Элективный курс по английскому языку "Практикум по переводу" (экономика) для учащихся старших классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Иностранный язык тесно связан со всеми сферами жизнедеятельности общества: экономикой, политикой, искусством. Он служит не только средством познания, но и средством межличностного, межнационального, межгосударственного общения, является инструментом развития и воспитания. Социально-экономические и политические реформы, проходящие в России, существенно повлияли на отечественное образование. Знание иностранного языка становится в современном обществе необходимой частью профессиональной жизни человека и увеличивает его реальные шансы занять более престижное положение в профессиональном и социальном положении. Все больше и больше профессий требуют от человека знания иностранного языка. Выполняя социальный заказ общества, в системе образования все больше и больше внимания отводится профильному обучению на старшей ступени общеобразовательных школ. Необходима адаптация выпускников школ к реалиям рыночных отношений, они должны уметь ориентироваться в мире современных профессий, связанных, в частности, с экономикой, многими ее отраслями и направлениями.

Данный элективный курс “Практикум по переводу” составлен на основе Федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта общего образования по иностранному языку (для основной средней школы, базового и профильного уровней полной средней школы) и в соответствии с положением концепции предпрофильного и профильного обучения в образовательном процессе.

Предлагаемый элективный курс к социально-экономическому профилю “Практикум по переводу” предназначается для учащихся старших классов общеобразовательных школ, а также может быть использован в средних специальных учебных заведениях. Материал курса призван соединить знания, полученные в ходе изучения других дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла и вывести их на новый виток осмысления применительно к новым практическим задачам, а также сформировать или повторить базовые знания по английскому языку.

Целью данного практикума является обучение чтению и переводу с английского языка на русский текстов средней сложности (с использованием словаря), чтению и пониманию несложных текстов по специальности на основе знакомого лексического материала и грамматических структур. Перевод используется как средство обучения, для контроля понимания прочитанного и в качестве возможного способа передачи полученной при чтении информации.

Курс перевода строится с учетом знаний, полученных учащимися по английскому языку, а также по специальным дисциплинам и имеет целью:

- ознакомить студентов с предметом перевода;

- дать студентам терминологию избранной области знаний в объеме 200-300 единиц;

- выработать навыки перевода, реферирования и аннотирования текстов экономической направленности;

- бегло просматривать текст с целью получить общее представление о читаемом;

- найти какую-то особую информацию;

- совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной работы учащихся, необходимые для дальнейшего образования, самообразования и профессионального совершенствования;

- обеспечить учащимся овладение широкоупотребительной лексикой, экономической терминологией;

- формировать навыки работы с источниками научно-популярной информации для последующей реализации возникающих потребностей

- совершенствовать навыки владения английским языком в целом.

Перевод – это передача средствами одного языка информации, выраженной средствами другого языка. Поэтому квалифицированный перевод невозможен без знания терминов на двух языках.

При работе над текстами необходимо пользоваться любым англо-русским словарем, а также словарем экономических терминов или англо-русским словарем для экономистов.

Практикум предназначен для повторения и закрепления навыков чтения и перевода текстов по специальности.

Упражнения на активизацию экономический терминологии имеют целью отработать трудные для понимания лексические и грамматические явления английского языка. Упражнения на формирование и отработку всех языковых и речевых навыков и умений строятся с опорой на текст и письменные установки к упражнениям и заданиям, а коммуникативно-ориентированные задания на контроль лексики и грамматики, письма и устной речи.

В процессе обучения переводу учащиеся учатся работать со словарем, самостоятельно разбираться с помощью справочного материала в незнакомых грамматических конструкциях, видеть в тексте интернациональные слова и выбирать нужное значение многозначных слов, использовать догадку.

Курс рассчитан на 52 часа, включая аудиторные занятия, выполнение домашнего задания и самостоятельную работу учащихся. Повторение грамматического материала подразумевается как самостоятельная работа, так как в данном курсе не предусмотрено изучение нового грамматического материала, а только отработка полученных ранее навыков. В зависимости от уровня знаний учащихся можно работать с переводом все занятие или же часть его, но с непременной отработкой основного текста, терминологии блока и послетекстовых упражнений.

Характеристика экономических текстов. Характерной особенностью языка экономических текстов является высокая насыщенность текста экономическими терминами. Термин – слово или устойчивое словосочетание, имеющее одно строго определенное значение для конкретной области. Значение термина, необходимого для перевода конкретной фразы, должно быть определено контекстом.

Контекст – это часть текста (абзац, фраза), совершенно точно определяющая конкретное значение термина, подходящее именно для него.

Кроме терминов экономические тексты содержат большое количество интернациональных слов.

Все тексты, предложенные в настоящем Практикуме, подобраны с учетом знаний, полученных учащимися в процессе изучения специальных дисциплин и общеобразовательных. Они не содержат принципиально новой информации, сложных научных формулировок или теорий. Учащимся необходимо лишь вспомнить изученное, сопоставить термины русского языка с соответствующими английскими терминами.

Большое значение при работе с иностранными текстами имеет умение работать со словарями и справочными материалами.

Элективный курс английского языка к социально-экономическому профилю “Практикум по переводу” поможет старшеклассникам совершенствовать свои знания в области английского языка и даст им возможность продолжить образование по экономическим специальностям.

 Тематический план

Тематика курса Количество часов
Всего часов Практич. занятия Проект Самостоят. работа
1. Тема: The Meaning of Economics.

Грамматика: Passive Forms

Интернациональные слова.

2. Тема: Money

Грамматика: Modal Verbs,

Participles, Pronouns

3. Тема: Plastic Money In Russia

Грамматика: Present Perfect-

Present Perfect Progressive.

Словообразование: приставки с

отрицательным значением

4. Тема: The Structure and Func-

tions of a Bank


приставки, образующие сущест-

вительные от глаголов

5. Тема: Types of Banking


Грамматика: Foms of the Verb

Слова, имеющие значение

“тоже” – either, also, too

6. Тема: Organization of Business

7. Тема: Marketing

Грамматика: – ing forms

8. Тема: Economy of the USA

Грамматика: Present Tences

Интернациональные слова

9. Тема:Economy of the Yamal-

Nenets Autonomous Area

Грамматика: Существительное

в качестве определения

Итого часов:

































































































































The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts:
he must be a mathematician,
philosopher – in some degree.
He must understand symbols and speak in  words.

Unit 1. The Meaning of Economics

When an artist looks at the world, he sees colour;
When a musician looks at the world, he hears music.
When an economist looks at the world,
he hears a symphony of costs and benefits.


1. Find in a dictionary the meaning of the following words:

wizard, economics, statistics, measurements, to deal, earning, distribution, wealth, goods, services, item, stream, to cost, to involve, production, exchange, to perform, consumption, to affect, goal, society, to favor, stability, freedom, justice, security

2. Read the following text and answer the questions:


The king turned to the old wizard and asked, “What is economics exactly?” The wizard smiled and replied: “Whatever else it is, economics is never exactly anything.”

The wizard may have been right. In some ways economics can seem to be very exact. It often makes use of statistics, measurements, and sums of money. These can be expressed in exact amounts. This makes economics appear to be very exact. But economics also seeks to explain the meaning of the statistics and measurements. That is when it becomes very inexact and when people who study economics begin to disagree.


Economics is often said to deal with earning, distribution, and use of all kinds of wealth. Wealth is made up of goods and services. Goods are actual things people use. Goods can be seen and felt by those who use them. The two kinds of goods are economic goods and free goods. Economic goods are those things people will pay to receive. Bicycles, bread, radios, and jeans are examples of economic goods. Can you name other economic goods?

Free goods are things that can usually be had without cost. Air, sunshine, and in some cases water are examples of free goods. An item can be both a free good and an economic good. The water people drink from a clean stream or brook is a free good. The water that many people drink from the tap in their homes has to be paid for and is an economic good. Air might be thought of as free. Yet in some areas it costs millions of dollars to keep the air clean.

Economics involves much more than wealth in the form of goods and services. It is concerned with many things. It deals with the following:

  • production, or making of goods and wealth
  • distribution, or giving out and exchange of goods
  • performing of services. These include sales, repair, training, etc.
  • consumption, or the use of goods and services
  • actions of governments. Such actions often affect the production and distribution of goods and wealth
  • events in the world. These can affect decisions made by people and governments
  • goals of society. Some societies favor growth, others stability. Economic justice, freedom and security are other goals.

3. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. Who was asked about the meaning of economics?

2. What does economics deal with?

3. What are economic goods?

4. Why are air and sunshine free goods?

5. What is economics concerned with?

4. Find in the text sentences with the verbs in Passive Voice. Determine the tense of the verbs. Make sentences with the verbs “to discuss, to compare and to plan”.

5. Study the following vocabulary:


  • a system according to which the money, industry and

trade of a country or region are organized

  • a country’s economy is the wealth that it gets from business and industry
  • careful spending or the use of things in order to save money
  • a large-scale packages of goods which are cheaper than the normal sized packages on sale


  • concerned with economics and organization of the money, industry and trade of a country, region or social group
  • relating to services, business that produce a profit


  • something that is economical does not require a lot of money to operate
  • using minimum amount of time, effort, language that is necessary


  • the study of the production of wealth and the consumption of goods and services in a society, and the organization of its money, industry and trade

Economist – an expert or a student of economics


  • save money by spending it carefully and not buying expensive things

Economic policy

-an action taken, usually by the government, to influence economic events

6. Translate the following words without using a dictionary:

an economy, economics, a system, an industry, a region, a businessman, a

businesswoman, an organization, business, minimum, production, an expert

7. Explain the difference between these two words : economy, economics

8. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. Home economics is a subject studied at school and college in which students are taught how to run a house well and efficiently.

2. New England’s economy is still largely based on manufacturing.

3. Economies are competing against each other.

4. These businesses contribute hundreds of millions of pounds to the economy of the country.

5. I switched off the lights as an economical measure.

6. She thought of herself as an economical wife.

7. Economy is the oldest of social sciences.

8. You’ll have to travel economic class.

9. If you really are going to buy a car, we’ll have to economy on other things.

10. This system was extremely economical because it ran on half-price electricity.

Unit II: Money

1. Study the following words:

various – различный

a measure – мера

value – стоимость

a means of – средство

an exchange – обмен

an employer – наниматель

relative относительный

convenient – удобный

a tax-collector – сборщик налогов

a disadvantage – неудобство

to be worth – стоить чего-либо

a coin – монета

doubtful сомнительный

2. Read the text and answer the questions after it:

Money has various uses in modern world: it is a measure of value of goods and services, a means of exchanging such goods and services and a way to store up buying(purchasing) power so that one can use it later. As a measure of value, it is obviously of the very greatest use. If I work in an office, how can my employer know what to pay me for my services if there is no generally recognized measure of value? He may decide to pay me a certain number of loaves of bread each week, but then I shall have to exchange some of these loaves for other things that I need: and how am I to know how many loaves of bread I should give for a pair of shoes or for the rent of my house, for example? Money gives us a very useful means of measuring such relative values.

Money is also of great use as a means of exchanging goods and services. If, for example, I am a shoe-maker, it will not be all convenient to me always to have to exchange the shoes I make for other goods and services. A doctor may want to buy a pair of shoes from me, for example, but I may not need medical care, so he will then have to find something else that I want, or to look for another shoe-maker who needs him. Without money the tax-collector would come back to his office with an extraordinary collection of objects.

Considered as a means of storing up buying power, money has good and bad points. It can more easily be kept a long time than such things as food, which rots, or buildings which slowly fall to pieces, or machines which rust.

But modern money has some very serious disadvantages as means of storing up buying power. In the old days, when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each was really worth amount stamped on the coin. But the paper in modern paper money and even the metal in most coins are worth very much less than the amount written on them/ As a result, the buying power of modern money can change very greatly in a short period of time.

(Hill L.A. Further Comprehension and Precise Pieces for

Overseas Students. P.)

Questions: 1. What are the main uses of money?

2. What can you say about modern money and its disadvantages?

3. Why is saving money sometimes necessary?

4. What is the meaning of money you know?

3. Remember the following words and word expressions:

various uses
a measure of value
goods and services
will not be all convenient
good and bad points
serious disadvantages
paper money
buying power

': Translate the first and the third abstracts of the text in written form.

(: Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык, ис пользуя количественные местоимения many/few и их эквиваленты a large/small number of – с исчисляемыми и much/little и их эквиваленты a large/ small amount of – с неисчисляемыми существительными:

мало денег, много денег, мало книг, много золота, много снега, мало молока в кофе, много пищи, много товаров, мало услуг, много машин, много преимуществ, мало солнечных дней

6. Вспомните, как переводятся на русский язык Participle I and Participle II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на   употребление причастий в различных функциях:

1. The paper in modern paper money is worth much less than the amount

written on it. 2. Selling and buying things, all modern people use money. 3.A cheque is a written order to a bank given and signed by someone who has money deposited there, to pay a certain amount mentioned on the check to a person named on it. 4. It is obvious that a primitive system of exchanging goods cannot satisfy the needs of a highly developed economic system. 5.British coins are made at the Royal Mint, established in the Tower of London by William the Conqueror in the eleventh century. 6/The Bank of England is a magnificent building occupying more than three acres of ground. 7.The demand for a foreign currency is based on the demands for some goods produced in a foreign country.

6. Modal Verbs. Remember what they mean and how they are used. Translate the text paying attention to their meaning:

In earlier times goods were exchanged for goods. But it is obvious that such a primitive system cannot satisfy the needs of a developed society. If I want to exchange a big piece of meat for a pair of trousers, I have not only to find a man who wants a big piece of meat, but also a man who at the same time has a pair of trousers to exchange. Moreover, the man with the trousers may want only a small piece of meat, and though I could cut off a piece of my meat to supply his needs, he can’t cut off a portion of his trousers of equivalent value in – 8 -exchange. Again, though the possessor of the trousers can afford to keep his goods until he can get what he wants for them, I can’t keep my meet long without its going bad. So, if the exchange of goods is to go on, money must be used as a medium of exchange and at the same time as a measure of value.

(Eckersley C.E., Kaufmann W. A Commercial Course for

Foreign Students. London, 1964)

7. Translate the following sentences into English using the words from the text:

1. Деньги-мера ценности вещей и средство обмена.

2. Прямой обмен товарами невозможен в развитом обществе.

3. Когда использовались золотые и серебряные монеты, стоимость  металла соответствовала сумме, отчеканенной на монете.

4. Покупательная способность денег в наше время может быстро  меняться.

5. Для того, чтобы развивалась торговля, должны существовать деньги.

8. Sum up the text in some 6-7 sentences.

9. Make up sentences, connecting parts A and B. Use a dictionary if you don’t know the meaning of the words:










One can


















earn money that is to get money as salary or wages.

when one buys something as a


when one wants to buy something

expensive, or when one lives


and then he grows rich, acquires


that is give money at an interest (in a bank).

that is take money promising to pay it back

in future.

that is give it to somebody for a period of time.

that is borrowing money one becomes a debtor,

and owes it to the lender.

that is store up a large amount of money.

that is give it to a good cause.

that is collect it in somebody’s favor.

that is give it to someone

in exchange for services and


that is put money into shares or business.

that is spend it on something

which is not worth it.

for goods and services.

spend money
save money
make money
loan money
borrow money
lend money
owe money


donate money
raise money
pay money
invest money

in something

waste money

Now answer the questions:

  1. What do you do with money more often? Regularly? Never?
  2. What would you like to do with money if you had more than the barest minimum? Much of it?
  3. What is the wisest way to deal with money?

Unit 9. Economy of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area

1. Active Vocabulary

tremendously – потрясающе

gross – валовой

coastal – береговой, прибрежный

turnover – оборот

shelf – рифы, отмель, шельф

rank – занимать место

domestic product – товар местного производства

output – продукция, выпуск

estimate – оценивать, определять

prospects – перспективы

colossal – колоссальный, грандиозный

flourishing – процветающий, цветущий

objective – цель

2. Make sure you know how to pronounce these words, transcribe them and check with a dictionary:

economy, natural, resources, hydrocarbon, although, dominate, condensate, ton, structure, construction, regional, infrastructure, residential

3. Read the text:

Economy of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area

The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, that is rightly considered Russia’s pride and hope, is situated in the far north of the West Siberian Plain. This land is rich in Various natural resources. First of all, the area is tremendously rich in hydrocarbon resources.

Our region extracts over 90 per cent of all Russia’s natural gas, 12 per cent of all Russia’s oil is produced in the Autonomous Area and accounts for about 2.6 per cent of domestic product.

Although the gas industry dominates the area’s economy, the gas sector, too, has a considerable share (33 per cent) in the industrial output.

Oil production, gas condensate included, reached 43 million tons in 2002 (20 per cent more than in 2001) and will rise, according to projects, by another 24 per cent in 2005.

Thanks to the development of coastal and shelf regions of the Autonomous Area, new opportunities will open up to investors. Administration of the Area regards “making oil and gas work for the good of the people” as their main objective.

Geological surveys of the Area indicate that currently working fields comprise only a tiny portion of the region’s total wealth. Geologists believe still more fields lie waiting to be discovered.

In fact, experts say the region may contain some 90 per cent of the total gas and condensate resources of Western Siberia, and 35 per cent of its potential oil reserves. But that isn’t all that the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area has to offer. Non-ferrous and rare-earth metals, including gold have been found on its territory.

In the economy structure the construction business ranks second (28 per cent) after the industry (44 per cent of the gross regional product).

In 2002 the growth rate of this sector was 21 per cent, or twice as much as a year before. The construction projects mainly involve the development of the oil and gas sector: pipelines, transport facilities and different works. The construction of office and residential buildings considerably increased in Salekhard and other cities. Specialists have been long aware of the high value of biological raw materials which basis are reindeer. Administration is interested in attracting both domestic and foreign investments in the economy.

In 2004 the foreign trade turnover with CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) is expected to reach 182-187 million dollars and to increase, as compared to 2002, 1.5 – 1.6 times. The foreign trade with other countries is estimated at 258-268 million dollars . Yamal has everything to reach these tasks: hard-working people, natural resources, prospects, and a colossal investment potential. But most importantly, there’s a common will to turn Yamal into the flourishing region.

4. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

по праву считается гордостью и надеждой России, естественные богатства, округ потрясающе богат, и это не все, что округ может предложить, в 2 раза больше, чем год

назад, строительство офисных и жилых домов значительно увеличилось, простое желание превратить наш Ямал в процветающий район страны

5. Translate into Russian:

a considerable share, 20 per cent more than, туй opportunities will open up for investors, geological surveys indicate, a tiny portion of the region’s total wealth, waiting to be discovered, attracting both domestic and foreign investments, a colossal investment potential

6. Remember the expressions. Use them in the sentences of your own.

is rich in is interested in
first of all is expected to reach
thanks to as compared to
according to is estimated at
in fact most importantly

7. Answer the questions:

1. What is the Area rich in?

2. What industry dominates in the area’s economy?

3. Are gas and oil the only resources in the Area?

4. Do you know anything about the construction business in the Area?

5. Can you say anything about the foreign trade turnover with different countries?

6. Why is it possible to turn Yamal into a flourishing region?

8. Find sentences with Passive verbs, write them out and determine the tense.

9. Make a summary of the text.
