Использование краеведческого материала на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Использование краеведческого материала на уроках английского языка.

Я работаю в школе учительницей английского языка около 30 лет и работаю с большим удовольствием и интересом. Очень люблю свою работу и детей. Постоянно думаю, как интереснее и эффективнее провести урок, как сделать так, чтобы дети учились с большим желанием, и чтобы их интерес к языку не угасал. Я всегда стараюсь, воспитывая обучать детей и обучая воспитать. На первом плане у меня нравственное, патриотическое и трудовое воспитание. Успешной работе по этим направлениям способствует использование краеведческого материала.

Использование местного и регионального материала при обучении иностранным языкам расширяет кругозор учащихся, развивает их познавательный интерес, помогает в выборе профессии и является одним из средств повышения уровня положительной мотивации учения. Не зная своей родной культуры, не любя её, нельзя понять и полюбить другую культуру. Только тот, кто чувствует красоту, силу и богатство родного края, кто знает и почитает обычаи и традиции своего народа и бережно относится к ним, может понять и уважать культуру других народов.

Краеведческий материал приближает иноязычную коммуникацию к личному опыту учащихся и позволяет им оперировать в учебной беседе теми сведениями и фактами из своей жизни способствует формированию и закреплению у них навыков общения на изучаемом языке.

В течение нескольких лет изучения некоторых тем по изучаемой стране провожу уроки с использованием краеведческого материала. Перед каждым уроком учащиеся коллективно составляют план, отбирают или составляют речевой материал на основе изученных текстов и материалов, изготовляют плакаты, постеры, альбомы, наглядные пособия.

После изучения темы “Britain and its people at a Glance” в 8 классе по учебнику “Happy English” В.П. Кузовлева и Н.М. Ланы провожу урок-конференцию по теме “My republic of Sakha” На уроке применяются карта, флаг, герб Якутии, наглядные пособия. Открытки с видами и достопримечательностями Якутска. В начале урока звучит фрагмент из гимна Якутии.

Примерная тематика сообщений:

  1. Our republic (geography)
  2. Some facts from the History of Yakutia.
  3. Climate.
  4. Agriculture and Industry
  5. Yakutsk – capital of the Sakha Republic.
  6. Famous people, e.t.c

В VI классе проводим урок – устный журнал по теме “The Sakha Meals”.

Содержание устного журнала:

Page 1. 1. Sakha dishes. 2. Choron. 3. Sakha meals.

Page 2. Dairy products: 1. Kymys 2. Chokhon 3. Kyorchech 4. Milk skin.

Page 3. Meat dishes: 1. Frozen raw liver 2. Oyogos. 3. Horse Intestines. 4. Khaan (blood sausage)

Page 4. Fish dishes: 1. Fried crucian 2. Frozen raw fish. 3. Caviar.

Page 5. Pastries: 1. Salamat 2. Oladyi 3. Meat pies. 4. The Sakha fry-bread

После изучения темы “Britain is the country of traditions” провожу урок – ролевую игру по теме: “Let’s talk about traditions and customs”.

Тема: Let’s talk about traditions and customs


  1. Систематизация и закрепление ранее пройденного материала о Британских и Якутских традициях и обычаях.
  2. Активизация лексических навыков говорения.
  3. Развитие умения высказываться логично и связно и умения говорить свое мнение.
  4. Воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре и более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.

Оборудование: картины, карточки, флаг и карта республики Саха.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Hello boys and girls!

We’ve learnt some British and Yakut customs and traditions. We are going to have some fun today. You have to imagine that you are Yakut and English students. Let’s start. Today we have quests from England. Meet them.

Sakha Pupil 1. Hello, welcome to our school. Pleased to meet you.

English pupil 1. Hello, nice to meet you too.

SP1. Let’s speak about traditions and customs. Every country and every nation has its own traditions customs. One cannot speak about any country without speaking about its traditions and customs.

EP1. You are right. They make a nation special. Traditions and customs are very important in the live of English people. We are proud of them and carefully keep them up.

SP2. The Sakha people is proud of its rich traditions and various customs. Some of them are old fashioned and few people remember them, others are part of people’s life.

EP1. As you know all English people celebrate Cristmas on the 25th of December. It’s the greatest holiday of all in England. In the weeks before Cristmas people are busy. They make or buy Christmas cards and send them to their friends, grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. They also buy Christmas presents. Many children make their Christmas cards at school. People by Christmas trees and put-them in their living rooms. The children decorate the Christmas tree with toys and little coloured lights. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets.

On Christmas Eve everybody puts their presents under the Christmas tree. People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang on their beds. The traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey and Christmas pudding.

SP3. In Sakha Republic we do not Celebrate Christmas as widely New Year. But Ancient Yakuts celebrated the New Year at the Yhyakh festival. It was traditional held on June 22 the longest day of the year. Its traditions include women and children decorating trees and tethering posts with “salama”. The oldest man, wearing white, opens the holiday. He is accompanied by seven virgin girls and nine virgin Boys and starts the ritual by sprinkling kymys on the ground, feeding the fire. He prays to the Ai-ii spirits for the well-being of the people who depend on them and asks the spirits to bless all the people gathered.

Afterwards, people sing and dance ohuokhai, play national games, eat national dishes, drink kymys.

EP2. In Britain there’s a funny tradition connected with the New Year: the First Foot. This is the first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning. He is a person of great importance. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that if a woman first sets foot in the house, bad luck will follow throughout the year. He may be a chance caller or a person who comes on purpose to let the New Year into the house and bring good luck to the family. Traditionally, the first visitor of the year must carry food, drink and coal into the house. Coal helps to make a fire in midwinter and there shall never be lack of food and drink during the coming year.

SP4. We have read that there are strange places in Britain and strange people connected with them. Is that so?

EP3. Yes, it is. In Midsummer’s Day, June 24th, the longest day of the year a very old custom at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England is observed. Stonehenge is one of the Europe’s biggest stone circles that is 10 or 12 meters high. The earliest part of Stonehenge is approximatly 5000 years old. Actually the Druids priests in Britain used Stonehenge for a calendar. They introduced it about 2000 years ago. The sun and the stones at Stonehenge let the Druids know when the months and season start. On the morning of June 24th the sun shines on one famous stone – the Heel stone, this is the most important moment of the year for the Druids. There are Druids in Britain today, too, and every June a lot of them attend Stonehenge. It is a strange, ancient, rare but still living custom.

EP1. I heard, the northern people believe that all the natural objects have their own mysterious power, their own essence and soul. Is that true?

SP5. Yes, we call it “itchchi”. From ancestor times our fore father bend before nature, fire, sun, idealize them. Majority of objects and appearance of Sur nature have the spirit-itchchi and magical property. There are different kinds of spirits-itchchi: spirits of fire, gates, hunting, soil, plants, animals, birds, forest etc. they are meant to protect their objects.

EP2. Fire is considered a part of the sun, probably, its spirit is respected more that other spirits.

SP1. Yes, exactly. One of the most respected and powerful spirits is the spirit of fire. Therefore its spirits was worshipped even more than a deity. Some special rituals were performed asking the spirit of a fire for a favour and protection. On every important event in a family, such as lucky hunting, moving to a new dwelling, receiving guests, etc. native people first feed the spirit of a fire with butter or some other food. It was forbidden to throw something dirty into it: the fire spirit could punish you by diseases and misfortunes.

EP1. And how does the spirit of the pathway exercise its power?

SP2. The spirit of the pathway or gates can protect or block one’s way. To gain its favour people feed the spirit of fire blessing the spirit of the pathway to help remove all the obstacles on the way. Another way to bless and ask for protection is to leave some small items on the sacred Tree where the spirit is expected to be. Such trees have an unusual form or shape, one can see them loaded and decorated with such things as coins, hand kerchiefs, small souvenirs, a punch of horse hair, a piece of cloth etc.

EP2. And who is Bai Bayanai? Is it connected with hunting?

SP3. Yes, it is. The spirit of hunting Bai Bayanai has nine brothers. The eldest is Barylaakh. Bai Bayanai appears in the image of an old man in hunter’s clothes. He is supposed to be very kind and generous, he often rescues hunters from starving to death, diving them some animals to kill. Bayanai is always willing to observe how much hunters appreciate his favours and gifts. In order to show his joy and thanks a hunter, coming home with a killed muskdeer pretends to cut off the door post with an axe as if his trophy is too big and fat to pass through the door.

EP3. Are there any female spirits?

SP1. Sure. The spirit of the Earth. Her name is Aan Alakchyn Khotun. In her essence she is very close to a deity. She is very compassionate towards people’s troubles and is full of good prophecies.

This spirit can be a mother for orphans. Usually the olonkho hero asks her to bless him and dive him a good advice before his journey. She lets the hero suck her breast milk. Her milk has the power of the “life-water”.

EP1. In America and Britain on the night of the 31st of October, on Halloween all the ghosts, witches and warlock (male witches) are supposed to come out. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts. Do you celebrate the magic night here?

SP4. No, we don’t, but I want to tell you about the spirit of water. It has two types: one is called Green Mud Toyon, another is Syullyukyun, who looks like a man, but he has no eyebrows.

Syullyukyun’s family comes out of water during the period from Christmas (December 25th through January 6th) They usually live in the cemetery and in empty desolate houses. They enjoy card games with people, but the money, gained from them, usually turns into moss afterwards. However, rubbish taken from their place may become real money. White the spirits of water are staying on the earth, it is the right time for fortune-telling games.

SP5. The last spirit we are talking about today is the spirit of winter. The Year Bull or an Ox of Winter. Winter was imagined in the form an ox. It comes out from the Arctic Ocean, bringing cold, hinder and dire straits. On the 31st of January the ox loses the first horn, than the other, then it becomes warmer.

SP1. We’ve told you some customs of our people. I hope, that you have enjoyed learning it.

EP2. Oh, thank you very much for your stories about your people’s traditions and customs.

AII together.

Friendship is a thing for two.
Three or four even more
Like a song that’s made to sing.
Friendship is doing thing.

Teacher: You know some rules based on the respect and protection of spirits: And now I want you to retell them. Who is first?


Don’t spoil fire
Don’t pollute water; keep it clean.
Don’t dig up the earth.
Keep air clean.
Don’t break stones into pieces.

Rules to protect nature:


Do not trample down the green grass.
Do not damage a tree.
Protect animals and Birds.

Rules about man’s activity:


Take care of your home.
Keep your yard clean
Respect your serge.
Make a cattle-shed longer.
Make your house bigger.
Do not block the gate, keep it open.

T. Now, we’ll see who has the best knowledge of traditions and customs of Sakha People and Great Britain. Listen to me carefully and answer my questions.

  1. why is it very important to know traditions and customs of different nations and countries?
  2. what British holidays and celebrations do you know?
  3. When do they celebrate Christmas?
  4. What superstitions connected with the New Year do British people have?
  5. When do British people dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them?
  6. What is the Sakha people’s national holiday?
  7. Why do the Sakha people believe in spirits?
  8. Why was it forbidden to throw something dirty into the fire?
  9. What does the Year Bull lose on the 31st of January?
  10. What is the spirit of Plant?

T. Very good. I am satisfied with your work. And I must say that every person from his childhood must know the traditions and customs of his native people and respect them. And I would like to say. The more you live, the more you see, the more you see, the more you know.

The lesson is over. Thanks a lot. Good buy!