Урок английского языка в 6-м классе по теме: "Хакасия и Британия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • расширение знаний учащихся в области географии, культуры, обычаев, традиций Хакасии и Британии, обобщение изученного материала по темам “Британия”, “Хакасия”;
  • актуализация лексических и фонетических навыков, поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению культурных традиций, как родной страны, так и страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: картинки по темам, игровое табло, национальная хакасская музыка, рисунки по теме “Моя малая Родина”.

Ход мероприятия

Добрый день, дорогие друзья! Сегодня у нас необычный урок, сегодня у нас веселое соревнование. Мы поиграем в “Свою игру”. Учащиеся делятся на две команды, придумывают названия, выбирают капитана. Каждая команда выбирает тему и сумму вопроса и если отвечают правильно, получают выбранные очки. Побеждает та команда, которая набирает большее количество очков.



What is the capital of Khakasia?

100 Where was Khakasia located?

150 What are the most important rivers of Khakasia?

200 What is the territory of Khakasia?

250 When was Khakasia founded?


50 Did the choice of the cloth depend upon the social status of a person?

100 What collors did the Khakas people prefer?

150 What kind of material was traditionally used for making clothes?

200 What countries was the cloth brought from?

250 What century does the first information about the Khakas national clothes date back to?


50 The Khakas people could make different kind of sausages, couldn’t they?

100 What traditional dishes are cooked in winter and summer?

150 What is it “ugre”?

200 When is airan especially popular?

250 What kind of meat is stored up for winter?


50 What were the names of the years associated with?

100 What holiday is celebrated on April 22?

150 What kind of holiday is Tun Pairam?

200 When was Day of the spring equinox celebrated?

250 What kind of calendar did the Khakas people have?

Great Britain


50 What are the main countries of Great Britain?

100 How many parts does Great Britain contain?

150 Who is the Head of State in Britain?

200 What is the population of Great Britain?

250 What is the chief river of Great Britain?


50 What do children usually say at Halloween?

100 When is Guy Fakes Night celebrated?

150 What do children leave at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve?

200 What is a “bank holiday”?

250 What song do people usually sing at midnight on 31st December throughout Great Dritain?


50 Where is there Trafalgar Square?

100 What is the most expensive part of London?

150 What is the historic value of the Tower of London?

200 What plays written by Shakespeare do you know?

250 Which styles in architecture prevail in British cities and towns?

Famous people

50 Who wrote “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”?

100 Who was the 1st woman prime minister of Great Britain?

150 What group is responsible for the so called “pop revolution” in the West?

200 What actor had a funny way of walking?

250 Who was The Prime Minister of Britain during World War II?


Geography Clothes Food Holidays
50 50 50 50
100 100 100 100
150 150 150 150
200 200 200 200
250 250 250 250

Great Britain

Geography Famous people Art Holidays
50 50 50 50
100 100 100 100
150 150 150 150
200 200 200 200
250 250 250 250