Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку: "Speak a little about ourselves"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


I. Организационный момент

Teacher: Hello! I’m glad to see you. Let’s speak about ourselves today!

II. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the blackboard and pay attention to the transcription signs. Repeat them after me, please.

Teacher ––> Class:

T: Now, match the sounds with the correct transcription sign, will you?

{Under the letter “a” you should pay attention to the first sound and match it with the correct transcription sign and so on…}

T ––> Cl: Will you repeat all the words once again, please?

III. Основная часть

1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и ее правильного лексико-грамматического оформления

а) Учебный разговор

T: Let’s work with our word webs to describe your and your friend’s appearance. You may also use the words from the blackboard. (Образец: Аctivity Вook. р.9, ех.1)

T ––> P1 ––> P2 : ; P1 ––> P2 ; P3 ––> P4

… about colour of his hair when he was born;
… about colour of his eyes when he was born;
… if he a handsome boy/ a pretty girls is;
… what his build now is, (tall, short);
… what he/ she wears at school;
… what his/ her favourite clothes are.

б) A game “Apologize me, please” (Culture Note)

T: Let us see if you are as polite as good-looking.
I need three students for acting. Read you tasks and act, please!

3 situations:

– Ты опоздал(а) на урок, потому что не слышал(а) звонка.
… I didn’t hear the bell.

– Ты опоздал(а) на урок, потому что оставил(а) учебник английского языка в классе.
… I left my English book in the class.

– Ты опоздал(а) на урок, потому что искал(а) свою ручку.
… I looked for my pen.

в) Диалогическая речь (Контроль домашнего задания)

T: Well, our boys and girls are as polite as good-looking. What about the rest? Can you do anybody a favour? Check up your home task and listen to your dialogues.

(Прослушать 2– 3 диалога. Образец: р.16, ех.1. St. Book)

г) Монологическая речь

T: Well, I see you get on with each other not bad. Tell me what your star signs say. First of all, show me your sketches and name your signs, please!

T ––> P1 , P2

Козерог Capricorn                                          
Водолей Aquarius                                          
Рыбы Pisces                                          
Овен Aries                                          
Телец Taurus                                          
Близнецы Gemini                                          
Рак Cancer                                          
Лев Leo                                          
Дева Virgo                                          
Весы Libra                                          
Скорпион Scorpio                                          
Стрелец Sagittarius                                          

T ––> Cl: Thank you, name them after me once again, please. (Repeat after me!)

T: Who wants to tell us some words about himself, I wonder? (Use your star sign, taking into consideration your star sign.)

(Прослушать несколько человек: 2–3 предложения.)

2. Систематизация (обобщение) грамматического материала

а) Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. (Сравнительная степень)

T: What other students are like, I wonder? Find a list of words at page 43/6 and use them in all degrees of Comparison.
(For example: bossy – bossier – the bossiest…
talkative – more talkative – the most talkative)
Use them in these phrases, please!

(Фразы записаны на доске.)

T ––> Cl:

I am not as… as…
I am a bit… than…
I am much… than…
I look like…
I am as… as…
I and… both hare got…

(Ученики выполняют данное упражнение.)

б) Complex Sentences (Сложноподчиненные предложения)

T: Open your textbooks at page 32, exercise 33 and answer my question:

– What do you like or dislike in your relations with each other?
Когда мы говорили о том, когда (When) или при каких условиях (if) совершаются действия, мы используем сложноподчиненные предложения.

I like it when boys are polite
I feel sorry if you are greedy

(Ученики выполняют упражнение.)

в) Превосходная степень прилагательного

T: Who has the most proper characteristic in your class? What kind of person she/ he is?

(Ученики называют предложения в превосходной степени.)

– Well, I see she/ he is a nice/ handsome girl/ boy?
– What about you?
– Are you good-looking?

г) Teacher: Let us sing a song “Good-looking”.

(Звучит музыка, дети поют и танцуют.)

д) Обобщение грамматического материала “Видовременные формы глагола”

  • Present Simple – Present Continuous (Куклы, их одежда)

T ––> P1: Thank you for your song, children! Now I have a question if Ann and Pete good-looking are. Use your word webs again (“clothes”)!

wear – wore – worn
make – made – made
do – did – done
play (ed, ed)
ski (d, d)
skate (d, d)

T ––> P2: What is she/ he wearing now?

T ––> P3: What are you wearing now?

T ––> P4: What do you often wear at school?

T ––> P5: What do you usually wear in winter?

(Сделать вывод, используя таблицу временных форм глагола.)

  • Present Simple – Present Continuous – Future Simple (Картина “Зимние забавы”)

T ––> P: Look at the picture and say if the children:

– are playing snowballs (tobogganing);
– are making snowman;
– are skiing and skating;
– what do you usually do in winter outdoors;
– will you play snowballs/ make a snowman at nearest weekend;
– what will you P2, 3 do tomorrow.

  • Present Continuous – Past Simple (Картина “Лето, летние виды спорта”)

T ––> P: What are the children in the picture doing? Did you also play football last summer?

IV. Заключительный этап урока

1. Домашнее задание: Аctivity Вook. p.11, ex.4; p.20, ex. 3 1), 2).
2. Подведение итогов (оценки).
3. Конец урока.

T: I wish you nice weekends. Be polite and helpful with your parents. Don’t quarrel with your friend and remember a proverb:
All that glitters is not gold – Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а кто на дело гож.
Good-looking, you may be free!