Обобщающий урок по теме "Healthy Living Guide" в 9-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • обобщение изученного материала;
  • развитие навыков говорения;
  • развитие навыков аудирования;
  • обучение проведению исследовательской работы по теме;
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
  • осознание и пропаганда здорового образа жизни.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация по теме, раздаточный печатный материал, звуковой материал.

Форма урока: групповая работа.

Ход урока

I. Introduction

Today we are going to have a final talk about health. Beforehand you were divided into 3 creative groups, which had some tasks. At our lessons we discussed good and bad habits, health problems and health care.

II. Presentation

Now look at screen, please.

You can see some sayings and proverbs. Comment on them, please.

One of your tasks was to find sayings or proverbs on topic “Health”. Show us your sheets with the proverbs and comment on them in brief.

III. Reading and Talking

Look at screen again. Let’s read the information and talk about good and bad habits.

Now you should take sheet 1 (Приложение1.doc) and write down your ideas about good and bad habits and then name them. Working in groups you made a portrait of an average member of each group. Tell us about this. You should listen and if somebody has some problems advise how to solve them.

IV. Listening and comprehension.

I think a global problem of young people is smoking. Please, listen to a small text and say if the measures of the British Government against smoking differ from the measures of the Russian Government. (audio text “No smoking”).

At dinner a beautiful girl looks at a young man sitting at another table. They smile at each other. It is the end of dinner. People get up from their tables. Will he come up to her? Yes, he is walking to her. Then suddenly when he is near, she turns round and walks quickly away. This is the beginning of an anti-smoking advertisement in British cinemas. As she walks from the dining-room alone, the beautiful girl turns to us and says, "He smells like an old ashtray."

The British Government has a campaign against smoking. In this film they say, "Smoking makes you unattractive." Most antismoking campaigns tell us, "Stop smoking, it is very bad for your health."

Advertisements say about people who die every year because they smoke. But many people can't stop smoking.

When smokers see an anti-smoking advertisement they are worried for some time. They smoke fewer cigarettes for two or three months, but then they forget all about it.

Now every packet of cigarettes must have the words "Smoking is bad for your health" on it. Every advertisement in newspapers must also say this.

In Britain many trains have a special "No smoking" section. You may not smoke in British theatres. But people still smoke where and when they can. They know that smoking is bad for them. Aren't people worried about their health? Do they like smoking so much that they are not afraid to get ill?

It is easier with younger people. This is why the Government films are for young people. The new advertisements in cinemas show attractive young men and women who smoke. Other young people look at them and say: "Yes, they are attractive, but they smell of tobacco. They smell like an old ashtray." Young people often have their first cigarette because they think they look older if they smoke. For older smokers the British Government gives very big advertisements in all the newspapers. They say: "If you cannot stop smoking, you must choose the cigarettes which are not strong." The picture shows which cigarettes are not very strong. And under the picture there are the words: "Choose your death."

V. Slide show and production.

At this slide you can see information of Russian Association of Public Health.

And you worked as correspondents too.

Look at the results of a public opinion poll in our school.

We all understand that some measures against spreading bad habits should be taken. What would you do if you were a president?

VI. Exercises (matching).

In the past being healthy meant not to be ill. Nowadays we realize that health is not only physical health. It consists of physical, mental and social health. Please, take sheet 2 (Приложение2.doc) and try to match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health.

Now let’s look at screen and check your answers.

VII. Reading. Look at slide “Ingredients of healthy life”.

Read them, please. You understand it’s not full. At home you should supplement this list.

VIII. Discussion

Now look at this diagram.

Your health depends on some factors: genes and body make up we inherit from our parents; environment surrounds us; health care system helps us to improve health. These factors depend on you and other people. The fourth factor “Lifestyle” takes the greatest part of the circle. Why? (discussion).

Individual choices are more important than any other factor influencing personal health. I hope your choice will be right.

Hometask: to supplement the list (sheet 3) (Приложение3.doc).
