Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Isn't it a lovely holiday?" (для младших школьников)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ведущий 1 Good morning, dear mothers, grandmothers, teachers, guests. We'd like to tell you the reason of our meeting.
Ведущий 2 We have a custom of celebrating Women's Day. It's always on the 8th of March.
Ведущий 1 This is a holiday for all women. On that day people visit their mothers, grandmothers and give them presents and flowers.
Ведущий 2 On that day mothers usually have little work or no work at all, because all the people in the family try to make a day off for their mothers and grandmothers.
Ведущий 1 And we are trying to make this day a holiday for you. So, let's begin.

На сцену выходят два ученика, переодетые в костюмы сосульки и солнечного лучика

Icicle Hello!
Sun Ray Hello! Who are you?
Icicle I am icicle. And who are you?
Sun Ray I am Sun Ray. What do you do there? It is spring now and all your friends went away.
Icicle But I want to see the spring holiday. It is called the 8-th of March.
Sun Ray You know that we have this holiday today in our class.
Icicle I'm glad, but it's very warm here.
Sun Ray It is so because all mothers have come to our holiday. They’ve taken warmth and love.
Icicle O.K. But what did their children do for them?
Sun Ray We '11 know this now.

На сцену выходят дети с открытками и подарками, читают стихи (начиная с 7 стихотворения дети подходят к своим мамам и дарят им подарки)


Spring is coming,
Spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too.
Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming too.


Cheep-cheep! Why do the birds sing?
Cheep-cheep! Why do the birds sing?
Cheep-cheep! The birds all sing,
Cheep-cheep-cheep! Because it's spring.


March brings sunny days and winds
So we know that spring begins.


April brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet.


May brings flowers, joy and grass
And a lot of fun for us.


Spring, spring, spring!
The trees ate green.
Blue skies are seen.
Grey winter has gone away!
The world looks new and gay.


I know the face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace.
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives light


A face that itself like joy,
To see it- I'm a happy boy.
And I have a joy that have no others,
This lovely woman is my mother.


We like the way you cook,
Now what we really want to say
Is: "Happy Mother's day.


March the 8-th is coming
Mother's holiday
Dora is knitting
Busily away.


It will be a present,
Beautiful and nice,
Something very pleasant
For her mother's eyes.


See! The scarf is ready,
Full of Dora's love.
Oh! And in the middle
There's a white dove.


Мама на кухне. Папа читает газету. Дети играют. Мама открывает буфет и обращается к семье.

Mother Oh, this box is empty. Will you go shopping, please.
Все молчат
Mother Go shopping, please!
(Та же ситуация)
Mother Go shopping! … Do go shopping!!!?
Father Oh, I'm sorry, dear, but I can't. I haven't cleaned my car.
Son Why me? There are too many shops to go to. Well, you know, I have only one pair of legs.
Daughter Mum, I'll go shopping!
Mother Oh, good girl. O.K.., listen, you must buy 5 kg of potatoes and 200 grams of candies.
Daughter O.K., mum. I'll try not to forget it.
(через некоторое время заходит с пустой сумкой)
Daughter Mum, the shop assistant gave me nothing
Mother Why? Didn't you tell him what I've told you?
Daughter Of course, I did. I said: "Give me, please, 5 kilos of candies and 200 grams of potatoes. And he said: Are you sure? Let your mother buy it. OK? We wish you not to be in such situation and want to tell how we must help you.


Help you mother to lay the table,
Put a knife and fork and spoon.


Help you mother to lay the table
Every afternoon.


Help you mother to clean the table
Take the knife and fork and spoon.


Help you mother to clean the table,
Morning, night and afternoon.


Let's try to be polite in everything we do.
Remember always to say "Please"
And don't forget "Thank you."


Sweeping, sweeping, we must do the sweeping,
We must get it clean,
No dust must be seen
While Mother is still sleeping.


Dusting, dusting, we must do the dusting,
We must get it clean,
We must get it clean,
While Mother is still sleeping.


Polishing, polishing, we must do the polishing,
We must get a shine, a beautiful shine
While Mother is still sleeping.


Now the house is clean and bright,
We have done it quite all right,
Wake up, wake up, Mother, do,
Come and see what we’ve done for you.

Dear mothers! We wish you:

(Каждый ребенок называет по одному пожеланию)


Good health,



Warm sun rays,


Good children,

Loving husbands,


Many flowers,

(Все вместе)

Happy Mother's Day!!!


Сад: несколько деревьев, цветы
Ведущий Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to do and play in the Giant's garden.
Звучит музыка (Вивальди “Времена года”), заходят дети, садятся в круг.
Ведущий It was a large garden with soft green grass. There were a lot of flowers.

The birds sat in the trees and sang.

Звучит музыка с птичьими голосами, дети танцуют.
Дети How happy we are here.
Звучит устрашающая музыка, появляется Великан.
Великан It is my own garden. And I will allow nobody to play in it but myself.

I will build a high wall all around it and put up a notice-board.

Великан вешает табличку с надписью

Trespassers will be prosecuted!

Ведущий Не was a very selfish Giant. The poor children had no anywhere to play.
Выходят дети под печальную музыку.
Дети Let's go to play on the road.

No, the road is very dusty and full of hard stones.

How happy we were there.


Звучит музыка. Заходит Зима, снимает листья с деревьев.

Музыка изменяется. Заходит Весна, но, увидев табличку, уходит. Зима возвращается.

Ведущий Then the Spring came and all around were little blossoms and little birds.

Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still Winter. The birds did not sing in it.

Входят Снег и Мороз.
Снег Spring forgot this garden.
Мороз So we will live here all the year round. We must ask the North Wind on a visit.
Ветер Oh, it is a beautiful garden. I stay here too.
Появляется Великан.
Великан I cannot understand why the Spring is so late in coming.

I hope there will be a change in the weather.

Ведущий But the Spring never came and the Summer too. The Autumn didn't give fruit to the Giant's garden. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind and the Frost and

the Snow were dancing about through the Trees.

Ветер, Мороз и Снег танцуют.
Ведущий But one morning the giant saw a lovely flower in his garden.
Великан It is the most wonderful flower in the world. Spring, you can’t let this flower die. Please! Please!.. I believe the Spring will come at last.

Oh, I see the children in my garden.

Дети Oh, it is so cold here. Look, I see a flower over there! …Is it Giant?
Великан Children! I am so sorry! I was so selfish. Please, come to play here and my garden will be nice playground forever and ever.
Дарит ребенку цветок, убирает табличку. Ветер, Мороз и Снег уходят.
Дети He is really sorry for what he had done
Приходит весна с цветами, затем все участники. Весна отдает им цветы, а они их дарят всем женщинам в зале.

В конце праздника можно провести игру. Выбирают несколько мам с детьми. Дети встают к доске, мамы - спиной к ним. Мамам задаётся вопрос, дети пишут ответ на доске (на английском языке), а мамы после этого отвечают.

1. Какой любимый цвет вашего ребёнка?

2. Какой любимый фрукт?

3. Какое любимое животное?

4. Какая любимая игрушка?

5. Как зовут лучшего друга вашего ребёнка?

6. Любимый мультфильм вашего ребёнка.

7. Любимый урок в школе.

8. Любимая игра.

9. Кем мечтает стать ваш ребёнок?

10. Любимый праздник вашего ребёнка.

После этого подводят итоги. Лучшая пара (ответы мамы совпали с ответами её ребёнка) награждается.

В заключении выходит ведущий и все участники
Ведущий Well, our holiday is over. But we have some words, which we must say to our mothers and grandmothers. What are these words?
Дети Thank you very much! Thank you for everything!