Политическое устройство США. Тема урока: "How much power does the US President have?". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Практическая цель: обучение чтению, формирование умения выделения главного в тексте, развитие навыков монологической речи.

Сопутствующая задача: совершенствование произносительных навыков.

Развивающая цель: формирование фоновых знаний.

Воспитательная цель: повышении интереса к изучению иностранного языка. воспитание доброжелательного, терпимого отношения к другой культуре.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher:Hello, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you today. Is everybody present?

Pupils: Yes

Teacher: Fine. I see that you are a bit sleepy and to wake you up I offer to listen to the song “America, the beautiful” Do you recognize the tune? Sing it aloud.

Pupils: (Поют песню хором)

O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain.

America! America ! God shed his grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea.

O beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassion’d stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat A cross the wilderness.

America! America ! God mend thine ev’ry flaw

Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.

Teacher: Today we are going to study the political system of the USA. I shall give you some basic information about the political system of the USA Let’s begin our work.

2. Основная часть.

And now look at the blackboard. Be carefully, listen to me than we you will answer my questions. (Рассказ учителя о политическом устройстве США с помощи презентации приложение 1)

Teacher: And now open your books at page 44. Find the scheme of the US political system. Study it carefully once more and answer my questions:

1. Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA? And in Britain?

2. Which officials in the USA are elected and which are appointed? And in Britain?

3. Is the head of state elected directly by the people in the USA? And in Britain?

4. Can the people of the USA exercise their power through their representatives? And what about the people in Britain?

5. What activities are the two branches of power involved in?

(Ученики отвечают на вопросы по одному)

Teacher: And next task for you is to match the words with the definitions: US, Constitution, bill of rights, Congress, congressman, Senate, senator, Cabinet.

1. A member of the USA Congress.

2. The document which sets the basic form of government and specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government.

3. A member of the US law-making Senate.

4. The first ten Constitutional Amendments (поправок) /A statement of basic human rights.

Teacher: Listen to the text about the US political system. What new facts are there in the information? Tick the right answers in the test while listening.


1. The President is

A. Appointed by the Congressmen.
B. Elected directly by the people.
C. Appointed by the Vice President

2. Congress is

A. The legislative branch of the federal
B. The executive branch.
C. The judicial branch.

3. Congress is made up of

A. The Administration and the Senate.
B. The House of Representatives and the Cabinet
C. The House of Representatives and the Senate

4. There are 100 senators and

A. 345 members of the House.
B. 543 members of the House.
C. 435 members of the House


The United State of America is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states, each of which has its own government. Every state has its own government, its own police, and its own laws.

The President is the head of the whole country and the government. He makes the most important decisions and chooses the ministers, the members of cabinet. But the President cannot do just what he wants. The Congress must agree first. Americans choose a new President every four years.

The government of the whole country works from Washington. This is where Congress is based. The House of Representatives has 435 members. Elections to the House take place every two years. There are 100 senators. They are elected to serve for a period of six years, but every two years elections to the Senate take place when one third of its members may be changed or re- elected. Americans who are not yet 25 years old have no right to elected to the House of Representatives, and those who are not are under 30 cannot be elected to the Senate.

Teacher: Speak about the political system in the USA. Use your test and the scheme as a plan for retelling.

(Ученики рассказывают о политической системе Америки)

Teacher:And now let’s learn some more interesting information about the third branch of government, the judicial branch, is much more powerful than in some other countries. It is involved in the system of checks and balances. Do you know anything about this system? Study the scheme on p. 45 and try to understand how the system of checks and balances works.

Answer my questions:

  • How does the President deal with Congress and the Supreme Court?
  • In what way does the Supreme Court check the other branches of power?
  • How does Congress balance the powers of the other two branches?

Teacher: Americans say, "The President proposes (предполагает), but Congress disposes (располагает). " Why do they think so? Read the text ex. 5 p. 46 and find the reasons in it and in the scheme.

Express your opinion. Many people outside the USA think that US President is very powerful. Do you agree with them?

(ученики высказывают свое мнение)

Teacher: Now let's play the "Champion" game. Who can remember more facts about the US Political system?

Group work. The US and British governmental systems have different features. Find as many differences as you can. Whose group will manage to single out all the differences?

Let's play one more game in pairs. Make up as many words as you can out of the words:. REPRESENTETIV, Constitution.

3. Заключительная частью.

Teacher: I hope that you liked our today's class your home assignment will be to get ready for the integrated lesson. You have got your individual tasks for it. Take care.