Открытый урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме: "Describing People and Places"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Познавательная - знакомство с мегаполисами и образом жизни, обычаями людей, проживающих в мегаполисах англоязычных стран и сравнение их с Москвой и образом жизни москвичей. Развивать умение извлекать необходимую информацию.
  • Развивающая - формирование способности к переключению и увеличению объема внимания, к анализу и синтезу, к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов к формированию выводов из услышанного и прочитанного, способности к осмысленности восприятия, оценке фактов, развитие способностей к репродуктивным действиям.
  • Воспитательная - воспитание положительного, уважительного отношения к образу жизни и традициям англоязычных стран, более глубокому осмыслению своей культуры. Формировать умение работать в парах, группах. Воспитывать интерес к предмету.

Учебная - формирование навыков речи, аудирования, закрепление грамматики (сравнительная и превосходная степени )

Оборудование: учебник “Headway” by John & Liz Soars, 2 магнитофона, 2 кассеты, картинки Лондона и Нью-Йорка, Москвы, дидактический раздаточный материал, песня “The Streets of London”

Ход урока

T: How do you do. How are you today? Have you heard any news about London, New-York or Moscow? What is the latest news on TV or radio?



T: Thank you. I want you to listen to the song . What is this song about?

Pupils are listening to the song “The Streets of London”………………………………

T: So the theme of our lesson is Towns. The task for you is to listen to, to analyze, to compare. And the grammar material for today’s lesson to work at is comparatives and superlatives

Look at the blackboard and read the words.


What do these words mean?

Pupils: It means that they are different

T: If they are different we can compare them. Then we need some grammar. Let’s remind some grammar material. Open your books and the task for you is tell some grammar rules to your partner. Then we’ll remind the main rules together. How are comparative and superlative forms formed?. For example one-syllable adjectives or three-four syllable adjectives. And one thing more… What about constructions with comparisons: adjectives and adverbs. They may be positive and negative.

Positive: AS…..AS(equal comparison)

Negative: NOT AS…../SO…..AS(unequal comparison) (doing exercises)

T: Let’s return to towns. In what way can we compare towns?

Pupil 1, pupil2, pupil 3….

In geographical position,



number of people,

life styles,

the people,


public transport system and so on…

One town is older than the other.

One town is more polluted than the other.

People are more polite and friendly than in the other.

One is more beautiful

One is more COSMOPOLITAN than the other.

T: At the previous lesson you were given some additional material about two cities New-York and London for reading. Your home-task was to put questions about London and New-York Now we are going to check your home-work, but we’ll do in a form of a game. Stand up and make a circle! Stay opposite each other! And those who are in the circle ask questions. After that you’ll change your places. The task for you is to exchange with the information that you have. We’ll need this information later may be not today. Keep the information in your mind.

The game

(for example)

Do you know what population of London is?.

Have got any idea about the climate of New-York?..

Do you happen to know where New-York is situated?


T: Do you like it? It was really interesting, wasn’t it?

I think you’ve got a lot of information now.

And now I want you to listen to two tape scripts. And the task is to listen to, of course to write down some notes because after the listening you’ll exchange with the information with each other. The group will be divided into two groups. Each group is going to listen to a different tape. We have two cassette recorders for you to listen to for the information at the same time.

Listening:…(Pupils are listening to the two scripts about living in New- York and in London……………


T: Now take your seats and exchange with the information. There are tables on your desks. Please fill them with the information quickly. You can see three columns. One column is for Moscow. We learned much about our capital. Compare three cities: Moscow, London and New-York.


Pupils: Filling the tables, exchanging with the information…………....

T: Compare these three towns please.

Pupils Compare the cities

T: Thank you for your work! We’ve done a lot of interesting work today.

Your marks……………………………

Your homework……………………………

Приложение 1

Приложение 2