Использование игровых моментов (ситуаций) на уроках английского языка в 5-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • формировать навыки говорения по заданной теме;
  • провести практику речевой деятельности;
  • активизировать работу каждого учащегося.


  • развивать навыки устной речи;
  • развивать мышление, творческую инициативу, фантазию при изучении Иностранного языка;
  • развивать навыки аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации;


  • воспитание положительного отношения к родным местам;
  • воспитание уважения, понимания и толерантности к другой культуре, системе выражений;
  • прививать любовь и желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы;


  • умение оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.

I ЭТАП. Организация начала урока. (Организационный).

I.1. Целеполагание.

Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you. Today our topic is called “My town”. Let’s translate it together. During our lesson we’ll speak about our town? We’ll describe pictures? We’ll play, we’ll sing the song. You can use the sheets of paper with Step I, Step II if you need. Let’s start.

II.ЭТАП. Подготовка к активной учебно-познавательной деятельности (УПД ) на основном этапе урока. Актуализация опорных знаний и умений, формирование познавательных процессов.

1. On our lesson we have a tale guest, it is a tale bird. Her name is Karkusha. She wants to tell you about her living place, but she forgot all words. Help her. She wants to play with you. Prepare for the game. I’ll show you pictures and you’ll repeat after me.

Мы повторяем предлоги места с использованием сказочного персонажа и волшебной коробочки

The ball is behind the box.

The ball is on the corner of the box.

The ball is near the box.

The ball is on the left of the box.

The ball is in the middle of the box.

The ball is in front of the box.

Now we are ready to play. Karkusha shows you a picture and says the phrase. If her phrase is right you show the red ball, if not, you show the green ball.

2. We have worked well. Now we should repeat all words for our story. You can use Step I. Answer my questions.









  1. Is there a garden in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. (>Рисунок 1)
  2. Are there flowers in your garden? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. (Рисунок 2)
  3. Is there a cafй in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. (Рисунок 3)
  4. Is there a pet shop in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.(Рисунок 4)
  5. Is there a church in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. (Рисунок 5)
  6. Is there a park in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.(Рисунок 6)
  7. Is there a supermarket in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. (Рисунок 7)
  8. Is there a school in your town? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. (Рисунок 8)

При выполнении данного задания можно использовать картинки с изображениями место в городе.

--Now you see pictures and words on the blackboard. I’ll open the words and you’ll find the right pictures.

-- Look at the blackboard. You see the plan of the city and I want you to put the pictures on it.

Ученики выбирают картинки и прикрепляют их на плакат с изображением плана города.

III ЭТАП. Закрепление знаний. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся.




1. Listen to our guest very attentively and look at these 3 pictures. After listening to her story you show the ball with the right number. You don’t speak, you show the ball. (аудиозапись). (Рисунки 9, 10, 11)

The text.

From my bedroom window I can see a small garden with flowers. Behind the garden there is a street. There is a charming cafe on the corner of the street. Near the cafй there is a pet shop. I buy food for my dog there. On the left there is a church in the middle of the park. There is a supermarket in front of the church.

Если учащиеся ошибутся, прочитать две ключевые фразы.

2.You have listened to the story and now let’s do this story again yourselves. You start to tell what there are on the picture; you repeat the first sentence and say yours. Pictures help you. We all listen to each other. We play together “The snow ball”. After that we listen to one or two pupils this text.

3. You are smart pupils. And now you get individual tasks.

  • Put the right words in the right places;
  • Put the right prepositions;
  • Put the words and prepositions.

Перед четвертым этапом, проходит игровой момент “ Please Game”.

IV.ЭТАП. Контроль и самоконтроль (самопроверка) знаний.

You are very clever pupils and we write a small express-test. Take your sheets of paper and I’ll read the phrases about town. You put “+” if my sentences are about town and if you can see this thing in the town, if not you leave empty place.

1.+ 2. 3.+
4.+ 5. 6.+
7. 8.+ 9.
  1. There is a cafй in the town.
  2. There is a cup in the town.
  3. There is a supermarket in the town.
  4. There is a pet shop in the town.
  5. There is a plate in the town.
  6. There is a church in the town.
  7. There is a table in the town.
  8. There is a school in the town.
  9. There is a pen in the town.

- Now show me your cards, please.

V ЭТАП. Подведение итогов урока. Инструктаж по его выполнению. Учащимся предлагаются специальные контрольные карточки, которые они заполняют в зависимости от того, в чем они принимали участие. И затем суммируют баллы.

1. We have worked well and now let’s fill the control cards. Put “+” if you take part in…

Your marks are… (Учитель называет оценки).

2. We are very smart, thank each other and sing the song. (Step II).

The song.

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together.

Sing, sing, sing the song

Sing the song together.

VI ЭТАП. Информация о домашнем задании и как его выполнять.

You should paint your own town and describe it.

VII ЭТАП. Рефлексия.

Pupils, look, please at these faces and paint one face that you like now most of all. It’s your mood after our lesson. Thank you very much for our lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye.


Tick the following columns.

I took part in…

1. Playing game.

2. Answering questions.

3. Listening to the story.

4. Telling the story.

5. Doing individual task.

6. Doing express-test.

My score is…