Обобщающий урок: "Транспорт и места, где я живу" (учебник Кузовлева). 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели: Развитие лингвистических способностей, желание общаться на языке, при этом получая удовольствие, радость.

Учебные задачи: Активизировать употребление речевых образцов и грамматических структур there is, there are в речи учащихся; использовать вопросительные слова what, where,who, закрепить употребление предлогов in, on, under и лексических единиц по теме, развить навыки диалогической речи.

Дополнительное оборудование: предметные и тематические карточки, раздаточный материал, аудиомагнитофон, видеомагнитофон, аудиозаписи, видеозаписи.


1. Организационный момент.

T: How do you do kids

Ss: How do you do

T: I hope you are well today

Ss: We hope you are well too.

T: Today we will speak about Transport and Places. If you do the task right you will get a smiling yellow face, if you make a mistake you’ll get a green one. At the end of the lesson I’ll give you marks. Now let’s start our lesson.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Well let’s watch video and train some sounds. (Просмотр видеозаписи со звуками [?], [?] )

T: Children, look at the board please and repeat the words after me:

Theatre This Church Convenient What
Thanks That Charming Comfortable Where
There Cheap Quick When
Natural Vehicle Wheels

T: Who can read these words?

3. Общие фразы. T: Please answer my questions now.

How are you? How old are you? Where are you from? Are you a girl? Are you a boy? I like to ride on a bicycle. Do you like to ride on a bicycle? My favorite vehicle is plane. What is your favorite vehicle? I like to go to the cinema. Do you like to go to the cinema?

4. Отработка слов на тематических плакатах. (На доске плакаты с изображением транспорта: самолёта, поезда, корабля, машины, велосипеда и троллейбуса).T-Ss-S1-S2…

5. Игра “Odd one word out” T: Now look at the board please and tell me what word differs from the other words.

Train Park Fast On Sunday Centre
Trolley Market Slow From Monday There
Plane School Good In Cinema Shop
Name Food Dark Who Friday Cinema

6. T: Watch the video tape please and tell me what places and transport the announcer used in her speech. (Просмотр видеозаписи )

7. Подготовка к диалогической речи. Показываются карточки со словами what, where,who.

T: Now fill in the gaps using the words: who, what, where.

_is the fastest way of traveling?

_rides on a bicycle?

_do you ride on a car?

Тренировка вопросов в группах, составление микродиалогов T-S-Ss

8. T: The first row trains the first question, the second row trains the second question and the third row trains the third question. Now make a dialogue using these questions.

T: Very well kids, so let’s have a rest. We will play a game “Simon Says”. When I tell you to do the action and say please, you do the action, if I don’t say the word please you don’t do the action.

9. Повторение предлогов: on, under, in. Учитель кладёт ручку на, под, в коробку и говорит: The pen is ON the box. The pen is UNDER the box. The pen is IN the box.

T: Now take your pens and books . Listen to me and do the action: put the pen on the book, under the book, in the book.

T: Open your books page 288 ex 44

Listen to the text and find the prepositions : on, under, in.

10. Закрепление предлогов. (раздаточный материал: у каждого учащегося на парте предлоги и картинки с изображением игрушек в ящике, под ящиком, на ящике)

T: You have a list of paper in front of you and three prepositions. I’ll tell the number of the picture and you’ll show me the preposition you fill in.

11. Закрепление слов по теме. T: Now children we’ll see who knows more words from the

topic Transport and Places. I’ll throw you the ball and you tell me any word from our

topic, don’t repeat the words.

12. T: Let’s play bingo game. We have six categories and you can choose one. I’ll give the

Definition of the word and you must guess what is this word.



They are round and orange. (ORANGES)

It’s brown and sweet. Sneakers, Mars, Bounty are… (CHOCOLATE)

We like to drink it in the morning with milk and sugar (COFFEE)

Apples, oranges, bananas, pears are… (FRUIT)


It’s a big place, we play football there. (STADIUM)

From Monday till Saturday you go to… (SCHOOL)

You can buy animals there. (PET SHOP)

You can swim there. (SWIMMING POOL)


It’s the fastest way of traveling. It can fly. It has got 2 wings. (PLANE)

It has got 2 wheels. It can carry 1 or 2 people. (BICYCLE)

It looks like a bus, but it uses electricity. (TROLLEY)

It has got 4 wheels. It can carry people. It’s very convenient.(CAR)


Teeth, snow, clouds.(WHITE)

Turtle, cucumbers, grass. (GREEN)

Bananas, cheese, chicken, the sun (YELLOW)

Chocolate, a bear. (BROWN)


It is hot. June, July, and August are in … (SUMMER)

It is snowy and frosty. Christmas, New Year is in… (WINTER)

The leaves are yellow, green and brown in … (AUTUMN)

March, April, and May are in … (SPRING)


He is a boy, he is 8, and he is my … (BROTHER)

I love her, she cooks, she cleans the house, and she is beautiful… (MOTHER)

He is a man. I love him. He loves my mother very much.(FATHER)

She is a girl, she is 6, and she is my… (SISTER)

13. Объяснение домашнего задания.

T: Write down your home task please. Write a few sentences where your family and you like to go. For those who can’t make this task unscramble words from our topic.

14. Подведение итогов урока. T: Today you worked hard, so those who’ve got more yellow faces will get an excellent mark and those who have more green cards will have A good mark for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye.