Вечер английского юмора

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
  2. Развивать диалогическую речь;
  3. Развивать навыки аудирования;
  4. Воспитывать внимательное отношение к слову;
  5. Воспитывать художественный вкус у детей;
  6. Воспитывать межличностные отношения;



  1. Обучение рецептивным видам речевой деятельности;
  2. Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков; умение воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения;


  1. Расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора;


  1. Интеллектуальное развитие учащихся;
  2. Развитие языковых, познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций школьника, готовность к коммуникации;
  3. Гуманитарное и гуманистическое развитие личности ученика;


  1. Формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка;
  2. Воспитание культуры общения;
  3. Воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  4. Формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.

Оснащение: Мультимедийные технологии, музыкальный центр, плакаты с английскими анекдотами и шутками, плакаты с достопримечательностями Лондона

Музыкальное оформление: Песни из к/ф “Титаник”, “Телохранитель”, группы “Скорпионз”. Музыкальные заставки из современных популярных английских и американских песен.

Оформление зала:

Экран, светомузыка, плакаты.

План мероприятия

  1. Орг. момент.
  2. Скетч “Контролер билетов”
  3. Песня Хьюстон из к/ф “Телохранитель” в исполнении учащейся
  4. Скетч “Перерыв на чай”
  5. Песня группы “Скорпионз” в исполнении учащейся
  6. Скетч “Армия”
  7. Песня из кинофильма “Титаник” в исполнении учащихся
  8. Скетч “Стоматолог”

Ход мероприятия

Ведущий: Hello, dear friends! We welcome you to our English-language party. We all talk a lot about Great Britain. We speak about the political system in this country, about big cities, about the population, nature, geography, but it seems to me, we haven’t spoken enough about English humor, which we tactfully call “subtle”. It is not a secret that jokes prolong our lives. You know that there are a lot of funny situations in our life.

For example – A woman took a taxi. It began to race along, missing trams, cars, policemen, etc. The woman was frightened, and said to the taxi-driver:

“Please be careful. This is the first time I ever rode in a taxi.”

“All right,” answered the taxi-driver. “It’s the first time I ever rode in a taxi, too.” To your attention is the sketch “A ticket inspector”.

A ticket inspector

Scene: a compartment on a train.


A Passenger on a train.

A ticket Inspector.

A Steward and Waiter.

The passenger is sitting in a compartment on a train. He is reading a newspaper. The steward opens the door.

Steward: Coffee!

Passenger: No, thank.

The passenger closes the door, and continues reading. The waiter opens the door.

Waiter: Seats for dinner!

Passenger: No, thank.

The passenger closes the door again, and continues reading. The ticket inspector opens the door.

Inspector: Tickets!

Passenger: No, thanks.

Inspector: Pardon?

Passenger: I don’t want a ticket, thank you.

Inspector: I’m not selling tickets, sir.

Passenger: No?

Inspector: No, I want to see your ticket.

Passenger: Oh, I haven’t got a ticket.

Inspector: You haven’t got a ticket?

Passenger: No. I never buy a ticket.

Inspector: Why not?

Passenger: well, they are very expansive, you know.

Inspector: Sir, you’re traveling on a train. When people travel on a train they always buy a ticket

Passenger: Er –

Inspector: And this is a first-class compartment.

Passenger: Yes, it is very nice, isn’t it?

Inspector: No, sir, I mean: This is first-class compartment. When people travel in a first-class compartment, they always buy a first-class ticket.

They look each other for a moment.

Passenger: No, they don’t.

Inspector: What?

Passenger: A lot of people don’t buy tickets. The queen doesn’t buy a ticket, does she? Eh? Eh?

Inspector: No, sir, but she is a famous person.

Passenger: And what about you? Where’s yours

Inspector: Mine?

Passenger: Yes, yours. Your ticket. Have you got a ticket?

Inspector: Me, sir?

Passenger: Yes, you.

Inspector: No, I haven’t got a ticket.

Passenger: Ooh – are you a famous person?

Inspector(Frightened): Famous? Well, not very – (back to normal) Sir, I’m a ticket inspector, I inspect tickets. Are you going to show me your ticket?

Passenger: No, I haven’t got a ticket.

Inspector: I see.

The inspector puts his hand into his pocket.

Passenger: What are you going to do?

Inspector: I’m going to put your name in my book.

Passenger: Oh.

Inspector: What’s your name, sir?

Passenger: Mickey Mouse.

The inspector begins to write.

Inspector: Mickey –

Passenger: - Mouse. M-O-U-S-E.

The inspector stops writing.

Inspector: Your name, sir?

Passenger: Karl Marx? William Shakespeare? Charles Dickens?

Inspector: I see, sir. Well, if you’re not going to tell me your name, please leave the train.

Passenger: Pardon?

Inspector: Leave the train.

Passenger: I can’t.

Inspector: You can’t what?

Passenger: I can’t leave the train.

Inspector: Why not?

Passenger: It’s moving.

Inspector: Not now, sir. At the nest station.

Passenger: Oh.

Inspector: It’s in the book, sir. When you travel by train, you buy a ticket, and if you don’t buy a ticket, you –

Passenger: Leave the train.

Inspector: Here we are. We’re coming to a station. Please leave the train now.

Passenger: Now?

Inspector: Yes, sir. I’m sorry, but –

Passenger: Oh, it’s Ok.

Inspector: - it’s in the book, and – what did you say?

Passenger: I said: “That’s Ok”.

Inspector: Ok?

Passenger: yes, this is my station. Goodbye.

The passenger leaves the train.

Ведущий: I hope everybody here enjoys our party. There are a lot of songs which inspire people. And one of them is undoubtedly “I will always love you”.

Ведущий: Thank you, Nastya. She is one of the best singers of our Grammar school. There a lot of absent-minded people in the world and they do our life ridiculous. Listen. – An absent-minded professor was lecturing on anatomy.

“To show you more clearly what I mean, I have here a dissected frog. I want you to examine it carefully.”

The professor took a parcel out of his pocket and began to unwrap it and saw that there were two sandwiches and a hard boiled egg in it. The professor said:

“I was sure, I had eaten my lunch! But where is the frog?”

The next sketch is dedicated to such people.

A tea break

Scene: A rehearsal room in a theatre.

Characters: Five actors taking a tea break: Tom, Jerry, Jane, Martin, Sara.

Jerry: All right. That’s enough. It’s tome for a cup of tea.

Tom: Oh, good. A cup of tea. I can’t wait.

Jane: Ok, Tom, make the tea.

Tom: Me?

Sara: Yes, Tom, make the tea.

Tom: Make the tea? Me?

Jane: Why not!

Tom: All right. What do I have to do? I mean, how do you make tea?

Jerry: Huh! He doesn’t know how to make tea!
Tom: Ok, jerry. How do you make tea!

Jerry: Er… I don’t know.

(The others laugh)

Martin: Listen, Tom – it’s easy. Put some water in the kettle.

Sara: Put the kettle on the stove.

Jane: Light a match.

Martin: Turn on the gas.

Sara: And light the gas.

Jane: Then put some tea in the teapot.

Tom: It sounds a bit complicated.

Jane: Oh, come on, Tom, it’s easy!

Martin: Listen, Tom, you don’t have to make tea.

Tom: Oh, good.

Sara: You can get some from the cafe.

Tom: Oh, ok. See you later.

Tom goes towards the door.

Jerry: Wait a minute!

Tom: What?

Jerry: Ok. Let me get this right. Sara, you want a cup of tea with no milk and no sugar.

Sara: Yes. Oh… No. I think I’d prefer coffee.

Tom: Coffee.

Jerry: Yes a cup of coffee with milk and sugar.

Tom: Right. So – it’s one coffee with milk and sugar, and one tea with milk and sugar.

Jane: No sugar!

Tom: No sugar. Right. Jerry, you want a lemon tea and a big cream cake.

Jerry: That’s right.

Tom: And Martin - you want a whisky and soda.

Martin: With milk ad sugar.

Tom: With milk and sugar. Right. Ok. See you in a minute.

(Tom leaves. Very soon he comes back)

Jane: You don’t know what we want yet?

Tom: Oh, yes, sorry. What do you all want? Sara?

Sara: I’d like a cup of tea – with milk and no sugar.

Tom: One tea – no milk, no sugar, Jane?

Jane: I’d like a cup of tea – with lots of milk and no sugar.

Tom: Lots of milk – no tea. Right.

Jane: No sugar!

Tom: No sugar. Right. Jerry?

Jerry: I’d like a lemon tea and a big cream cake.

Tom: A lemon cake and a cream tea.

Jerry: Careful!

Tom: what do you want, Martin?

Martin: A whisky and soda.

Tom: With milk and sugar?

Martin: Of course.

(Tom wants to check the orders)

Tom: Right. Here you are. One coffee and soda, one whisky and cream, one lemon and milk, and one big sugar cake. All right?

Jane: Martin?

Martin: Yes?

Jane: Go and make some tea.

Song: “Still loving you”

Ведущий: Thank you, Irene. Everybody knows that there is no another place like army, where comical situations are everyday life. So, the title of the next sketch is “The Army”.

The army

См. Приложение 1.

Song: “My heart will go on”

Ведущий: Thank you, girls. Everybody is afraid of visiting doctors, especially dentists. For example, the conversation is between two girls:

I have an awful toothache.

I would take the tooth out if it were mine.

And so would I if it were yours.

The dentist

См. Приложение 2.

Ведущий: We are very glad you to have come to our party. We thank everybody for coming. Come and see us again.