Урок по теме: "Does your health depend on you?" (к учебнику В.П. Кузовлев). 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

I. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

T.: Hello, everybody! How are you?

P.: I am well today.

I think, you are in a good mood. Let’s sing our song “ Ruth has a headache”.

Ruth has a toothache.
Teddy has a cold.
Fred has a headache.
Eddie’s getting old.
Sam has a stomachache.
Frankie has the flu.
Jack has a backache.
Tony has one, too.

II. Введение в тему.

Anton, have you a headache? Children, what can you advise ?

In our last lesson we talked about health. Today we are going to talk about health and body care, and we’ll learn to use adverbials of frequences.

Please, look at these pictures. What can you say about these children? What is the problem with Bill? What is the problem with Ted? What should we advise them?

III. Развитие навыков говорения.

You give some advises Bill, Ted. And now you have to imagine that you have some problems with your health. Let’s go to the doctor. Make up the dialogues.

IV. Актуализация употребления лексики.

Now divide into groups. You’ll work in groups. Your task is add to each group some words. Parts of the body: an arm,

Illnesses: a headache,

Remedies: vitamins,

V. Практика в аудировании.

I want you to tell one story. Listen to the story, please. “Should teachers do this?”

На доске выписать слова.

Awful – ужасный

To allow – позволять

I was allowed – мне разрешали

VI. Проверка домашнего задания.

Now, we go over your homework. Open your books on page 60. You had to read the dialogue on page 60.

VII. Ознакомить с Adverbials of Frequency.

Once a day, twice a day, three times a day. Эти выражения стоят в конце предложения.

Например: I go to the dentist.

VIII. Заключительный этап: придумать свои предложения.