Разработка открытого урока по теме: "Sport"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


- активизация употребления лексики по теме “SPORT “ в разных видах РД; чтении, аудировании, говорении;

- обобщение грамматического материала по теме “Prepositions “ (in front of, behind, next to);

- практика учащихся в диалогическом общении с опорой на текст и картинки;

- развитие фонетических навыков и навыков чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного; - развитие умения понимать иноязычную речь на слух (аудирование);

- развитие языковых способностей учащихся;

- формирование положительной мотивации учения;

- знакомство с историей Олимпийских игр;

- привитие интереса к здоровому образу жизни;

- воспитывание у учащихся интереса к иностранным языкам.

Оснащение урока: карточки со словами (basketball, football, tennis, hockey, swimming, behind, next to, in front of); картинки с изображением различных видов спорта; карточки с ребусами; запись динамической паузы, футбольных рифмовок и текста для аудирования “ The World Cup ”

Ход урока

1.Приветствие. Сообщение перспектив урока

T (teacher): Good morning, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you.

P (pupils): Good morning, good morning, good morning to you

Good morning, good morning we’re glad to see you.

T : Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.

Today we’ll speak about sport, different kinds of sports.

We’ll know many interesting things about the Olympic Games. And of course we’ll play the games and have fun. Do you like sport?

2.Фонетическая зарядка и организация практики речевой деятельности.

Look at the blackboard, listen to me and repeat after me the words for the most popular sports.

Football, table tennis, volleyball, chess, gymnastics, cycling, swimmimg, skiing, ice-skating, horse –riding, jumping, running, boxing, figure skating, hockey, judo, rugby, baseball, athletics, badminton.

What is your favourite sport? Which sports are summer and which sports are winter?

Listen to the riddles and guess what kind of sport it is. Then match the pictures and the words. (На доске картинки с изображением различных видов спорта и карточки с названиями видов спорта)

1.It’s a game played between 2 people or two pairs of people who use rackets = tennis

2.It’s a game in which you try to knock a ball into a goal =football

3.It’s a game for 2 teams of 11 players who use special sticks to hit a ball = hockey

4.The act or sport of those who swim = swimming

5.It’ s a game between 2 teams of 5 players. Each team tries to throw a large ball into the other team’s basket = basketball

You are right.

3.Динамическая пауза

Stand up please and do some physical exercises. Let’s listen to the song “ Put you finger on your nose “and do exercises.

Put your finger on your nose, on your nose
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose
Put your finger on your nose
Then bend down and touch your toes
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose

Put your finger on your nose, on your hand
Put your finger on your nose, on your hand
Put your finger on your hand
Then hold your foot and stand
Put your chin on your hand, on your hand


T: My favourite sport is volleyball. My mother likes basketball. My brother and my father like football.

I know that many children in your class like football. Boys, do you like playing football? Girls, what about you? Who watches football matches on TV? I like watching football on TV, but I can’t play football. People say that football is the game of future.

Let’s listen to the story about the boy who is good at football. Be ready to answer the questions.



Al is playing with the computer.

He chooses 'Football' and presses the blue button.

Al is in the future! He is a footballer and he is playing in the World Cup. The match is Brazil-England and Al is in the English team.

The match started at three o'clock. At half past three the Brazilian team scored a goal.

At quarter to four it was half time. The score was one-nil to Brazil.

It's now ten to five. A man is talking on the television. Listen!

Can the English team score a goal? The Brazilians have got the ball. Peres is passing it to Mendes . . . But Al, the English player, is next to Mendes . . .

But Al is running in front of Mendes . . . and he's got the ball!

Al is running fast. Number 8, the Brazilian, is behind Al - can he stop him? No! Al is too fast. . .

Al is in front of the goal. The Brazilian goalkeeper is waiting … Al is going to shoot… He shoots … And it's a goal! It’s a goal ! And that’s the whistle! So it’s one all. That was a wonderful game and a wonderful goal!

Now answer my questions.


1.What is the boy’s name?

2.Where is he playing?

3.Which teams are playing?

4. In which team is Al?

5.What time did the match start?

6. Who was the best player?

7. What was the score?

Do you like the story? Would you like to play at the English team? I hope in future you’ll be the famous footballers and you’ll be in the English team.

5. Активизация употребления предлогов в речи (behind, next to, in front of). Работа в парах.

Now I’ m going to give you the photo of the English team.

Look at the photo, read the text and remember the prepositions :behind, next to, in front of (см. рисунок 1)

Рисунок 1

The referee is in front of number 6.

Number 8 is behind number 6.

Number 2 is next to number 6.

A: Who’s in front of number 8 ?

B: Number 6.

Work in pairs and look at the photo, ask each other questions about the players.

6.Футбольные Рифмовки

You know when people are at football matches they usually shout out some football rhymes. Do you usually shout out football rhymes? Let’s listen to some football rhymes and then we’ll make up our own rhymes. ( Учащиеся слушают магнитофон с записью рифмовки )

One, two, three, four
Which team are we shouting for?
S-c-o-t-l-a-n-d –Scotland
Five, six, seven, eight
Which team do we think is great?
A –r-g-e-n-t-i-n-a – Argentina.

Затем учащиеся заменяют названия команд на свои собственные и говорят свои речёвки)

T: So when you are at football matches use these rhymes and I think they will help your favourite team .

7. Чение. Олимпийские игры.

Let’s have a rest. Solve the puzzle and you’ll read the Olympic motto.

Listen to the clue. (см. рисунок 2)

Рисунок 2

You see 2 circles – a big circle and a small circle. There are letters on the 2 circles. M in the code (a small circle ) means A ( a big circle).

Puzzle : R N E F Q D T U S T Q D E F D A Z S Q D

Key : F A S T E R H I G H E R S T R O N G E R

You are right.

Where were the last Olympic games held?

Let’s read the text about the Olympic games. (Каждый ученик получает текст )


The Olympic Games have a long history. The first games were in Olympia in Greece in 776 BC. They took place every four years and lasted five days. It became a tradition even to stop wars for the time of the Olympic Games, and the people lived in peace. Women didn’t run in the Games. The prize was a red apple.

Now there are 3 prizes for each event – a gold medal, a silver medal and a bronze medal.

The Olympic flag has 5 coloured rings. The colours are blue, yellow, black, green and red on white, because every country in the world has one of these colours on its flag.

So the Olympic flag means the countries are friends. The Olympic Games are always a great festival of sport and beauty.


1. When and where were the first games?

2. How many days did the games last?

3. What was the prize?

4. How many rings has the Olympic flag got? What does the Olympic flag mean ?

5.Which Olympic champions do you know?

6.In what sports have they become Olympic champions?

8. Игры

I see you are tired. Now it’s the puzzle time.

1.Find the words and write them down (см. рисунок 3)

Рисунок 3

2.Make up as many words as you can out of the word S P O R T S M E N

3.Jokes (см. рисунок 4)

Рисунок 4

9. Заключительный этап урока

1.Hometask: prepare a report about a famous Bashkir sportsman

2. Рефлексия. Do you like our lesson? Have you found out new facts about sport. Whose answers were the best?

3.Итоги урока. You are brilliant, talented students today. Your marks are... (комментарий оценок)