Обобщающий урок английского языка по теме: "Время праздновать"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма проведения: пресс-конференция.


  1. Образовательная: развитие речевых умений
  2. Развивающая: Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
  3. Воспитательная: Воспитание чувства гордости за свою страну и уважение к традициям другой страны.


Вступительное слово учителя

Hello, friends! Glad to see you!

We’ve spoken about different traditions in various countries of the world.

Now, you know, every country has its own traditions. By the way, what does the world “tradition” mean? Express your own mind.

Ребята приводят свои определения слова “ традиция”

P1 (ученик): I think, tradition is something that people remember.

P2 (ученик): As for me, every festival is a tradition, they are unique.

P3 (ученик): For me it’s simply to get together with my family, to look through photo album.

P4 (ученик): I consider, every tradition keeps its roots in the past, we have a lot of old traditions, life demands new traditions and customs/

Учитель: These were your general associations with the word tradition. Express your definitions concretely.

На доске изображен коллаж, который учащиеся заполняют самостоятельно.

Учитель обращает внимание детей на плакат, где написано следующее высказывание: Traditions – the passing down of the beliefs, practices and customs from lesson the past to the present.

Учитель: Ребята соглашаются или не соглашаются с этим высказыванием.

Учитель (Teacher): Today, we’re going to have a press conference.

(звонит мобильный телефон)

Ученик: (A pupil) отвечает:

Hello, Arrived?

Glad to hear that.

Wait for me.

I’ll be soon. I’ll be here in a moment.

(Ученик выходит из класса)

Teacher (учитель): Dear, friends we’ve prepared a meeting for you. It’s a surprise.

Входит ученик, ведет за собой гостью.

P1 (ученик): Let me introduce my pall friend from Canada.

Ученики: Great! Brilliant! It’s fantastic!

Ученица (гостья): My name’s Kate Griffin. My grandparents wanted me to visit Russia. You’ll ask me why? The reason is very simple. My relatives immigrated to Canada last century. My granny and grandpa told me a lot of your country. They are old now and unhealthy that’s why they sent me to Russia to get acquainted with my family roots to enrich my mind with knowledge of Russians, your traditions. Unfortunately , my Russian leaves much to be desired, so I’ll speak Canadian English, I’m sure you have a good command of the English language.

Teacher (учитель): I’m very cunning teacher. You were given the task to prepare the information about Canada because I expected Kate to come.

Таким образом учитель проверяет выполнение домашнего задания.

Ученица 1 “Делает сообщение о стране”.

Ученица 2 “О традициях и обычаях Канады”.

Ученица 3 “Сообщение Русские в Канаде”.

Kate: In my tune I want you to listen to the reminiscences of my granny about cupala’s night.

Учащиеся слушают воспоминания бабушки о Дне Ивана Купала.

Идет аудирование текста:

I think, traditions are very important way of defining who people are. When I was young, I took an active part in the celebrations of Ivan Cupala. This spring festival dates back to pagan times in Russia and is associated with the sun, water and fire. People jumped over tall bonfires, which were the common symbols of the festival. They also bathed in rivers and collected herbs, which held magic powers and protected against diseases. This long – standing tradition still survives in some places in Russia.

Teacher (учитель): I think my dearest friends you can tell our guest a lot of information about our Russian traditions.

Идет диалог:

Kate: But Russian and Canadian traditions have a lot in common.

P1 (ученик): Absolutely right. For example Christmas, The Easter, Valentine’s Day.

P2 (ученик): But we have our own festivals and traditions.

P3 (ученик): Well, sure, Maslenitsa.

P4 (ученик): If you are interested I’ll tell you…Pancakes, sour cream, caviar, guests, invitations…. We say good-bye to winter, have fires, burn straw scarecrows of winter, songs…dances…

Kate: Marvelous! Beautiful!

P5 (ученик): I think these are great traditions we’ve spoken about, but I’d like to mention the smaller things, the traditions of each family, family festivals.

Учащиеся рассказывают о своих маленьких семейных праздниках и традициях.

Kate: I won’t abuse your time. My dream has become true. Your mysterious country became closer, friendly for me. We must stick together, because of our origin. To be closer, I’d like you to listen to this beautiful song…

Звучит песня “над Канадой небо синее”

Teacher (учитель): Pupils, you have got warm and pleasant impressions of this meeting. Our thanks to Kate.

Pupils (ученики): Good-bye, Kate, see you some day.

Гостья удаляется.

Учитель подводит итоги, дает задание на дом творческого характера на выбор

(1.Письмо другу об этой встрече.

2. Написать статью в газету об этой встрече

3. Создать собственное ТВ ШОУ “Зарубежные гости в России”)