Способы активизации учебной деятельности при изучении темы: "Характер человека" на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Обучающая: расширение словарного запаса по теме «Характер человека», тренировка коммуникативных навыков, умение вести беседу по теме, развитие языковой интуиции, развитие навыков чтения, тренировка употребления видовременных форм глагола.

Развивающая: развитие умений выражать свои мысли по теме, поддерживать беседу и диалог.

Воспитательная: воспитание чувства прекрасного, знаний этикета, уважения друг к другу, к семье, к родителям. Актуальные проблемы молодого поколения, а именно: что важно для него сейчас: место в обществе, поиск самого себя, решение конфликтов со старшим поколением.


1. Развитие лексических навыков.
2. Развитие речевых умений (монологическая и диалогическая речь).
3. Создание благоприятного психологического климата для раскрытия индивидуальности, скрытых способностей ученика

В предлагаемой разработке подобран дидактический материал, с учетом индивидуальных особенностей, тренировочные упражнения для проверки и оценки ЗУН устной и письменной речи. Этот материал может быть использован при изучении данной темы как в 6-х классах, так и в 9-10х классах в зависимости от уровня подготовленности учащихся.


Teacher: Today we are going to talk about your friends, discuss the problem how to be a real friend, what friendship means to you.

Let us read the proverbs on the blackboard.

“ Make new friends, but keep the old one is silver and the other gold. ”

“A friend in need is a friend indeed. ”

“Honesty is the best policy”.

“Handsome is as handsome does”.

“Practice what you preach”.

“Beauty is as beauty does”.

Proverbs are people’s wisdom. What do they mean? Let’s find their equivalents in Russian.

Pupil 1. “Старый друг лучше новых двух”.

Pupil 2 “ Друг познаётся в беде”.

Pupil 3. “Честность – лучшая политика”.

Pupil 4. “ О человеке судят не по словам , а по делам. ”

Pupil 5. ”Поступай так, как проповедуешь”.

Pupil 6. “Красота проявляется в хороших поступках”.

Эмоциональная атмосфера на занятии может создаваться за счет материалов занимательного характера пословиц и поговорок.

1. A friend is easier lost than found.
2. A friend is never known till a man has need.
3. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
4. A good friend is as sun in winter.
5. A good name is better than a good face.
6. A good name is better than riches.
7. A man is known by his friends.
8. A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
9. Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.


I’m sure you are nice friends, but it is not so easy to be a good friend. Are you good in communicating?

A good friend plays with you

Laughs with you

Shares with you

Talks with you

Listen to you

And never, never tells your secrets to anyone.

Treat others as you want to be treated.

Divide a page into two columns and write the words using the table

Это задание можно дать для работы в группах.

(The words are given in the cards)

sensitive - чувствительный
lively-живой, подвижный
quick-tempered- вспыльчивый
unruly – неуправляемый
careless – беззаботный, легкомысленный
generous – щедрый, великодушный
stubborn – упорный, упрямый
industrious – трудолюбивый
selfish –эгоистичный
extravagant – экстравагантный
tolerant – терпимый
reasonable – разумный
disciplined – дисциплинированный
affectionate – любящий, нежный
imaginative – одаренный богатым воображением
reserved – сдержанный, скрытный
reliable – надежный
emotional – эмоциональный
capable – способный
сreative – творческий
splendid – превосходный
shy –застенчивый
gentle – мягкий, нежный
modest – скромный
optimistic – полный оптимизма
determined – решительный
impatient – нетерпеливый
self- confident - самоуверенный
boastful - хвастливый
honest – честный
noble –благородный, великодушный
witty – остроумный
courageous – отважный
conservative – консервативный
balanced – уравновешенный
calm – спокойный
greedy – жадный
obedient – послушный
serious – серьезный
envious – завистливый
absent- minded -рассеянный
attentive - внимательный
devoted - преданный
lazy - ленивый
jealous - ревнивый
artistic – aртистичный
thoughtful – задумчивый
passionate – страстный, пылкий
aggressive – напористый, решительный
capricious – капризный, раздражительный
demanding - требовательный


kind,attractive,pleasant,creative, ambitious,stubborn,shy,stupid,weak
intelligent,tactful,optimistic,honest ugly,lazy,careless,unpleasant,bad
noble,industrious,charming,polite unruly,selfish,ill-bred,passive,rude
independent,brainy,faithful,cheerful aggressive,helpless,impolite,sad
considerate,sociable,reliable,witty, jealous,egoistic,lied,ignoble
tolerant,calm,active,imaginative, passionate,angry,dishonest,dull
modest,generous,thoghtful,strong quick-tempered,impatient,cowardly
proud,reserved,courageous,practical boastful,hostile,bored,self-confident

Answer the question using the table. T – Cl , T – P1, T – P2

What qualities would you like to have?

Example: I would like to be sociable and tactful.

Name 4 qualities that you like and hate most.

Find the opposites. Example: active – passive

Word search


Find the words in the square: глупый, добрый, прекрасный, артистичный, застенчивый. плохой, трудолюбивый, беспомощный, слабый, вежливый, эгоистичный, умный, упрямый, приятный, беззаботный, скромный, сильный, честный.

Here is the list of some mottos, let us read them and translate.

Obedience – doing what I am told, when I am told, with a good attitude.

Love – meeting another’s needs unselfishly.

Promptness – being on time. Remember, only time can’t be replenished.

Fairness – being honest and just with others.

Kindness – tender and gentle words and ways.

Generosity – sharing what I have with a happy spirit.

Courage – boldness to try difficult things that are good; strength not to follow the crowd.

Using the phrases in the list assess yourself. Be honest.

Expressions: to tell the truth – говорить правду

to spend free time in a good company – проводить время в хорошей компании

to rely on smb. , to trust smb. – полагаться на кого- либо, доверять

to live in peace – жить в мире

to sneak on others – доносить на других

to betray – предавать

to be on good(friendly) terms – быть в хороших отношениях

to get on with smb. – ладить с кем-либо

to be let down – подвести, бросить в беде

“fair weather “ friend – ненадежный друг (друг на хорошую погоду до первой беды)

1. Are you always obedient to parents?
2. Are you careful not to gossip or talk about other people?
3. Do you try to say something good about a person who is being talked about negatively in your presence?
4. Are you considerate to your neighbours?
5. Do you always keep your word?
6. Do you always remember to say please and thank you?
7. Are you always careful about obeying the law?
8. Are you always courteous (polite)? For example, do you wait for your turn in line?

Exchange the information about yourself with your partner answering the questions.

Student A – Boris, I want to ask you some questions. You are always obedient to your parents, aren’t you?

Student B – To tell the truth, not always. I try to get on with them all right, I believe they love me and I love and respect them too. .

Student A – I am sure you never lie.

Student B – Don’t be silly! Who could tell you such thing? I think, sometimes it is not necessary to tell the truth, but I always do what I promise, if I cannot fulfill an assignment I let the person know about it before.

Student A – Thank you for the interview Boris.

Student B – You are welcome.

II. Student A – There’s something you want to say, isn’t there?

Student B – Yes, there is. You know Alex, I am an artistic nature. I like to be in the centre of events, I love nice company and hate people who can be egoistic and aggressive.

Student A – Frankly speaking , I also like people who are easy to get on with. Being around a person who is ugly because of crude behaviour is often sad and depressing.

Student B – Are you easy to get along with?

Student A – I think I am. I am always on friendly terms with my classmates. Here are my friends Oleg and Igor . Ask them. “A man is known by the company he keeps”.

Student B – Thank you for the interview Alex. Nice to meet you.

Teacher: Thank you for your dialogues. All members of your family try to help you with your problems. What kind of advice do you need? Do you know how to be happy? American psychologists do. They know seven rules- seven notes to follow. Let us learn them.

1. Love your relatives, your family. Devote more time and care to them.
2. Work hard. If you like your work, it will be fun.
3. Help other people. It will help you develop self-respect and take away physical and psychological stresses.
4. Move about: run, ski, dance – any kind of sport will do. In winter get up early, take a shovel and remove the snow from your yard – and you’ll feel happy all day long.
5. Look for something new and unusual in your life. Change your hair-do, your route to school or your hobby.
6. Meet joy. Try to keep your high spirits by all means (but, of course, don’t go too far ).
7. Don’t fall into despair even in the blackest days of your life. Remember the pendulum won’t stop long at the “nadir” points, it will inevitably come to the “zenith”.

Looking for good in classmates.

Write the name and surname of each student in your class on a separate sheet of paper. Let everybody in the class write something good about this person. Choose paper with your name and read about yourself. Are there many good things your friends noted?


Teacher: You’ve learned lots of words so I think it’s time to check your knowledge.

1. Find the word by its definition.

  • Not telling lies, being always true. (honest)
  • Ready to face danger or suffering. (brave)
  • Not able to stand up against attack, not able to do a thing well, to follow the crowd, not strong. (weak)
  • Not to show emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations. (reserved)
  • Ready to share what you have with a happy spirit. (generous)
  • Not to forget to say please and thank you. (polite)
  • Ready to care to relatives and friends (careful)
  • Being always employed usefully, being hard-working ( industrious)
  • Chiefly thinking of one’s self and one’s own affairs, egoistic. (selfish)
  • Quick in learning and understanding things ,skilful. (clever)
  • Being unintelligent, foolish. (stupid)

Finish the sentences.

1. If you go in for any kind of sport, it will help you develop a quality of being (сильным).
2. If you devote more time and care to your family, it will help you develop a quality of being (заботливым).
3. If you like your work, it will help you develop a quality of being (трудолюбивым).
4. If you look for something unusual in your life, it will help you develop a quality of being (творческим).
5. If you don’t fall into despair (отчаяние) even in the blackest days, it will help you develop a quality of being (оптимистичным).
6. If you overcome your shyness, it will help you develop a quality of being (уверенным).
7. If you try to keep your high spirits by all means, it will help you develop a quality of being (привлекательным).
8. If you help other people, it will help you develop self-respect and a quality of being (полезным).
9. If you never lie and always tell the truth, it will help you develop a quality of being (честным).
10. If you develop your skills and abilities in sciences, it will help you develop a quality of being (умным).

Teacher: Listen to the text “Which Heart is Better” and say what kinds of qualities two brothers had.

Which Heart is Better?

Once there lived two brothers. They were very much alike, but they were quite different people. One was happy when other people were happy and sad when others were sad. The other brother never took care of other people.

“You never help people, you only take care of yourself”, said the first brother. “Yes, I take care of myself”, said the second brother, “because I want to live a long and happy life”

One day the two brothers parted. One brother lived long. His heart never troubled him. The other brother went to many places, and everywhere he went people said: “He has left a bit of his heart with us”. Many years passed and the two brothers met again. When the second brother saw his brother, he thought: “Is this young man my brother? How can it be? He is so young, his hair is not white, as my hair is. ”

It was true. The first brother looked young, and his heart was stronger than before. Do you understand why it was so? Because the first brother shared the joys and sorrows of fellow men, and it made his heart stronger and stronger.

The second brother didn’t say anything. He went slowly home. He was old and unhappy.

Student 1. It seems to me the first brother was happy because he was kind, helpful and merciful.

Teacher: What is mercy then?

Student 1. I think mercy means care for old people and the younger ones. “The more love you give away, the more you are left with. ”

Teacher: What do you think of the second brother.

Student 2. : The second brother was selfish and egoistic that is why he became old and unhappy.

When you have a lot of kind, honest, devoted friends, life is wonderful!

Teacher: Read the text “Friendship” and use the correct Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


At the moment I (think) about what real friendship is …. . There (be) a very good proverb: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This proverb (express) perfectly my idea of friendship. I think that a real friend is someone who never ( betray) you. A true friend (be) always near you when you need him or her. Some of my classmates say that they (not need) any friends, but I (not believe) them. As a rule, people (need) friends and (expect) help and comfort from each other.

Very often I (see) that my classmates have “fair weather” friends and (trust) them but then they (be let down). But I think disappointment is the price we (pay) for our blindness.

There is another good English proverb which says that, “A hedge between (keep) friendship green. ” True friends (be) always tactful. They (know) when to leave you alone. They don’t have to spend all their free time with you since they (have) some interests and hobbies which they (not share) with you. But there are some things true friends should agree upon. These (be) such things as outlook on life, attitude towards people, understanding of duty and honour, ability to forgive, to sympathise and most of all to listen and to understand.

Everyone (dream) of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one, since real affection- warmth of heart and ability to sacrifice – is something that (require) tolerance and love and can be neither bought nor sold.

Teacher: Our culture teaches us how to interpret the world. From our culture we learn such things as how close to stand to strangers, when to speak and when to be silent, how to greet friends and strangers, and how to display anger appropriately. Because each culture has a unique way of approaching these situations, we find great diversity in cultural behaviors throughout world.

Follow –up Activities


Read the texts and talk about national character.

Discussing in groups topics related to the theme.

National character is a set of traits of character that are very similar in a nation. National character can be formed under the influence of different circumstances: climate, historical events of the countries, cultural habits and traditions, political and economic situation in the countries. Each nation has developed strong national characteristics, which separate them in custom, habits, religion, law and language.

Some nations that have been living together for a long time have something in common but at the same time there are a lot of examples when the nations being neighbours differ in their cultural traditions and habits and as the consequence in their national characters. Some cultural traditions and habits were formed under the influence of the peculiarities of national characters and vice versa. We can hardly say what is primary, national character or culture traditions and habits because they are closely interconnected.

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind.

The Russians are people of an original national character because they have combined some traits from Asian nations some ones from European nations. Probably this is the reason of appearing of a “mysterious Russian soul”. Russian national character is similar to Asian in respect to the chiefs and elder people. In previous centuries it was a usual type to spend very long winter evenings- to knit, sew, or embroider and to listen to mothers’ or grannies’ stories of life. In the 20th century these traditions were abolished by new style of life. But fortunately they have been revived recently.

The Russians are rather lazy but when they need very much they can work extremely hard from the dawn till sunset.

Russian people are very hospitable and generous to their guests. You can come to a Russian family without any notice and you will be fed for sure because national tradition demands it.

When it is a holiday the table is full of different tasty national dishes. When Russian people go to or visit their friends or relatives they traditionally bring some presents, usually a bottle of wine, or flowers, or some sweets or something valuable for a special occasion. It is important to give an odd number of flowers. This cultural habit is similar to German one.

Also as many European nations, the Russians are great singers. They are fond of singing on any festive occasion.

Russian people are rather sociable. They associate themselves as a part of a group. Relationships are very important.

The Germans are thought to be dull, formal, efficient, fond of military uniforms, and parades. Handshaking all around are customary on meetings and leaving, but the Germans do not kiss. A German’s home is his private castle and invitations to German homes are a special privilege.

British people are conservative to the traditions, ceremonies, culture. Monarchy is and example of their conservatism. They are community-minded people, they have had a long tradition of democracy. As well they are individualist-minded people.

They are spoken to be practical, realistic, polite, punctual. They are quite careful about time. It is considered to be very rood if you are late. Thanks to these traits of character they respect law and order very much.

The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people who do not yell in the street; they are steady, easy-going and fond of sport. The English are a nation of stay-at-home, they say. And when the man is not working he withdraws from the world to the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home, “The Englishman’s home is his castle” is a saying known all over the world; and it is true that English people prefer small houses, built to house one family, perhaps with a small garden, but nowadays the shortage of building land and inflated land values mean that more and more blocks of flats are being built, and fewer detached and semidetached houses.

The fire is the focus of the English home. Other nations go out to cafes or sit round the cocktail bar, for the English it is the open fire, the toasting fork and the ceremony of English tea. Even when central heating is installed it is kept very low. An invitation to home are possible on special occasions. English people prefer to spend the free time with their friends in pubs.

Englishmen’s humour is unusual as well their national character. The Englishmen’s humour specificity roots in reserve of the English national character. English anecdotes as a part of cultural traditions reflects the English national imperturbability, when a comical situation is presented in a serious way.

The Scots are not English, English and Scots derived from different mixed sources racially and historically. Scottish people are known for their dourness, implacability and splendid courage. The Scottish people have also a reputation of being the stingiest people on earth, which is not true, of course. As the Scottish people admit they do not like to spend money, but they like spending money on their friends and visitors-not on themselves. The Scots are very clever and simple people with a natural sense of humor. And they are hard-working people although they like to dance very much. Glasgow, the biggest city of Scotland, has more dancing schools than any other European city. They are proud of their own national traditions and have been keeping to them very strongly. Every Scotsman belongs to a clan, a big family group. Each clan has its own special tartan. On festive occasion many Scotsmen wear their traditional clothes with great pleasure.

The Welsh are the remnants of those pugnacious Celtic people who were subjected to centuries of Roman rule. An old Welsh proverb says “The Celt always fights and always loses”

Irish people are reputed as optimistic, reckless, “leg-pulling” and ironical about themselves. But there’s an introversion too, a tend to melancholy and self-absorption.

The French are supposed to be amorous, gay fond of champagne. The handshake is and important part of normal social relations in France and not just something you do first time you meet someone, it is done on greeting and parting, between strangers, close relatives, and even children. Kissing is also a common form of greeting between close friends and relatives. It is done two or three times, alternating cheeks. One shouldn’t be surprised to see men embracing.

The citizens of European southern countries such as Spain , Italy, Greece are considered to be very generous, hospitable who seldom hide their feelings and attitudes. Greek hospitality is sincere, incredibly generous, and sometimes overwhelming. A guest must be careful not to praise a specific object or the host may insist on giving it to him or her.

Asian people tend to environmental learning especially in China, Japan, and India there are a lot of beautiful parks, where they enjoy watching nature. Most of the Asians are very curious and value education

Every culture has its own unwritten list of behavior that is acceptable. For example, Asian people tend to be more soft-spoken, and might think that someone who is speaking or laughing loudly is rude and aggressive. . In manу Asian cultures, however, making direct eye contact with someone is often considered bold and aggressive.

The Asian are hard-working, that’s why they have many examples of brilliant architecture, for example, Taj-Makhal in India, The Great Chinese Wall, many Buddhist and Hindu temples. They respect elder people and parents, value their families, and love children. They are shy, because kissing anyone in public – it’s very rude. They are modest and punctual (they never late to appointments, and don’t tell jokes people who they don’t know very well). And when they give someone a present, the give it with both hands, it means that they are respectful.

Arabs are charm. They are capable and quick-witted. They are open and witty. They have material values, and they think that the world is a big market. Any action is commercial deal.

Latinas are lightheaded and amorous because they can’t live without loving someone. They are little lazy and prefer to learn something very fast.

Africans are children of nature. They are divided into two cultures: English Africa and French Africa. English Africa is pragmatic and rational. French Africa is another. They are nearly French: wear elegant clothes and smell expensive French eau-de-cologne. Element of creative is always with them. Their glance is pensive, but judgments are spontaneous. Also they have a feeling of humor.

With help of some interviews scientists have done some conclusion about values of from other countries. The Africans put money on the first place, Latinas put love, Hindu put family and mother, but Arabs put business. Citizens of Thailand have religion tolerance, that’s why different communities live in Bangkok, they belong to different confessions. The most numerous of them is Islam community. The Hindu and citizens of Bangladesh like freedom.