Работа над детективной историей А. Кристи "Немейский лев"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Detective story is a work of fiction about a puzzling crime, a number of clues, and a detective who solves the mystery. In most detective stories, the crime is murder and the clues lead to or away from the solution.

The pattern of most detective stories is the same, whether the tale is a novel, a novelette, or a short story. The author presents the crime, the detective, and several clues and suspects. The detective follows the clues and may even discover additional crimes. The climax of the story comes when the detective reveals the criminal and tells how the mystery was solved.

Certain conventions have developed from the detective story pattern. The author is expected to "play fair" with the reader. That is, the reader should be given exactly the same information that the detective uses to find the criminal. Readers can treat the story as a battle of wits between themselves and the detective.

The detective in most of these stories is not a professional police officer but a private consultant. For example, G. K. Chesterton's Father Brown is a priest, Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe is a gourmet and intellectual. Romance or financial gain may be a factor in a detective story, but the main theme is the mystery and its solution.

History of the detective story began with Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1841). With this story and "The Mystery of Marie Roget" and "The Purloined Letter," Poe created the literary tradition of detective fiction. His detective was C. Auguste Dupin, a brilliant amateur who uses logic to solve mysteries.

Charles Dickens tried the new form in Bleak House (1852-1853) and in his unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone (1868) was one of the most important early detective novels. Sherlock Holmes and his comrade, Dr. John Watson, appeared in 1887 in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet. Holmes is the most famous character in detective fiction--and perhaps in all fiction.

The early 1900's were a period of excitement and originality in detective fiction. In The Singing Bone (1912), the English author R. Austin Freeman introduced the inverted detective story, in which the criminal is known from the beginning. The mystery is whether--and how--the criminal will be uncovered. The American writer Jacques Futrelle created a character called the Thinking Machine.

In the 1920's, Black Mask magazine introduced a distinctly American style of mystery, often called "private eye" or "hard-boiled" mysteries. These stories focused on a tough detective hero and featured action and violence and a colorful narrative style.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is a detective story?
  2. What is the pattern of a detective story?
  3. When does the climax of a detective story come?
  4. What does “ to play fair with the reader “ mean?
  5. What is a detective in most of the stories?
  6. Who created the literary tradition of the detective story?
  7. What does “ the inverted story “ mean?
  8. How does the American style of mystery call?
  9. What do these stories focuse on?

Несколько правил для написания детективных романов.

Детективный роман – это своего рода интеллектуальная игра. Больше того, это спортивное соревнование. И создаются детективные романы по строго определенным законам – пускай неписаным, но тем не менее обязательным.

  1. Читатель должен иметь равные с сыщиком возможности для разгадки тайны преступления. Все ключи к разгадке должны быть ясно обозначены и описаны. Недопустимо, чтобы детектив вдруг нагнулся и поднял с земли предмет, который не пожелал показать сопровождавшему его другу. Он лишь прошептал: “Ага!” - и лицо у него стало серьезным. Мастерство писателя-детективщика состоит в том чтобы суметь выставить свои ключи к разгадке на показ и с вызовом сунуть их прямо под нос. “Вот, смотрите! – говорит он. – Что, по-вашему, из этого следует?”. А мы только глазами хлопаем.
  2. Читателя нельзя умышленно обманывать или вводить в заблуждение, кроме как в тех случаях, когда его вместе с сыщиком по всем правилам честной игры обманывает преступник.
  3. В романе не желательна любовная линия, а если она есть она не должна быть доминирующей. Речь ведь идет о том, чтобы отдать преступника в руки правосудия, а не о том, чтобы соединить узами Гименея тоскующих влюбленных.
  4. Ни сам сыщик, ни кто-либо из официальных расследователей не должен оказаться преступником.
  5. Преступник должен быть обнаружен дедуктивным путем – с помощью логических умозаключений, а не благодаря случайности, совпадению или немотивированному признанию.
  6. В детективном романе должен быть следователь – детектив. Его задача состоит в том, чтобы собрать улики, которые послужат ключом к разгадке, и в конечном итоге укажут на того, кто совершил это низкое преступление в первой главе.
  7. Без трупа в детективном романе просто не обойтись, и чем натуралистичней этот труп, тем лучше.
  8. Тайна преступлений должна быть раскрыта сугубо материалистическим путем. Рассказам Честерона об отце Брауне присущ один общий недостаток. Автор почти всегда пытается направить читателя по ложному следу, внушая ему мысль, что преступление совершено каким-то магическим способом.
  9. Должен быть только один детектив, т.е. только один главный герой дедукции. Глуповатый друг детектива может присутствовать в повествовании как промежуточное звено между детективом и читателем. По своим умственным способностям он должен немного уступать – но только совсем чуть-чуть – среднему читателю.
  10. В детективном романе неуместны длинные описания, литературные отступления на побочные темы. А также недопустимо использовать доселе неизвестные яды, а также устройства, требующие длинного научного объяснения в конце книги.
  11. Вина за совершение преступления не должна взваливаться на преступника-профессионала. Такие случаи расследуются управлениями полиции, а не писателями-детективщиками. По настоящему захватывающее преступление – это преступление, совершенное столпом церкви или старой девой, известной благотворительницей.
  12. И наконец, еще один пункт для ровного счета: перечень некоторых приемов, которыми теперь не воспользуется ни один уважающий себя автор детективных романов. Они и так использовались слишком часто.
  • Опознание преступника по окурку, оставленному на месте преступления.
  • Подделка отпечатков пальцев.
  • Мнимое алиби, обеспечиваемое при помощи манекена.
  • Собака, которая не лает и позволяет сделать в силу этого вывод, что вторгшийся человек, не был незнакомцем.
  • Возложение под занавес вины за преступление на брата – близнеца или другого родственника, как две капли воды похожего на подозреваемого.

( 1891 – 1976 )

Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott.

Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages. She is the third best-selling author in the world (after Shakespeare and the Bible). Many other novels and short stories have been filmed. The Mousetrap, her most famous play, is now the longest-running play in history.

Agatha Christie was born at Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and

took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most popular private detectives since Sherlock Holmes. This little Belgian with the egg-shaped head and the passion for order amazes everyone by his powerful intellect and his brilliant solutions to the most complicated crimes.

Agatha Christie became generally recognized in 1926, after the publishing of her novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It is still considered her masterpiece.

When Agatha Cristic got tired of Hercule Poirot she invented Miss Marple, a deceptively mild old lady with her own method of investigation.

Her last Poirot book, Curtain, appeared shortly before her death, and her last Miss Marple story, Sleeping Murder, and her autobiography were published after her death.

Agatha Christie's success with millions of readers lies in her ability to combine clever plots with excellent character drawing, and a keen sense of humour with great powers of observation. Her plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. He cannot guess who the criminal is. Fortunately, evil is always conquered in her novels.

Agatha Christie's language is simple and good and it is pleasant to read her books in the original.



  • crime – преступление
  • running – идущий, демонстрирующийся (о фильме )
  • private detective – частный детектив
  • the passion for order – страсть к порядку
  • solution – решение, разгадка
  • complicated – сложный
  • to invent – изобретать
  • deceptively – обманчиво
  • mild – мягкий
  • investigation – расследование
  • plot – замысел
  • to draw ( drew, drawn ) – выводить (образ )
  • keen sense of humour – тонкое чувство юмора
  • powers of observation – наблюдательность
  • to mislead ( misled ) – вводить в заблуждение
  • to keep in suspense – держать в напряжении, в мучительной неизвестности
  • to conquer – завоевывать


  1. How many crime novels, plays and romantic novels did Agatha Christie write?
  2. What was her pen – name?
  3. Where was she born?
  4. Where was she educated?
  5. What was A.Christie’s first novel and when was it published?
  6. Who became the first of the most popular private detectives?
  7. Describe Mr. Poirot.
  8. When did she become recognized?
  9. What was the name of the second detective created by A.Christie?
  10. What were A.Christie’s last novels?
  11. Why are her books so popular with the reader?
  12. What is A.Christie’s language?
  13. Some people say that reading detective stories is a waste of time. Are you of the same opinion?
  14. What famous detective-story writers do you know?
  15. Agatha Christie's novels have been translated into 103 languages. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into 14 languages. Do you know why?
  16. Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? Did you read them in the original or in translation?
  17. Have you seen any films based on her novels?

The Nemean Lion.

What feelings and thoughts does the title evoke?

According to the Greek Mythology, The Nemean Lion was a terrible and invulnerable predator, strangled by Hercules (the first Labour of Hercules).

Greek mythology also has a number of partly mortal, partly divine beings called demigods. Heracles (called Hercules by the Romans) probably ranked as the most important demigod. Heracles symbolized strength and physical endurance.

The twelve labors. Hera caused Hercules to have a fit of madness, during which he killed his wife, Megara, and their children. The oracle at Delphi told Hercules that he had to serve King Eurystheus of Tiryns for 12 years to purify himself of the murders.

The first six labors took place near Thebes. First, Hercules killed the fierce lion of Nemea, whose skin he then wore as a trophy.

Find more information about Hercules’ first Labour.

Part I.

  • I. Vocabulary.
  • to be a born secretary – быть прирожденным секретарем
  • to investigate – расследовать
  • investigation – расследование
  • to throw a glance of reproach – посмотреть с упреком
  • to be shaken – быть смущенным, шокированным
  • to be embittered – быть раздраженным
  • caustic words – едкие слова
  • to kidnap – похищать
  • kidnapping - похищение
  • to be bulging – eyed – лупоглазый
  • to overpampered – избалованный
  • to be curious – быть любопытным
  • to make a noncommittal gesture – сделать неопределенный жест рукой
  • to interpolate – вставлять замечание
  • to elucidate – объяснять
  • fee – гонорар
  • to be a tip-top man at smth. – быть мастером в чем-то
  • to be at the apex of smth. – быть на вершине своей карьеры
  • to intend to retire – собираться в отставку
  • murder – убийство
  • unexpected death – неожиданная смерть
  • robbery – грабежи
  • theft of jewellery– кражи драгоценностей
  • damned yapping little brute – проклятое тявкающее животное
  • to murmur – шептать
  • to be summoned by smb. – быть вызванным
  • to loose smb’s temper – терять терпение(выходить из себя)
  • felicity – счастье, блаженство
  • delicate – деликатная, затруднительная
  • to nod – кивать
  • invulnerable predator – неуязвимый хищник

II. Translate into English.

Я хочу, чтобы вы расследовали исчезновение собаки моей жены.

Пуаро был потрясен и раздражен.

Слова были едкими.

Эта собака лупоглазая и избалованная.

Похищение было спланировано.

Пуаро сделал неопределенный жест рукой.

Мой гонорар высокий?

Это первый раз, когда я был вызван мужем в случае похищения собаки.

Я выхожу из себя.

Я предполагаю это затруднительное дело.

Обычно я расследовал убийства, грабежи и похищения драгоценностей.

На данный момент я на вершине моей карьеры и собираюсь уйти в отставку.

Двести фунтов за чертово маленькое тявкающее животное, которое всегда путается у вас под ногами.

“Не имею такого счастья”, - прошептал Пуаро.

III. Answer the questions:

  1. Who are the main characters of the story?
  2. What did Mr. Poirot receive?
  3. Who wrote a letter?
  4. What did he ask Mr. Poirot for?
  5. What does the dog look like?
  6. Did Mr. Hoggin like his wife’s dog?
  7. What is Mr. Poirot going to do in the nearest future?
  8. Why did Mr. Hoggin want to stop the kidnappings?

IV. Complete the sentences:

Miss Lemon was a woman without ……………………………….................

The letter is from a man who wants you ……………………………………..

Words trembled on his lips - ………………………………………………….

Hercule Poirot made …………………………………………………………..

I’m in the habit to throw ………………………………………………………

You realize that my ……………………………………………………………

I am at the apex.……………………………………………………………….

Your case attracts by its ……………………………………………………….

This is the first time that I have been asked to ………………………………..

And this is the first time that I …………………………………………………

The next day my wife ………………………………………………………….

Two hundred pounds for a……………………………………………………..

I should have let the whole thing go if………………………………………....

Your case is a………………………………………………………………...…

V. Match the words and the definition.

  1. to investigate
  2. to kidnap
  3. to murmur
  4. to summon
  5. fee
  6. theft
  7. robbery
  8. murder
  • a sum of money paid for professional services to a lawyer
  • to take somebody away illegally and usually by force, in order to demand money for their safe return
  • the crime of killing a person intentionally
  • to try to find out more information about
  • the crime of taking someone’s else’s property
  • stealing
  • to complain, not officially but in private
  • to order officially to come

VI. Reproduce in indirect speech the following passage.

Sir Joseph paused a minute. His small eyes narrowed themselves still more. He said sharply:

"That's not to say that I'm in the habit of throwing my money about. What I want I pay for. But I pay the market price - no more."

Hercule Poirot said:

"You realize that my fees are high?"

"Yes, yes. But this," Sir Joseph looked at him cunningly, "is a very small matter."

Hercule Poirot shrugged his shoulders. He said:

"I do not bargain. I am an expert. For the services of an expert you have to pay."

Sir Joseph said frankly.

"I know уоu’re а tip-top man at this sort of thiпg. I made inquiries and I was told that уоu were the best man availaЫe. I mean to get to the bottom of this business and I don't grudge the expense. That's why I got уоu to соme here."

"Уоu were fortunate," said Hercule Poirot.

Sir Joseph said "Еh?" again.

"Exceedingly fortunate," said Hercule Poirot firmly. "I аm, I mау say so without undue modesty, at the арех of mу саrееr. Very sbortly I intend to retire - to live in the country, to travel occasionally tо see the world - a1so, it mау be, to cultivate mу garden - with particular attention to improving the strain of vegetase marrows. Magnificent vegetables -but they lack flavour. That, however, is not the point. I wished merely to explain that before retiring I had imposed uроn myself а certain task. I have decided to accept twelve cases-no more, nо 1ess. А selfimposed `Labours of Hercules', if I mау so describe it. Your case, Sir Joseph, is the first of the twelve. I was attracted to it," he sighed, "bу its striking unimportanсе."

"Importance?" said Sir Joseph.

“Unimportance was what I said. I have been саllеd in for varying causes-to investigate murders, unexpected deaths, robberies, thefts of jewellery. This is the first time when I have been asked to turn my talents to elucidate the kidnapping of a Pekinese dog “

Sir Joseph grunted. Не sаid:

"Уоu surprise mе ". I should havе said уоu'd have had no end of women pestering уоu about their pet dogs."

"That, сеrtainlу. But it is the first time that I ат sитmoпеd the husband in the case."

VII. Pair work.

Discuss the first part in pairs paying attention to the main characters (their appearance, traits of character, their occupations, their future plans)

VIII. Make – up a dialogue.

  • Miss Lemon tried to persuade M. Poirot to investigate this kidnapping.

IX. Retell the first part from the points of view of:

  • Miss Lemon
  • M. Poirot
  • M. Hoggin.

Using the rules and the vocabulary write down your own detective story.