Методическая разработка урока по теме: "Do you like shopping?" к УМК "English 6" (В.П.Кузовлев,Н.М.Лапа ) с использованием элементов технологии критического мышления

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  1. Обучающие – учить учащихся находить способы деятельности, применять тематическую лексику в нестандартных ситуациях.
  2. Развивающие – развивать умение анализа и самоанализа, умение делать выводы и обобщать.
  3. Воспитательные – формировать у обучающихся умение слушать друг друга, умение участвовать в групповой работе.

Ход урока

№ п/п Этапы урока Установки учителя Учебные материалы Режим работы Время
1. Установка мотивации

а) угадывание темы

-To know our today’s theme you should do the next task: I’ll tell you the letters and you should write down them. Then you can read and know the theme of our lesson.

S, H, O, P, P, I, N, G.

- So what is the theme of our lesson?




T - Cl 1
  б) методика ассоциаций


- Let’s work in groups! You take the word “shopping” and create seven associations to this word. Sheets of


T – Gr 5
  в) ответы на “тонкие” и “толстые вопросы” Let’s read your associations and answer next questions.

1. Is there flour in the dairy?

2. Is there fish in the baker’s?

3. Are there butter and milk in the fishmonger’s?

4. Are there meat and sausages in the greengrocer’s?

1. How much does a loaf of bread coast ?

2. What can you buy in the grocer’s ?

3. What can you buy in the baker’s ?

4. What departments are there in the shop “Kora”?

Blackboard T - Cl 5
2. Реализационный этап

а) аудирование

- Now I want you to listen to a story about one girl who went shopping with her mother. This story is unfinished.

Listen and try to make up the ending of this story. Work in groups.




T-Gr 10
  б) физкульт-минутка - Stand up!Hands up.Hands down.

Hands on the shoulders and jump.

Hands to the sides.

Hands down.

Now let’s smile and sit down!



T - Cl 1
  в) мозговая атака Look at the blackboard please. You see some questions here. Let’s answer them.

1. Does Marcy like go shopping?

2. What is her problem?

3. What are Marcy and her mother looking for?

4. What was Marcy going to buy?

5. What did Marcy buy?

Blackboard T -Cl 3
3. Контроль домашнего задания At home you had to make up some questions and answer them.The first pupil will ask and the second pupil will answer.So let’s start! Text - books P - P 5
4 Рефлексивный этап

а) создание синквейна

I give you sheets of paper .Each group creates a quotation consisting of five lines. The first line consists of the word "shopping". The second line consists of two adjectives. The third line consists of three verbs. The fourth line consists of your attitude to the shopping. And the fifth line consists of one noun. It must be an association with the word "shopping".  

Sheets of paper

P - P 8
  б) подведение итогов, домашнее задание So our lesson is to the end. You were very active today. Thanks a lot for your work (The results)   T - Cl 2
