Тур в Австралию. Посещение Австралии группой русских школьников

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Формирование практических навыков и умений в живом общении с носителями иностранного языка.
  2. Закрепление лексико-грамматических знаний по теме “ Австралия”
  3. Закрепление разговорных единиц, изученных на уроках.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Воспитание уважения к чужой культуре.
  2. Воспитывать дружеские отношения в группе
  3. Воспитывать получение хорошего коллективного результата.

Оснащение урока:

  • географическая карта;
  • заголовки: “ In the airport”, “ In the bus”, “In the house of Emily”;
  • плакаты “ Protect Nature”, “Non smoking sections”

Ход урока

Урок поделен на 4 этапа. 1 этап - встреча детей в аэропорту. 2 этап - беседа детей в автобусе, который направляется в Сидней. 3 этап - встреча с русскими школьниками в доме Эмили. 4 этап - возвращение детей домой и рассказ о том, что они увидели и узнали об Австралии.

1 этап.

На доске карта Австралии. Написана тема урока “ Australia. Our visit to this country”.

Narrator: Dear guests! Now you will see how Russian and Australian children communicate each other. We are in the airport. The plane has landed. Russian children have passed the Customs and a group of Australian children are meeting the new comers (один из учеников держит в руках плакат с названием “ In the airport”). Чтобы прибывших узнали, они держат плакат со словом “ Russia”, который убирается после начала диалога.

The Australian girl: Hello! Are you Nadya, Lena and Ann? I am Emily.

The Russian children: Hello! I am Nadya. I am Lena. I am Ann. Nice to meet you. We are glad to see you here, in the airport.

The Australian girl: Welcome to Australia! How was your trip?

The 1-st Russian girl: It was very long.

The 2-nd Russian girl: We had been flying for 12 hours when we learnt that we were only half a way to Australia.

The 3-d Russian girl: We were tired of the flight.

The Australian girl: Well, girls. We will have time for talking. Let’s go to the bus stop. Your things are there already. Come on! Come on!

2 этап.

Дети проходят и садятся в импровизированный автобус, который направляется в Сидней.

Narrator: The guests and hostesses are talking in the bus, and the bus is starting to Sydney.

The Australian girl: Lena, have you ever been to any English- speaking countries?

The Russian girl: No, it is my first trip abroad.

The Russian girl: Neither have I. I have always dreamt about it and

The Russian girl: and our dreams have been realized.

The Australian girl: Oh, it is great! Well, girls, you speak English rather well. How long have you been learning English?

Lena: As for me, I’ve been learning it for two years.

Nadya: And I’ve been learning English three years.

Ann: Oh, I am a beginner. I don’t know English very well yet.

Lena: But we all hope to improve our English here.

The Australian girl: You will have the opportunity to it and also you will learn Australian English.

Ann: I know there are some differences between British and American English. Is Australian English different?

The Australian girl: No, it isn’t very different. Many of our words come from the Aborigines, such as “ boomerang”, “ kangaroo”.

The Australian girl: O.K., girls. You didn’t tell us about yourselves.

Nadya: Sorry, girls. If you want to know something, you may ask your questions.

The Australian girl: Please tell us about your family and the place where you live.

Nadya: Well, we are from Bratsk. I t is in Siberia.

Ann: We study at the same school, but we are in different forms. Our families sent you their best regards. And our mothers have sent presents for you and your parents

The Australian girl: Oh, look! Our bus has come. Let’s get off.

3 этап.

Детей встречают семьи, в которых они собираются жить. После отдыха они встречаются в доме Эмили и продолжают разговор.

Narrator: The group of girls are led to the families where they will be staying while they are here. Next day they gather at Emily’s family.

The Australian girl: Hello, friends. How did you rest ?

The Russians: OK, everything is all right, thank you.

The Australian girl: Today we will show you our city. Do you know anything about our country and its history?

The Russian girl: I know that about 200 nationalities live here. There are unique animals in your country as koala, dingo, kangaroo.

The Russian girl: Australia is an island and a country. Canberra is the capital of the country. James Cook discovered Australia.

The Russian girl: I know that there are two animals on the Australian coat of arms. English is the official language.

The Australian girl: I see. You know much . We are very glad.

The Russian girl: The funniest thing is that it is January but the weather is so hot. In my place it’s winter now.

The Australian girl: Yes, you right. We live in the southern hemisphere. That’s why we have summer when you have winter.

The Russian girl: Who were the first settlers here?

The Australian girl: They were bushrangers ,robbers, outlaws,convicts.

The Russian girl: When we arrived here I was surprised with your nature .Everything is bright and green here.

The Australian girl: We love our nature very much and we take care of it. Now many trees are being planted all over Australia

The Russian girl: I saw many bike-riders and roller-skaters in the streets. You are sport lovers, aren’t you?

The Australian girl: Yes, we are. I hope Russian people love sport too. Well, it is time to go to school and practice the language. Let’s go to the habour by ferry. It is our usual way of traveling.

4 этап .

Дети вернулись из Австралии и делятся впечатлениями на уроке.

The teacher: I am glad to see our travelers here in the class. And I want to ask you some questions.

  1. Why is January the hottest month of the year?
  2. Where do the Australians mostly live ?
  3. Why is Australia a multicultural country?
  4. How many times did Australia take part in the Olympic Games?
  5. Did the Australian nature impress you very much?
  6. How did you like an Australian school?
  7. How do Australian people take care of nature? Did they like it?
  8. What did you like most of all during your visit to Australia?

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