear good- looking things. Pupils should wear a school uniform. Cadets must look like cadets.

T. Now let’s sing a song “ Good-looking”


Take your exercise- books, open them, please.

We all like some things about our looks. You should write some sentences about yourself in a children’s magazine. Use these words and expressions. Look at the blackboard, please. (с помощью слов и выражений написанных на доске ребята пишут о себе короткую заметку)

Are you ready? Who wants to read? (учащиеся зачитывают свои заметки)

P. I think it’s important to look great. I like wearing smart things. Girls say I have a friendly smile. Sometimes I take care of my hair. It looks cool.

P. I’m 12 years old and I look awful. I don’t know what to do with my horrible nose. I want to look like all the models in your magazine, but I don’t. I am always worried about how I look. What should I do?

P. I don’t notice how people look. I don’t care much about clothes. I like to wear a uniform. I don’t like to wear jeans and bright clothes.

T. Thank you very much. It was interesting to listen to your short articles.

T. Let’s relax. Complete the crossword, please.

T. What clothes and what size, material or colour make a good combination?

P. A light blue denim skirt makes a good combination with dark blue Levi’s jeans.

A smart short yellow silk blouse makes a good combination with light shirt. Etc.

Подведение итогов урока.

The time is over and our lesson is going to finish. I am satisfied with your work at the lesson. Did you like the lesson?

P. Yes, we liked the lesson.

T. What can you do now?

P. I can describe my appearance.

- I can write a short article in children’s magazine.

-We should wear a uniform, because it’s important.

T. Thank you for the lesson. Their marks are…Your homework is to compose a dialog about your favourite clothes.


T. Now it will be interesting to know how you feel about our lesson. Was it exciting or boring? Put the point at the corner of the square.


Учащиеся в квадратике ставят точку рядом со словом, которым они оценивают урок Например, если точка стоит рядом с “boring”, то урок, по мнению ученика, был скучным.