Открытый урок в 3-м классе по теме "Food"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами по теме;
  • развитие навыков аудирования;
  • отработка Past Simple;
  • активизация лексики по теме “Food”;
  • развитие орфографических навыков;
  • развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Методы обучения:

  1. Словесный;
  2. Иллюстративно-наглядный;
  3. Поисковый.

Формы обучения:

  1. Фронтальная работа;
  2. Парная работа;
  3. Индивидуальная работа.

Средства обучения:

  1. Учебник “English–III” , И.Н Верещагина;
  2. Карточки с неправильными глаголами;
  3. Картинки по теме урока;
  4. Магнитофон.

Оформление доски:

1.Тематические картинки;

2.Написанные правильные глаголы в Past Simple;

3.Портреты мальчика и девочки.

Дополнительное оформление: на стенах и шторах кабинета прикреплены карточки с неправильными глаголами в первой и второй формах.

План урока:

I. Сообщение цели урока.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

III. Отработка Past Simple Tense.

IV. Аудирование коротких текстов. Активизация лексики по теме “Food”.

V. Физкультминутка.

VI. Ознакомление с новой лексикой.

VII. Развитие навыков поискового чтения.

VIII. Итог урока, оценка работы учащихся.

IX. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока

I. Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you again! How are you?

P1-P3: I am O’K.

I am all right, thanks.

I am fine, and you?

Teacher: I am very well, thank you!

Today we are going to read and speak about food and learn to cook tasty dishes. Are you ready? Well, let’s start.

II. Teacher: Look at the picture, children. Who can you see?

P 1: It’s Robin.

Teacher: Is he a great eater?

Pupils: Yes, he is.

Teacher: Listen to the poem about Robin. (Pupils listen to the announcer; then read the poem to the partners in turns).So, who wants to read the poem aloud?

Three pupils recite а poem “Robin” (ex.7 p.130) (Приложение 1.)

III. Teacher: Children, let’s go to the country “Правильная Глаголия”. Рrincess ID and her brothers T and D live here. Oh! Who wrote these words?

[d] [t] [ id ]
watched cleaned thanked
wanted skated helped
lived loved skipped
dressed jumped played

I think it was Neznayka. Let’s correct him.

Pupils go to the blackboard and correct the mistakes by drawing lines.

And now, friends, let’s visit the country “Неправильная Глаголия”.

You have got a card with a Russian verb; find the cards with the first and the second forms of the

English verb.

Please, stand up and go! Read the Russian verb and then the English one.

Pupils find the cards and read the verbs.

I see that you remember the verbs and you are ready to answer my questions:

Teacher: When did you get up yesterday?

P 1: I got up at eight o’clock yesterday.

Teacher: Did you clean teeth in the bathroom?

P 2: Yes, I cleaned teeth in the bathroom.

Teacher: Who did you have breakfast with?

P 3: I had breakfast with my mother and brother.

P 4: I had breakfast with my granny.

Teacher: What did you have for breakfast?

P 5: I had porridge, bread and butter and tea for breakfast.

P 6: I had eggs and coffee for breakfast.

Teacher: What did you have for dinner, Ann?

P 7: For dinner I had soup, meat and a glass of juice.

Teacher: Did you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon yesterday?

P 8: I went to school in the afternoon yesterday.

Teacher: When did you come home yesterday?

P 9: I came home at five o’clock yesterday.

Teacher: Who did you have supper with, Mike?

P 10: I had supper with my Mom and Dad.

Teacher: What did you have for supper yesterday?

P 11: I had fruit salad for supper.

IV. Teacher: Well, I know what you have for breakfast, dinner and supper yesterday. Do you want to know what two English children, Jane and Mike had for dinner yesterday?

I’ve got a sound letter from these children. (Pointing to the portraits of a boy and a girl) Listen to the letters. Remember what Jane and Mike had for dinner yesterday. Then you are to put the picture of food near his or her portrait and write the word on the blackboard.

Pupils listen to the texts twice and do the task. (Приложение 2, 3)

V. Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Do you like our song? I think you do. So, let us sing a song “I had a headache” and dance. (Приложение 4)

VI. Knocking at the door

Teacher: Please, come in. Oh, it’s a cook.

Cook: I’ve brought fruits and vegetables for you.

Teacher: Thank you! Children, do you know the word “fruit”? Apples, bananas, oranges are fruits. (Showing pictures.). Fruit juice, fruit salad, fruit soup, tasty fruit. This is a carrot. (Showing a carrot.) Do you like carrots? My cat doesn’t eat carrots. The carrot is a vegetable. A potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. Do you like to еat vegetables?

P 1: Of course, I do. I like to eat tomatoes and potatoes.

Teacher: Do you know how to make fruit salad?

P 1: I can take an apple, a banana, an orange.

P 2: I can take a tangerine and an apple and cream.

Teacher: Right you are! And do you know how to make vegetable salad?

P 3: I know! I put potatoes, a carrot and meat.

Teacher: Is it tasty?

P 3: Yes, it’s very tasty.

Teacher: Try to do it at home, children.

VII. Проверка домашнего задания. (ex.7 p111)

Teacher: I see that you know the words well and you can help your mothers to cook. Can you make tea?

Pupils: Yes, we can.

Teacher: Let’s speak about tea then. You are to work in pairs. One of you is to read questions in the cards; the other pupil is to find the answers in your home text.

P 1: What is the title of the text?

P 2: The title of the text is “Tea”.

P 1: Do you like tea?

P 2: Yes, I do.

P 1: When do you have tea?

P 2: I have tea for breakfast.

P 1: When do English people have tea?

P 2: They have tea for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

P 1: How many cups of tea do they have at tea-time?

P 2: Two or three.

P 1: Do English people drink tea from cups or from glasses?

P 2: They drink it from cups.

P 1: Do they like tea with lemon or with milk?

P 2: They like tea with milk.

VIII. Teacher: Our lesson is over. I think you can go to the English cafe and ask what you want in English.

Everyone will get a mark for their good work.

IX. At home you are to learn the poem “Robin” by heart; (Ex.7 p.10) and draw Robin.

Приложение 1.


Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat.
He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet.
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs
And all the cookies Mother had.
He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake
Then said: “I have a stomachache”.

Приложение 2.

Jane: Yesterday I had dinner with my mother and father. We had apples, tomato juice, fish soup, potatoes with fried meat and bread for dinner. I didn’t like fish soup, but I liked fried meat very much. It was tasty.

Приложение 3.

Mike: Yesterday I had my birthday. My Mom cooked very tasty things: meat salad, a chicken, and a pudding. She bought a big cake and many sweets.

Приложение 4.(учащиеся поют песню на мотив “Кукарача”)


Yesterday I had a headache
Mother took me to the doctor.
Yesterday I had a headache
Mother took me to the doc.
I had a headache, I had a headache
I didn’t want to eat my lunch.
I had a headache, I had a headache
I didn’t want to eat my lunch.


Yesterday I had a stomachache
Mother took me to the doctor.
Yesterday I had a stomachache
Mother took me to the doc.
I had a stomachache, I had a stomachache,
I didn’t want to drink my milk.
I had a stomachache, I had a stomachache,
I didn’t want to drink my milk.


Yesterday I had a toothache
Mother took me to the dentist.
Yesterday I had a toothache
Mother took me to the dentist.
I had a toothache, I had a toothache,
I didn’t want to eat my fish.
I had a toothache, I had a toothache,
I didn’t want to eat my fish.

Учащиеся ищут неправильные глаголы.

Исправляем “ошибки Незнайки”.