Урок в 7-м классе по теме: "Экология"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  1. Систематизировать знания по теме “Экология”;
  2. Выделить наиболее существенные проблемы по теме и пути их решения;
  3. Актуализировать лексику по теме “Животные. Растения. Природа”.


  1. Воспитывать чувство товарищества при работе в группах;
  2. Воспитывать доброе и бережное отношение к природе (земле, воде, воздуху, живой природе).


  1. Развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление;
  2. Развивать умение выделять главное и важное.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Постановка целей урока.

Good day, dear boys and girls! Please, sit down, make yourself comfortable. The theme of our lesson today is “The protection of the environment” and by the end of the lesson we must try to decide how to save our planet for the future generations. We know that the Earth is our home and we must protect and keep it…

2. Этап актуализации и подготовки к выполнению проекта.

Now I want you to give the definition of the words “environment” and “ecology”, what do they mean? (Заполнение Word-Web на доске)

What is the Earth?

Where do we have water?

What animals (plants, trees, birds) do you know?

Excellent! All of you are right. Everything that you’ve mentioned now is very closely connected. People – are the part of the Earth and the Earth is the part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters and the elephants, the tigers and the snakes are our brothers. There is a balance in Nature. But the activity of the people destroys this balance and it can lead our planet to a global disaster. That’s why people created such science as ecology. Can you give the definition of this word? (Ecology is a science about nature and about the relation of people with it.) There are some people who take care of Nature and there is a special science – ecology. But nevertheless we have many ecological problems. Now, I suggest you to see the short film about ecological situation. Please, look and try to point out ecological problems. (Вниманию учащихся предлагается короткий эпизод из любого фильма с экологической тематикой, после чего дети выделяют экологические проблемы: воздух, вода, земля, животный мир, люди).

The factories pollute air. They throw their wastes into the atmosphere. How many cars throw bad breath!

The industrial wastes pollute water. Plants and factories throw out toxic and harmful wastes, trash and rubbish into the rivers, lakes, and seas. They kill fish, plants, and water animals.

The ground is in danger too! Because many people throw out trash and rubbish into the streets, leave it into the forests and on the beaches. Also plants and factories pollute ground with the industrial wastes.

The wild life. People harm to animals, birds, plants and trees. They kill rare animals, for example, elephants. A lot of trees are cut down every day. The rare plants are pulled out.

And what can you say about people?

The life of the people is in danger too, because there are many different diseases and people can die out too.

Clever of you! You’ve mentioned all the main problems of the environment and, of course, you know, if nothing is done about it – plants, animals, rivers and oceans and people will disappear in a few years.

That’s why we must decide what to do to save our planet. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. And today we shall try to make our resolution “How to save our planet for the future generations” and we’ll do our mini-project “Our ecological program”.

3. Этап создания проекта.

Now you will become the specialists of ecological problems, the members of ecological organizations “GREENPEACE” and “FRIENDS of the EARTH”.

The first group will make the resolution “How to save water”;

The second group “How to protect wild life”;

The third group “Clean Air”;

The fourth “ Clean Ground”.

Работа в группах по созданию краткосрочного проекта “ Наша экологическая программа” Ответы могут быть выполнены на листах и оформлены различными тематическими рисунками (животные, растения, реки, моря и т. д.)

Our ecological program


People must care about forests

Factories and plants must not throw gas and smoke into the atmosphere.

People must / should create a new car without bad breath.


Factories and plants must stop to throw chemical and toxic wastes into the rivers and seas.

People should not throw rubbish and trash into the rivers and lakes.

People must not clean their cars into the rivers.


People must not throw out trash and rubbish in the streets and in the forests. They must recycle it.

We must put litter in the special boxes.

Wild life

. People must care about animals and plants and they should not kill animals for their fur.

People must not cut down so many trees.

Children must not destroy bird’s nests.

4. Этап предъявления проекта.

Now, boys and girls, we shall listen to your resolutions. Everybody, please, try to listen attentively to each other, in order to make our common ecological program. (Выступления учащихся от разных групп)

What are the most important suggestions, which we should include in the program? (Ответы учащихся)

Now, I think that thanks to our ecological program our planet, and everything on it will be saved for the future generations and for you. And you , of course, will never do any harm to the environment !

5. Итог урока.

Boys and girls, I think that we’ve worked today very well and we’ve discussed a lot of problems and tried to solve them together. I think that our ecological program is good. Do you like it? Why do you think that it’s very important to protect our nature? Our planet?

(варианты ответов)

Earth is our home;

We must keep our planet for the future generations;

Nature is very important for the people;

We want to breath clean air and to drink clean water.

Good of you! What do you think about our today” lesson? And what about your work? Was it good? (Самооценка и оценивание).

Now at the end I want to read you a poem “ All is for you” What is it about? (Приложение 1)

6. Домашнее задание.

At home, please, begin to make your own projects with the titles:

“The ecological problems”

“My own ecological program”

“Earth is our home”

Or you may create the project with your own title.