Подготовка учащихся к ЕГЭ. Говорение (из опыта работы)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

На настоящий момент в раздел "Говорение" входит монологическое высказывание и диалогическое рассуждение по заданной ситуации.

Как готовить учащихся к монологическому высказыванию по ситуации?

Экзаменационное высказывание по тематической ситуации проходит в течение 2-х минут. Чтобы подвести учащихся к успешному выполнению задания, необходимы предварительные задания по совершенствованию разговорных навыков.

1 этап - высказывание в течение 1 минуты по тематической ситуации с использованием опор.

Для того, чтобы учащиеся могли высказаться самостоятельно, а не воспроизвести заученный текст, нужна помощь в виде речевых образцов, разговорных клише, таблиц, схем, блоков. Другие учащиеся могут добавить, не согласиться с мнением говорящего и выдвинуть своё мнение. Таким образом проходит дискуссия по обсуждаемой ситуации.

Пример 1. Topic "Education and School Life" (монологическое высказывание)

Give a 1-minute talk on these situations:

  1. Do you think good education should prepare you for life in general or for a particular job? Give your reasons.
  2. Say how good knowledge can be helpful in your future career.
  3. What interesting facts would you tell the foreign students about your school?
  4. Say what you like and dislike in your school.
  5. What do you think of taking exams every year? Do you welcome the Russian National Exam?

HELP! Useful Vocabulary:

  1. After leaving school I’d like to continue studies in………/ I’d like to enter…../ I’m going to become… I’d like to follow my mother’s (father’s…) advice and….
  2. At the age of….I was going to be….. because….
  3. First I made up mind to become…. and then I changed my mind………..
  4. I have a good head for all exact sciences / I’m good at…./ I have some special skills…/ I have some experience in this kind of work……
  5. I’d like a job in which I can use some aspects of… (mathematics/ physics / biology…)
  6. I think my strengths and personal qualities are….
  7. The best thing / the worst thing about being a … is…. / Being a…….is very interesting because………
  8. There are some problems connected with choosing a job……..
  9. I want a job ………..that’s really exciting and fun / where I meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world / with long holidays …/ which might lead to self-employment I want to be my own boss / I want to earn lots of money and… / I’d like to work with computers and new technology / I’d like to do a creative job
  10. In my job I’d like to be involved in….(using…/ making…/ finding out…/ preparing…/ observ - ing…)
  11. I think I’d be good for this job because…….

Describing the school where you study

1. Building/ classrooms

(+) brightly painted/ decorated, spacious comfortable, contemporary, enormous, cosy, impressive, attractive, elegant, magnificent, stylish, welcoming place, well-organised,

(-) depressing, gloomy, noisy, old-fashioned, tasteless, cramped, uncomfortable

2. Students and teachers:

(+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, highly-gifted,bright, classy, fashionable, good-looking, graceful, impressive, relaxed, smart, stylish, trendy, motivating, well-organised, qualified, experienced, popular with….,

(-) boring, noisy, disorganized, strict, irritable, lose one's temper, bullies, hit and kick, victims of theft, to play truant

3. Lessons and activities

(+)interesting, motivating, well-organised, hard-working atmosphere, stimulating, friendly atmosphere, to experience joy /happiness / excitement,to use different methods and activities, to employ modern teaching techniques and aids

(-)long, boring, noisy, disorganized, to doodle on the desk.

  • Carrying out experiments
  • Solving problems
  • Getting acquainted with somebody
  • Developing a habit for……..
  • Holding discussions and conversations
  • Participating in all kinds of activities
  • Going on educational excursions and trips
  • Holding / taking part in

4. Changes and innovations

  • school and behaviour problems (negative influence of school environment/ bullies/ theft.......
  • the teachers wouldn’t force their ideas on the pupils
  • wearing a uniform would not be compulsory
  • to be able to choose subjects and teachers / a student council makes the rules.....
  • a lot of........and less.........
  • the atmosphere would be more relaxed

For and Against Discussion: Are you FOR or AGAINST taking exams?


  • exams encourage students to study
  • exam grades give students an idea of their progress
  • exams are the quickest way of testing students
  • some students are really lazy and need pressure, they only work hard when they’ve got an exam
  • exams should be combined with continuous assessment


  • exam results may depend on how you feel on a particular day
  • if students get nervous, they will not perform as well as they could
  • students can cheat and get a mark they don’t deserve
  • if students run out of time, they cannot show what they know
  • some students do well in exams simply because they have got good memory

2 этап-высказывание по ситуации в течение 2-3 минут с использованием текста. Сейчас в продаже есть много книг, предлагающих различные 'топики'. Предложенный учителем план высказывания поможет успешно справиться с заданием.

Пример 2. Topic "Family Life" (монологическое высказывание)

Give a 2-minute talk on family life.

Remember to say:

  • What creates a friendly atmosphere at home
  • Which family values are most important for you and why
  • What issues cause conflicts between parents and teenagers
  • If it is the advantage or disadvantage to be an only child and why

The teacher and your classmates will listen until you've finished. Then they will ask you some questions.

Как готовить учащихся к диалогу по ситуации?

Второе экзаменационное задание предполагает диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией. Студенту предлагается какая-то проблема / ситуация и обычно четыре варианта её решения. Задача студента обсудить все предложенные варианты и прийти к обоюдному согласию (с экзаменатором) решения данной проблемы. Я предлагаю студентам работать над двумя типами диалогов:

  1. диалог с обменом информацией (ролевая игра)
  2. диалог с обменом оценочной информацией (модулированная ситуация)

Первый этап подготовки – составить свой диалог на основе готовых диалогов и выучить его. Контроль диалогической речи проводится в классе (пары постоянного состава), но это контроль подготовленной речи дома.

Второй этап подготовки – учитель задаёт ситуацию (т.е. ученики знают тематическую ситуацию заранее и могут повторить лексический материал), а для парной беседы в классе учитель сам выбирает пары (т.е. ученики не знают, кто с кем будет беседовать и как будет развиваться беседа). Контроль диалогической речи проводится в классе (пары сменного состава), при этом речь неподготовлена заранее.

Третий этап подготовки – учитель задаёт только тему, по которой будет проходить беседа, но учащиеся не знают ни ситуацию, ни собеседника. В данном варианте проходит контроль неподготовленной речи.

При обучении диалогу большое значение имеет обучение спонтанному реагированию на реплики партнёра. Естественно, диалог не может звучать вне тематической ситуации. Источником порождения диалогической речи может быть тематическая ситуация, основанная на программе школьного курса, (например, “В магазине”, “Разговор по телефону” и т.п.) или на свободном общении (интервью, дискуссия, диспут).

Примерная схема ролевой игры

Ученик 1: Приветствие. Объяснение ситуации. Запрос информации

Ученик 2: Приветствие. Ответная реплика на запрос информации.

Ученик 1: Реакция. Вовлечение партнёра в разговор.

Ученик 1/ Ученик 2:Обмен информацией

Ученик 1/ Ученик 2: Завершение разговора

Примерная схема модулированной ситуации

Ученик 1: Введение в ситуацию диалога (на базе задания). What can you suggest?

Ученик 2: Выдвижение предложения 1 + 2 аргумента "за"

Ученик 1:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 2+2 аргумента "за".

Ученик 2:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 3+2аргумента "за".

Ученик 1:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 4+2 аргумента "за"

Ученик 2:Реакция. Согласие + 2 подтверждающих аргумента.

Ученик 1:Реакция. Согласие.

1. Как инициировать диалог

  • There are several possibilities for…. / So, we have to……. / Let’s talk about……first, shall we?
  • What do you think? What shall we do first?

2. Выражение просьбы / Реагирование на просьбу

  • Excuse me. Can I ask you a personal question? – Of course, go ahead / Would you mind if I ask you…..
  • I’d also like to know some information about……
  • Could you tell me about……..?
  • Could I have a …..Could you take this….. to…., please? / Would you mind +Ving? / Is it all right if …..? Could you possibly…….? / Would it be possible to ………?
  • OK / Yes, sure / Yes, certainly / Yes, of course / Yes, I’ll do that / I’m sorry, but…..
  • Thank you. – You’re welcome.

3. Как внести предложение

  • Why don’t we do this? / How about …+Ving? / What about…+ Ving ?
  • Let’s do this / Let’s decide about…first, shall we?
  • What do you think…? / Do you think we should…?
  • Perhaps we should… / What shall we do first? / So, what do you think we should do……..?
  • How do you feel about this?
  • It’d be a good idea if we… / What would be really great is if we… / It’s about time we…
  • OK, let’s do that / Why don’t we both do that?

4. Как согласиться или не согласиться с чьим-то предложением

  • That’s a good point / I absolutely agree / You’re right / That’s true / Yes, but…..
  • I’m afraid you’re wrong / I see what you mean, but don’t you think………. ?
  • I don’t think I would go along with that / Yes, but isn’t it also true that……..?
  • That sounds like a good idea / I’m not sure about that
  • What a pity / Never mind I don’t like………. / I can’t stand……….. / I hate…….
  • Personally, I’m not that keen on…/ You know, it’s not really my thing / Don’t you think……? / And, to be honest…./ That’s not the point

5. Как отреагировать на чьи-то предложения / реплики

  • Wow! / Really! / Goodness! Oh dear. / What a surprise! / It can't be true./ You must be joking
  • I (really) like/ enjoy / love / I really like doing that too / I’m not keen on…/
  • That’s a good idea ….. / Surely, it’d be better…
  • That sounds like a good idea / I think the best thing to do would be to… / It would be a good idea to…/ I’ve got a good idea…/ I’ve got a better idea ……./ That sounds a bit boring…/ I don’t think that’s such a good idea because……..
  • I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)
  • It makes me….(angry/ worried / smile / want to…..)

Как сделать выбор

  • I prefer…..to……./ I’d rather …..(do/have…) than…/ I’d rather we had……than……/ I much prefer………/ I wouldn’t mind +Ving
  • I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)

7. Как высказать мнение

  • It’s very difficult to say, but I think……/ What I mean is……/ In my opinion…..
  • It’s not something I feel very strongly about, but………
  • Actually I feel quite strongly that……./ I’m quite certain that………
  • Personally, I feel…/ think…/ suppose…/ guess…
  • I’ve never really thought about it, but I suppose…/ I don’t really like…but if I had to choose….
  • I think it’d be better if…./ I think we should…

8. Как прийти к обоюдному согласию

  • Neither of us liked…………/ So that was the conclusion we reached:……………
  • What have we decided then? / So, let’s decide which one……… / OK, so which (two) are the best?
  • I think we’ve agreed that…….. / So, we’ve decided………
  • Well, I chose……../ We both agreed that………/ N. was in favour of…..but I thought…….

Когда мы предлагаем студентам разыграть ролевую игру или модулированную ситуацию, то всегда даём опоры.

Пример 3. Topic "Travelling. Asking the way "- a 2minute talk (Ролевая игра)

You are in StPetersburg by the Moscow Railway Station. You need help to get to the 2nd Gymnasium, which is situated in 27 Kazanskaya street. You feel nervous because you are afraid to be late for the Scientific Conference.

Ask the passerby:

  • What metro station or bus stop you need to get
  • Where to make a change
  • How much time it'll take you
  • How to get to the gymnasium (from the metro station or a bus stop)

HELP! Useful Vocabulary:

1. Инициирование разговора

  • Excuse me. I’m a stranger here. I’ve lost my way.
  • Excuse me, sir. I think I’m lost. Could you tell me how to get to….?

- Of course, what would you like to know?

2. Развитие и завершение разговора

Извлечение информации с помощью вопросов.

  • Can you tell me the way to…? / How can I get from here to…?
  • Excuse me, can you tell me where …..is?
  • Which way should I go to….?
  • Could you tell me the shortest / quickest way to……? / Which is the quickest way to get to…?
  • Will it take me long to get there? -No, it’s no distance at all.
  • Can I walk there or must I take a bus?
  • How far is it to….? / Is it far from here? / Is it too far to walk?
  • How long will it take me to get there? How long will it take me to get there by (bus)?
  • What number bus should I take? / Where does the number….bus stop?
  • How often do the buses run? Do the buses run on schedule?
  • Where is the stop? Where is the nearest bus stop?
  • At what stop do I get off? / When shall I get off? How many stops are there till……?
  • Excuse me, which line do I take for…? (i n the metro)
  • Where do I change trains?

Ответные реплики на запрос информации:

  • Go to the bus stop and take No 40 bus. Then you must get off at the metro station… and change to……
  • Well, you go down this street until you get to the church…..then you turn right…..
  • You may get there by….or by….. The best way to get there is by the underground.
  • Go as far as……… This street is the first turning on the left
  • Take the second on the left and then ask again. / Turn left at the traffic- lights.
  • Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left/right.
  • You can see……on the right hand side, by the traffic lights
  • The best way…/ the quickest…../ the nearest….
  • It’s up to you to decide. Trolley bus-about ……minutes
  • Oh, you know, it’s about ......(5 minutes) from here; the second turning on the left.
  • That depends on the kind of transport. (- Which one would you like to go by?)
  • Well, it’s rather far from here.
  • No, it’s only a couple of hundred yards. / No, you can walk it in under 5 minutes.

Выражение одобрения / сожаления по поводу ответной реплики:

  • Oh, great! That’s a good /great idea.
  • OK. I think, it’s what I want.
  • What pity!
  • Oh, wait.

Завершение разговора

  • Many thanks. – Not at all. Thank you. – That’s OK.
  • Thank you very much indeed. – That’s quite all right.
  • Thank you very much. -You are welcome. / - It’s a pleasure.

Пример 4. Topic "Travelling. Choosing a way of traveling" – a 3-4 minute talk (Модулированная ситуация)

You are staying with your friend who lives in the UK. You would like to travel across the country together. Discuss the following options and choose one kind of transport that appeals to both of you:

* train *ship *bicycle * car

Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Be active and polite
  • Come up with ideas and give reasons
  • Agree or disagree with your friend
  • Come to an agreement

A Help!

  - +
Train They travel too fast, so we won’t be able to see much. We’ll have to change trains. Some trains aren't very comfortable and if you sleep on the upper berth, you may be afraid of falling down. Sometimes the neighbours in the compartment are unpleasant and very talkative. It's not expensive. You cab buy a return ticket and spend the rest of your money on other things. We’ll be able to see much as trains cover very long distances. Trains in the UK are very comfortable. They are always on time. There are no traffic jams.
Ship A cruise holiday can be too expensive for us. There is usually nothing much to see in the ports. Young people may feel lonely and get bored. You may be sea-sick. You have to follow a strict time-table and are not able to explore places as much as you'd like. I think it’s the most comfortable and relaxing way of traveling. We’ll be given a chance to see many different sights at each port within a short time. We don’t have to worry about travel arrangements during the trip and we can spend all day sunbathing and swimming. Many ships have swimming pools.
Bicycle We’ll never be protected from weather (sunny or rainy). It’s very tiring. We can’t take much luggage with us. It's dangerous as a cyclist can be knocked over. It's not good for long trips. It’s a well-balanced combination of rest and exercise. It’s very economical. We’ll be able to stop where we want. It's environmentally friendly. We are not afraid of traffic jams.
Car We can get into traffic jams on motorways and that’s very stressful. I always get tired of sitting in a chair for a long time. I get sick travelling long distances. Petrol is expensive. It's difficult to find a parking lot. Travelling by car is safer and more comfortable than walking. We don’t have to look for a seat. We can leave when we want and we can stop when we want, we don't depend on time table. We can take more luggage.