Урок-игра "The Wheel of Fortune"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оборудование: иллюстрации к вопросам, барабан “Поле чудес”, музыкальное оформление; вопросы отборочных туров, написанные на классной доске, задания для каждого тура – на отдельных плакатах, призы.

Hello, everybody. I’m glad to see you at our show. Let me, first, introduce myself. My name is Lyudmila Ivanovna. I am a teacher of English. And I am a host of the show. How are you today? Are you ready for having fun?

So, we can start our show. Welcome to “The wheel of Fortune”. Today our show is devoted to the English-speaking countries. Well, what English speaking countries do you know? Name as many as you can.

Game 1

But, first of all, we have to choose the first players, you have to answer these questions to take part in the first game. But you must speak only English.


  1. What countries does Great Britain consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).
  2. What color is the British flag? (red and white and blue).
  3. What is the capital of England? (London).

Here are our first players. Can you introduce yourself? (During the game the participants tell a few words about yourselves).

Task 1: What flower is the national symbol of Scotland? (thistle)


By the way, let’s remember the flowers – symbols of other countries on the British Isles.

(England – rose, Northern Ireland – shamrock, Wales – daffodil).

Game 2


  1. Where is the tallest building (skyscraper) in the world? (Chicago – Sears Tower).
  2. Where did football come from? What country is considered to be home for football?
  3. What national sport in America is very similar to Russian game “lapta”? (Baseball).

Task 2: This English speaking country has 2 official languages: French and English. What is this country? (Canada)


Game 3


  1. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus).
  2. What is a capital of the USA? (Washington).
  3. How many states are there in the USA? (50).

Task 3: Name the country which presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA for Independence Day. (France). By the way, where is the statue of Liberty? (New York). It is a symbol of freedom.



Do you know the national American holiday – Thanksgiving Day? What do you know about it? (Pupils tell the legend about the roots of this holiday).

What is the name of the ship on which pilgrims came to America? (Mayflower).


Now we have the winner of our show! Congratulations! Well, would you like to have a super game? Ok.

Here is a SUPER GAME!

Every body knows this sightseeing of London (look at the picture). What is this? Have you recognized it ? That’s right! It is the Tower of London. What do you know about this famous place? (It was found in 1066 as a castle, then as a king palace, then as a prison. Now it is a museum).

But tell me, how are the tower guards called? They feed and keep the royal treasure. (Beefeaters)


Thank you very much for participating in the game. You are all good and clever guys. Each participant gets a gift.