Открытый урок – защита проекта "Shakespeare – Forever and for All"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • развитие творческих способностей, формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся;
  • расширение их лингвострановедческого образования;
  • повышение интереса к чтению, как английских, так и русских классиков, к культурному наследию Великобритании и России;
  • воспитание толерантности и умения работать в коллективе;
  • возможность показать свои таланты зрителям.

Наглядность: портреты Шекспира и русских классиков, крылатые выражения на английском языке, запись музыкальных отрывков из произведений С. Прокофьева из балета “Ромео и Джульетта” и Л. Бетховена Соната для фортепиано №14 “Лунная” (I часть), виды города Stratford – on – Avon. Костюмы, декорации, произведения русских классиков.

Оборудование: музыкальный центр.

План проведения мероприятия

Начало урока

Вступительное слово учителя

Good morning, dear children. I invite you to join us in our literary tour around William Shakespeare’s Kingdom. I think it will be really wonderful. Before we begin we are going to do some vocabulary exercises to make your work easier. First look at the blackboard. You can see new words and expressions. Read aloud after me please.

Работа с лексикой

William Shakespeare
Stratford – on – Avon
Well –to – do  – состоятельный, зажиточный
Merchant  – торговец
Globe Theatre - театр Глобус
to quote– цитировать, ссылаться

Речевая зарядка

Учитель: Would you mind answering some questions:

  1. Who is it? – It’s William Shakespeare. – Thank you.
  2. What is he? – He is a poet, a writer, a dramatist. – Right.
  3. What language did William Shakespeare speak? – He spoke english.
  4. Is he an english or an american poet? – He is an english poet. – Good.
  5. Shakespeare was a great english dramatist, wasn’t he? – Yes, he was.

Thank you.

Ученикам-зрителям раздаются тесты (Приложение №1), которые будут ими заполняться в течение урока по мере прослушивания материала.

Основная часть – защита проекта

Учитель: Today we would like to tell you about the great english dramatist and our russian classical authors, who used to quote Shakespeare in their novels, plays, stories. Some of pupils will introduce you his well – known sonnets. The group of children prepared a theatrical performance and would like to show you their artistic scills.

So we begin.

Group №1 “Some Words about Shakespeare”

P1 – My dear friends. Look! It’s William Shakespeare. He was born on the 23rd of April 1564. His father was a well – to – do merchant. There were 8 children in their family. William was the third child. He studied at a grammar school and lived in a small town Stratford – upon – Avon.

P2 – I don’t like this story about the grammar school. Poor William! School was so difficult when he was a little boy. It began early in the morning and ended late in the evening.

P1 - Yes, but he learned Latin, Greek and many other interesting subjects. Shakespeare knew a lot.

P2 – Oh, sorry, continue, please.

P1 – After finishing grammar school he was a teacher. At the age of 18 he married Ann Hathaway. A daughter was born, then the twins, a boy and a girl. So William had 3 children. When he was 21 he left for London. He made friends with many actors there and began to write plays. Sometimes he worked as an actor. But the actors didn’t have their own theatre. That’s why they built a theatre and called it “Globe”.

P2 – Oh, I know, there was a sign on its door “All the world’s a stage”.

Shakespeare was the greatest of all play writers and poets of the world. “Hamlet” and “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “Twelfth Night”, “Othello” and “Macbeth”, “The Winter’s Tale” and “Henry VIII” are well – known.

He wrote 2 long poems, 37 plays and 154 sonnets.

Group №2. Sonnets – учащиеся читают сонеты №66, 90, 91.

Звучит соната №14 Л. Бетховена (Лунная) см. приложение №2

Group №3 “Romeo and Juliet” (Act II, Scene 2: Capulet’s orchard)

P1 - This wonderful love story is abort two lovers Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately, they died, but they didn’t stop loving each other. They stayed young forever!

Звучит отрывок из балета С. Прокофьева “Ромео и Джульетта”. Учащиеся представляют сценку. См. приложение №3

Group №4

“Shakespeare in Russian Fiction” –

“Шекспир в интерпретации русских авторов”

Учащиеся делают короткие сообщения о русских писателях, которые в своих произведениях ссылались на Шекспира, цитировали его.

P1: Many Shakespeare’s words are clishes now. We use them now and then, here and there. They become familiar to us because of our russian classical authors who used to quote Shakespeare in their novels, plays and stories. Reading works by Chekhov, Turgenev, Prishvin, Nekrasov, Ostrovsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Leskov and others we meet Shakespeare’s phrases.

P2: “Words, words, words” says Hamlet to Polonium's question: “What are you reading, prince?”

This quotation is frequently used in Russian fiction e.g. Pushkin in his poem “Из Пиндемонти” writes:

“И мало горя мне, свободно ли печать
Морочит олухов, иль чуткая цензура
В журнальных замыслах стесняет балагура.
Все это, видите ль, слова, слова, слова..."[1]

P3: Or let us take Nekrasow's poem “Деловой разговор”. Two men are talking, they a journalist and a subscriber. The latter tries to convince the journalist that it is high time for writers, journalists and poets to start real business instead of writing; the subscriber affirms resolutely:

“...Рубить дрова полезней, чем низать слова, слова, слова” [2]

P4: It is also worth remembering another of Shakespeare's famous phrases: “Like forty thousand brothers”. Hamlet says by Ophelia's grave: “I loved her like forty thousand brothers can't do”.

Qstrovsky used twice.

In the play “Тяжелые дни”

Dosuzhev says: “Человек ничего не делает, живет, как барин, и пьет, как сорок тысяч братьев” which has a lot of meaning[3].

Or in the comedy “Лес” the actor Neschstlivtzev says: “Я нищий, жалкий бродяга, но на сцене я принц. Я мучусь его печалями, плачу его слезами над бедной Офелией и люблю ее, как сорок тысяч братьев” [4].

P5: Let us turn to Saltykov – Shchedrin and his collected stories “Письма к тетеньке”[5] In one of them he writes about himself “Им и измучит; меня нельзя - умру, и всё. Умереть - уснуть. Мучиться, мучиться, да еще и конца мучений бояться?” “То die - to sleep is a quotation from Hamlet’s monologue who meditates -over his most critical question: “To be or not to be?” and comments: “to die - to sleep”, which means not to be afraid of death.


...Стыд женщины, супруги, матери забыт,
Когда и старость падает так страшно,
Что ж юности осталось?
Страшно, за человека страшно мне.

Leskov in his work “Смех и горе” reproduces his talk with a poet:

“Я говорил с ним о правде и честности, и он сказал, что существует только одна абсолютная правда, которую и вор и фальшивомонетчик иметь могут. И, кроме того, правда в литературе - обоюдоострое оружие и поэтому ее говорить запрещено...После этих слов, - продолжает Лесков, - я больше не захотел иметь с ним дела. Взаправду за человека страшно”.

Leskov exclaims like Hamlet: “За человека страшно! Куда же могут эти суждения и ошибочная жизнь привести нас?!” [6]

P7: In Chekhov's story “Ночь на кладбище” his character Ivan Ivanych got drunk like “сорок тысяч братьев” and spent a terrible night among the graves. But the readers don't feel any exaggeration here, it only helps our understanding of the contents.

P1: A lot of Shakespeare's memorable heroes have come to symbolize human beings of different characters, inclinations, manners and behaviors, Othello, Desdemona, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Cornelia, Macbeth and several more being the best - remembered ones.

P8: The well known lovers Romeo and Juliet suffers from the in compromising senseless feud between two families. Both the Montague's and the Capulet are victims of the system of moral conventions and prejudices. In his story “К славе” Kuprin pictures a hard and thorny way of a poor provincial girl to glory and the stage. As is always the case, a small Russian town is plunged into rumour’s and gossip, and since “русские Монтекки и Капулетти” certainly live among the inhabitants of this town the girl's fate is easy to predict[8].

P9: For all the people in the world jealousy is personified by the main character of the tragedy “Othello”. The famous Russian writer Turgenev in his story “Первая любовь”[9] uses this comparison when the hero of the story Vladimir Petrovich recalls the sufferings in his youth after he realizes that his rival is his own father. Our young hero gets frightened on seeing his father having come to the date with Zinochka and “ревнивый Отелло” turns into a timid student.

P10: Mikhail Prishvin in his work “Календарь природы. Весна” writes: “Я довольно долго искал Михаилу, потому что у него не было своего дома. Этот деревенский Кроль Лир жил то с одним из своих сыновей, то с другим”[10].'' Prishvin calls him “Король Лир” after the name of the main character of Shakespeare's tragedy, who is now a symbol of rejected and lonely old people suffering from betrayal.

P11: As for Turgenev he uses this name in the title of his book “Степной Король Лир”, and he uses the name of Hamlet in the title of another book “Гамлет Щигровского уезда”.

P12: You can also notice this name in Chekhov's story “Иванов”. A boring married man Nikolay Alekseyevich Ivanov is sick and tired of his wife, he often pays visits to the Lebedevs, finding relaxation in talks with a young girl, Sasha, who advises him to look for happiness in love but Ivanov is afraid of turning into either Hamlet or another misfit man. He says “Есть жалкие люди, которым льстит, когда их называют гамлетами или лишними, но для меня это позор”[11].

Figuratively Hamlet is a thinking man, full of doubts, plunged, in meditations, who can't make a decision.

Group №5 “Well – known expressions”

P1 – A lot of Shakespeare’s words, lines, and expressions are very popular not only in Britain, but in all English – speaking countries and in the whole world.

Let us introduce you some of them.

P2 – “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” (Весь мир – театр. В нем женщины, мужчины – все актеры). It is the beginning of speech in the play. “As You Like It”

P3 – “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” (Друзья, сограждане, внемлите мне) - the first line of the speech from the play “Julius Caesar”. Mark Antony addresses the crowd at Caesar funeral:

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones…

P4 – “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child” – “…острей зубов змеиных неблагодарность детища!” – lines from the play “King Lear”, spoken by King Lear after he has been betrayed by his two elder daughters.

P5 – “If music be the food of love, play on” – “О музыка, ты пища для любви! Играйте же…” – the first line of the play “Twelfth Night”

P6 – “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” – “В долг не давай и взаймы не бери” – a line from the play “Hamlet”. Polonius - an old man gives this advice to his son.

P7 – “One that loved not wisely but too well” – “…этот человек любил без меры и благоразумья” – the phrase from the play “Othello”. This is Othello’s description of himself after he has murdered his wife in a jealous rage.

P8 – “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” – “Подгнило что-то в Датском королевстве”. These words from “Hamlet” are used to describe corruption or a situation in which something is wrong.

P9 – “There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow” – “…и в гибели воробья есть особый промысел” (The play “Hamlet”).

P10 – “To be or not to be: that is the question” – “Быть или не быть: вот в чем вопрос”. These words begin a famous speech by Prince Hamlet in which he considers suicide as an escape from his troubles.

III. Заключительная часть урока

P2: “Shakespeare spent the last years of his life of Stratford, where he died on the same date of his birthday the 23rd of April 1616.

He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was opened to the memory of the great play writer in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Учитель собирает тесты у зрителей. Все участники и гости получают на память о проекте листы с фразами великого Шекспира (приложение 4).

Teacher: So, our trip is coming to an end. We hope it was interesting and Shakespeare will remain in your hearts.


  1. Н.А. Некрасов. Собр. соч. в 4 томах. Т. 1. с.127. М., Изд. “Правда”1979 г.
  2. А. Н. Островский “Пьесы”. с. 67, М., “Просвещение” 1985г.
  3. А. Н. Островский полн. собр. соч. Т.3. с.250. М., Изд. “Правда” 1982г.
  4. Н. Щедрин (М. Е. Салтыков). собр. соч. Т.9. с.326, М., Изд. “Правда” 1951г.
  5. Н. С. Лесков собр. соч. в 12 томах. Т. 5. с.85, М., Изд. “Правда” 1989г
  6. А. И. Куприн. Собр. соч. Т. 1, с. 186, М., изд. “Правда”.
  7. И. С. Тургенев. Повести. с.53, М., “Детская литература”, 1973г
  8. М. Пришвин. Избранное. с. 171, М., изд. “Правда”, 1977 г.
  9. А.П. Чехов. Полное собр. соч. и писем в 30 томах. Т. 11. с. 218, М., изд. “Наука”, 1978 г.