Праздник алфавита "The ABC" во 2-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по английскому языку, показать им самим и родителям, чему они научились.


  1. Обучающие - совершенствовать речевые умения учащихся, навыки чтения по транскрипции, произносительные, лексические и грамматические навыки.
  2. Развивающие – развивать воображение, фантазию, способность к догадке и логическому мышлению, тренировать память.
  3. Воспитательные – воспитывать умение выслушивать своих одноклассников, собранность,дисциплинированность.

Организация: привлекаются учащиеся 6-7 классов для помощи, 2 ученика – ведущие, 2 учащихся исполняют роли мистера Звука и миссис Буквы.

1 Good afternoon, children, hello all our friends. Today we are celebrating a great holiday - the ABC holiday, and I want to invite our main heroes- Mrs Letter and Mr Sound

Mrs Letter. Hello, boys and girls, I’m very glad to come and see that all pupils know the ABC and I’d like to see all the letters here. You are welcome, dear letters.

(The letters enter the room.)


One little apple on a tree
Two apples for you and me
Three apples by the door
And four apples on the floor
The apples are good and sweet
Can you count them all, Pete.


B is for birds. Birds like to sing.
They start to sing when it is spring.


C is for cat. My cat is grey.
And with me he likes to play.


D is for dog. I like dogs.
Big dogs and small dogs,
Black dogs and white dogs,
Funny dogs and kind dogs.
E is for eight and eleven,
How much is eight and eleven?


F is for flowers, red and blue,
Orange and yellow and violet, too.


G is for girls and grannies,
Girls and grannies as you can see
Are in the garden under the tree.


H is for hand, I have to hands
This is the way I clap my hands.


I is for I and ice- cream, too
Ice-cream is tasty for me and you.


J is for jam. Jimmy and Jane
Eat apple jam.


K is for kid, king and kite
Kite is little and it is white.


L is for letter, this letter for me
About love, luck and happiness.


M is for milk, meat and melon,
But mainly, for mother, my mummy is magic.


N is for nine, ninety and ninety-nine
Dear children, how much is ninety and nine?


O is for one. One, one, one
Five dogs run. Two, two, two,
They like to play to you.


P Peter has a pencil,
Peter has a pen,
He draws with his pencil
And writes with his pen.


Q is for quality, queen and question
Answer quickly, how you are.


R is for red. Rose is red. Ball is red
What else can be red? Do you know, Fred?


Sing a song, sing, sing, sing.
In comes summer, out goes spring.


Tick – tock, tick – tock
Says the clock.


Under the sky and under the trees
My uncle and I often play in the breese.


V is for five and also for seven,
It is in twelve and in eleven.


Why do you cry, Willy
Why do you cry? Why, Willy, why?


X is for six, X is for box
Six nice foxes are in the boxes.


Y is for yard where children play
You and your friends like to play every day.


Z is for zipper, zero and Zoo.
I’d like to see zebra in our Zoo.

Mrs Letter. Thank you, my friends, and I want you to sing my favourite song “The ABC”.

(All the pupils sing the song)

Mr Sound. Dear boys and girls, I see you know the ABC and what about me?

2 pupil Children, let’s show Mr Sound our Knowledge.

(Several children are invited and name the sounds on the cards)

1 pupil Very good, and now we’ll play “Go forward”. I need two teams.

(Children read the words in transcription and, if they read correctly, they make a step. Which team will come the first.?)

Well done, and now can you read? You will read about famous fairy-tale heroes.

(2 pupils from each team read the texts)

He is not a dragon. He is a blue monster. He is big. He is not evil. He is a kind and merry monster.

He likes cookies and he likes playing tricks.

Polynesia is my pet. Polynesia is my friend. She is a parrot. She is smart and friendly. She likes helping me. We like talking and playing.

1 Great . You are so smart. Will you tell me about your friends?

(children tell about their friends.)

2 I like it very much. You are good friends. And do you know colours?

(Pupils are given cards of different colours and they name the colour and get a point)

1 Many boys and girls have got pets. Who can tell about the pet?

(Pupils tell about their pets and get appoint for every correct sentence)

Mrs Letter and Mr Sound. Thank you very much. We see you know a lot and we want to teach you some interesting games.

1 Several children are in the circle and one counts and the children do:

Five little monkeys (were)
jumping on the bed,
One fell down and
bumped her(his) head,
Mummie called a doctor
And the doctor said –
No little monkeys
jumping on the bed.

Four little monkeys
dancing on the bed,
One fell down and
Bumped her head,
Mummie called a doctor
And the doctor said-
No little monkeys
Dancing on the bed.

Three - playing
Two - sitting

One little monkey was
Sleeping on the bed!

2 Children sing the song and show motions.

Oh wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
Oh wheels on the bus go round and round?
Round and round, round and round?
All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep-beep- beep,
(once again)
All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go left and right,
Left and right, left and right.

The lights on the bus go on and off,
On and off, on and off.

The doors on the bus go open and shut,
Open and shut, open and shut.

The driver on the bus goes straight and straight,
Straight and straight, straight and straight.

The kids on the bus go ah and ah,
Ah and ah, ah and ah.

The mummies on the bus go shee- shee,
Shee-shee, shee –shee.

1,2 pupils. Thank you very much for your participation. You are nice and kind.

All the pupils get small presents and sweets.