Урок английского языка по теме: "Sport In Our Life" в 6-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: обобщающий

Цель урока: систематизировать знания по теме “Sport In Our Life”

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент (постановка целей и задач урока)

2. Речевая зарядка (вопросно-ответная работа)

- The topic of our lesson is “Sport In Our Life” and I d like you to answer several questions on it/

- What do you think why sport is so popular?

- What sport and games are very popular in our school?

- Are there good footballers (tennis player, basketballers) among your classmates?

- What season is the best for sport and games?

- What games do children like to play?

- What ball games do you know?

- What is your favorite game?

3. Обучение диалогической речи

a) – Let s remember several dialogues we ve learnt about sport (2-3 пары учащихся рассказывают наизусть диалоги – “What s your favourite sport, Ann?”, “Did you go to the football match on Saturday?”, “Let s play chess, Nick !”)

b)- And now try to make up your own Dialogues about sport. On the blackboard there are several sentences which will help you to ask questions. (На доске: Ask your classmates : 1) what their favourite sport are and why they like them; 2) what sport they are good at or would like to be good at; 3) where they usually play sports.

(Учащиеся составляют свои диалоги)

c) (Затем включаю аудио запись) – Can you guess what sport or games the children are speaking about?

1)- We didn’t t win because the ice was bad

- No, nothing was wrong with the ice, we didn’t t play well enough to win. (hockey)

2)- The field at this stadium is very good, don t you think so?

- Oh, I like to play here. Are you a good player? (football)

3)- They have only tall player; it was easier for them to win the match

- Yes, we had a hard game today, but we did our best. (basketball)

4. Обучение пересказу (текст “The Olympic Games”)

a)- I think that s enough for dialogues. Now let s remember the text “The Olympic Games”. But first, look at the words we need while working on the text .

(Учащиеся хором, затем индивидуально читают и переводят слова, написанные на карточках - exciting, wrestling, athlete, also, competition, result, champion, team, train, win, lose)

b) Fill in the world (На доске написаны следующие предложения : “The Greeks were fond of all kinds of…” (exercises). “All the cities sent their …(athletes) to take part in the …(competition). “We are proud of our sportsmen who show good…

(results) in the competitions” “The Moscow Olympic Games were a… (festival) of sport and friendship”.

c) – The next task on the will be to complete the sentences:

“The Olympic Games have a very (long history)”

“They began more than (two thousand years ado)”

“The famous Games at Olympia took place (every 4 years)”

“The strongest athletes came together (to run, jump, wrestle, throw discus, box)”

“It became a tradition even (to stop wars for the time of the Olympic Games)”

“The competitions lasted (five days)”

“The winner in each, kind of sport got (an olive wreath) which was (the highest honour)”

“In the summer of 1980 Moscow (became the 17-th city to host the Olympic Games)”

“Moscow made the 22 nd (Olympic Games a bright, beautiful and exciting festival of sport)”

d) – And now answer some questions on the text, please.

- When and where did the Olympic Games begin?

- What kinds of sports were popular among the ancient Greeks?

- Were the competitions in Olympia friendly?

- How many days did the ancient Olympic Games last?

- How did the Greeks show that the victories of their champions were dear to their hearts?

- How often in the modern world do the Olympic Games take place?

- What results have our athletes always shown at the Olympic Games?

e) – And now, I think, it s time to retell the text

(проверка домашнего задания)

5. Подведение итогов.


Учебник по английскому языку, 6 класс, авторы Богородицкая, Хрусталева.