Урок – деловая игра на тему: "Welcome to Greenwich"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Участники игры:

  1. Ведущая
  2. Секретарь (помощница ведущей)
  3. Жюри
  4. Конкурсанты (учащиеся 8-го класса)

Ход игры

Дети сидят за столами, секретарь за компьютером, жюри напротив участников. Ведущая приветствует гостей и участников и объявляет о начале конкурса.

Ведущая: Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman!

Welcome to our contest “Business Game” where 6 bright, intelligent and enthusiastic students will show their knowledge of English language and culture, communicative skills, ability to defend their opinion in order to win one of the study grants of Greenwich School of English. But, at first, I’d like to introduce our jury:

Lucy March, Tiffany Simpson, Helen Clade and Hillary Duff.

Now it is time the participants to tell us some words about themselves, where they came from, their hobbies and interests, please, you are welcome.

(Каждый из участников по приглашению ведущей выходит и рассказывает о себе.)

Ведущая: Thank you very much for your presentation!

Who knows, maybe after studying at our school and getting excellent practice of English you’ll have a chance to apply for a job in Great Britain? And you know that the first step to get the job is writing a letter of application. So now you are given 7 minutes to complete the letter. Make sure that you include all the relevant information that is asked for. Nicola (секретарь), please, hand out the papers to participants. <Приложение1>

(Секретарь раздает бумаги и подходит к компьютеру, в этот момент звонит телефон. Секретарь отвечает на звонок, садится за компьютер, печатает и разговаривает по телефону.)

Clerk: Good morning. Greenwich School of English. Can I help you?

Pat: Yes, good morning. I’d like to attend classes at Greenwich School of English.

Clerk: Where are you from?

Pat: Australia, Melbourne.

Clerk: Do you study at St.Mark and St.John’s College?

Pat: Yeah, sure

Clerk: Can I just get your name, please?

Pat: Yes, Pat Maccintosh.

Clerk: Could you spell that, please?

Pat: Yes, Pat, I mean Patricia Maccintosh – MA double C INTOSH.

Clerk: And the address?

Pat: My home address?

Clerk: Where do you live?

Pat: On campus.

Clerk: We need your home address.

Pat: Right. OK, 23 Parksite Lane, Melbourne.

Clerk: Pardon?

Pat: 23 Parksite – PARKSITE Lane.

Clerk: Where exactly do you study?

Pat: Arts and Design.

Clerk: … and Design. Right, what year are you in?

Pat: This is my second term, you know.

Clerk: Well … mm … so …the first year student, aren’t you?

Pat: Right

Clerk: I think we can help you, but you need to write application to Lucy March, write a letter telling about yourself and why you think you deserve our scholarship, then provide evidence of your level in English and submit a reference from your English teacher.

Pat: Thanks a lot. Good bye.

Clerk: You are welcome, good-bye.

Ведущая: I’m sure that you’ve shown perfect knowledge of applications! And now I’d like you to talk to our school psychologist, Hillary.

(Психолог проводит речевую зарядку с каждым из участников <Приложение 2> и тест на толерантность.)

Hillary: Now I’ll read aloud 8 situations with 2 variants of the answer. You should circle only one answer you think reflects your attitude, emotions or actions. So we begin, be very attentive.

1st situation:

Your team is losing…

  1. you break things.
  2. you support it right to end.

2nd situation:

Your team loses…

  1. you congratulate the winners.
  2. you refuse to shake their hands.

3rd situation:

Your team wins…

  1. it’s thanks to you
  2. you say: “We play well!”

4th situation:

You don’t like someone on the team…

  1. you act as though he doesn’t exist.
  2. you pass him the ball when you can.

5th situation:

You miss an easy goal…

  1. you feel useless.
  2. you’ll score next time

6th situation:

A beginner plays badly…

  1. you remember you were a beginner once.
  2. you want him or her replace.

7th situation:

The judge whistles…

  1. you accept the rules of the game.
  2. you argue anyway.

8th situation:

You feel angry…

  1. you hit someone.
  2. you kick a ball.

Now, please circle the answers if you find they reflect your emotions, count them and listen to me.

If you have 8 circles: you are very tolerant! You have character, you are a good friend and you can keep yourself and others from being aggressive. Tell your friends how to do it!

Between 7 and 3 circles: hmm! You aren’t very tolerant! You can be touchy but you are brave and you can improve. Start practicing now!

If your score is 2 circles or less: oh dear! You aren’t tolerant! If you respect yourself and others a bit more, you’d be much happier. Give it a try!

Ведущая: As you know our school offers real English in an English environment. It means that you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy sightseeing tours around Great Britain. You will be given some booklets of sightseeing tours. Your task is to discuss the variants, state and defend your point of view and, finally come to an agreement with your opponent on one of the tours.

(По приглашению ведущей участники парами подходят к столу, на котором находятся различные буклеты с достопримечательностями Великобритании. Они их рассматривают, обсуждают и решают какую из предложенных экскурсий выбрать.<Приложение 3>)

Ведущая: It was very interesting to listen to you. In order to get more detailed information about you and to pick up the best course, we would like you to fill in the questionnary. Nicola will give you the papers. <Приложение 4> (После того, как секретарь раздаст анкеты участникам, ведущая обращается к ней с просьбой раздать материалы учителям – гостям, присутствующим на открытом уроке.)

Ведущая: Nicola, could you hand out these papers to our guests. Maybe it will be interesting for you to have a look on them.

(После заполнения анкет, ведущая объявляет последний этап конкурса.)

Ведущая: So, finally the contest is coming to the end and it is high time our jury to talk to participants. I’d like to give a floor to our senior manager Lucy March.

(Председатель жюри по очереди вызывает участников, задает ознакомительные вопросы о стране проживания, нравится ли пребывание в Гринвиче и т.д., объявляет уровень владения языком и в соответствии с его уровнем вручает сертификат на обучение. После вручения всех сертификатов жюри поздравляет участников и желает успехов в учебе.)

Ведущая: Thank you very much for taking part in the competition and thank you for your attention!