В помощь учителю. Дополнительный материал по темам: "Работа", "Профессия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

1. Учитель объясняет разницу в значении слов “job”, “work”, “occupation”, “trade”.

2. Учитель объясняет как образуются слова, обозначающие профессии.

3. Form the nouns from the following verbs. Translate them into Russian.

To write, to read, to drive, to translate, to work, to jump, to wait, to build, to run, to report, to travel, to teach, to sing, to compose, to dance, to paint, to print, to bake, to edit, to interpret, to sail, to manage, to educate, to lecture, to direct, to explore, to kill, to decorate, to invent, to produce, to construct, to design, to inspect, to tell.

4. Read and translate the following words into Russian.

A spaceman, a sportsman, a fireman, a fisherman, a milkman, a policeman, a postman, a businessman, a militiaman, a weatherman, a doorman, a saleswoman, a garbage man.

5. There are fifteen words below. Divide the words into three groups. What are these groups?

A waiter, a bear, a pear, a journalist, an apricot, a goat, a librarian, an engineer, a melon, a cow, a composer, a shoemaker, a wolf, an apple, an inventor.

6. From the list of the jobs given below choose those connected with manual labour (A) and with creative activity (B).

A miner, a farmer, a manager, a carpenter, a singer, a milkman, a librarian, a baker, a teacher, a shoemaker, a composer, a builder, a journalist, a fireman, a weatherman.

7. Name the professions according to the association.

A shop, a police station, a school, an office, a theatre, a library, a hospital, a newspaper, a hotel, a bar, a restaurant, an airplane, a dental office.

8. Every day many people work for us. How do they help us?

1.A gardener plants trees. 2. A photographer takes pictures. 3. A painter paints pictures. 4. A driver drives cars, buses, trams, trolley-buses. 5. A dentist looks after our teeth. 6. An actor acts in films. 7. A policeman catches criminals. 8. A writer writes books and different stories. 9. A builder builds houses for us. 10. A teacher teaches us many interesting and useful things. 11. An artist draws pictures for us. 12. An accountant controls the finances. 13. An engineer designs machines. 14. A plumber repairs taps. 15. A dressmaker makes our clothes. 16. A shoemaker mends our shoes for us. 17. A doctor cures people. He comes when we are ill and gives us medicine. 18. A carpenter makes furniture. 19. A lawyer works in a court. 20. A mechanic repairs cars. 21. A scientist does experiments. 22. A musician plays in orchestra. 23. Bakers bake bread in a bakery. 24. Barmen serve drinks in a bar. 25. Butchers prepare and sell meat in a butcher’s shop. 26. Nurses look after patients. 27. Secretaries arrange appointments, type letters and organize meetings. 28. Waiters serve people food and drink.

9. Read the following definitions and choose the right answers.

1. A person who grows crops and raises animals is called a …

a) fisherman; b) farmer; c) miner

2. A member of a symphony orchestra is called a …

a) secretary; b) singer; c) musician

3. The person who takes care of your teeth is called a …

a) nurse; b) biologist; c) dentist

4. Someone who makes beautiful paintings is called an …

a) editor; b) accountant; c) artist

5. A person who takes care of people in a hospital is called a …

a) carpenter; b) nurse; c) barber

10. Match the following words and expressions.

11. Do you know these people? Who were they?

12. Answer the following questions according to the example.

Example: Does an accountant control the finances? Yes, she does. An accountant controls the finances.

Does a writer repair cars? No, he doesn’t. A writer doesn’t repair cars. A writer writes books and different stories.

1. Does a politician make speeches? 2. Does a policeman mend our shoes for us? 3. Does a nurse look after patients? 4. Does a barman catch criminals? 5. Does a librarian work in the shop? 6. Does a gardener bake bread? 7. Does a porter carry our luggage?

13. Answer the question: Who says the following?

Example: Why haven’t you done your homework?

Answer: A teacher.

1. That’s 10 dollars, please. Thank you.

2. I am sorry, sir, you can’t park your car here.

3. Open your mouth and say “AAH!”

4. Could you open your bag, please.

5. There’s a letter for you. Sign here, please.

6. Excuse me, how much does this hat cost?

7. I’d like to ask you some questions, Mr. Brown.

14. Guess these professions.

1. I look after vegetables and fruit. I water them.

2. When people on a train or a bus want to pay the fare, they give money to me and I give tickets.

3. I sing at theatres or concert halls. People like to listen to my songs.

4. I teach children at school. I teach them English.

5. I work at home. I look after the house, clean and wash up.

6. I like animals and I can treat them.

15. Read and guess their possible professions.

1. Ann, 40

* Patient, hardworking, tactful.

* She has never worked outside the home.

* She has five children.

2. Pavel, 19

* Self-confident, energetic.

* Spends a lot of time practicising karate.

* Sometimes he is not polite.

3. Lena, 20

* Outgoing, energetic.

* She is good at learning languages.

* Likes travelling.

4. Nick, 18

* Ambitious, hard-working, outgoing.

* Good at social subjects.

* Can be a leader of a group.

16. Puzzle.

Which of these people are the healthiest? Compare these jobs and explain the reasons for your choice.


Job: works in a shop (standing all day)

Exercise: none

Smoking/drinking: drinks half a bottle of beer a week

Diet: has chips at lunch, pizza in the evening


Job: a teacher at school ( sometimes she is very nervous)

Exercise: plays tennis, basketball

Smoking/drinking: smokes from time to time

Diet: eats a lot of spicy food, likes cakes, sweets


Job: a computer programmer (sits at a desk all day)

Exercise: plays football two times a week

Smoking/drinking: drinks a glass of Coca-Cola every day

17. Almost all teachers have notes about the parents of their pupils. Look at these notes and try to ask questions.

18. What’s wrong ?

All sayings are mixed. Guess which saying belongs to which person.

19. Look at the words below and put them in order of their importance.

How important are these words in providing you with your job satisfaction?

20. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you chosen your future profession?

2. Did anybody help you to make the choice?

3. Are you going to work and study at the same time?

4. Do you have the needed traits of character for the future profession?

5. Where will you study to prepare for your future profession?

6. Do you find this profession interesting (important) and why?

7. What was your favourite subject at school?

8. What subjects are important for your career?

9. Do you know much about your future profession?

10. What other jobs do you know?

21. Comment on the following quotations.

1. “ When work is pleasure, life is a joy. When work is a duty, life is slavery.” Maxim Gorky.

2. “ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” James Howell

3. “ By the work one knows the workmen.” Jean De La Fontaine

4. “ Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

5. “ Real success in finding your lifework in the work you love.” David McCullough

6. “ People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it.” Howard Newton.

7. “ … in order that a man may be happy, it is necessary that he should not only be capable of his work, but a good judge of his work.” John Ruskin

8. “ Work saves us from three great devils: boredom, vice and need.” Voltaire

9. “ Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt

22. Situations for dialogues.

1. Discuss with your friend whether you are suitable for this or that profession.

2. Talk with your friend about your future job.

3. Advise your friend to change his job and say why.

4. Consult your parents about whether you possess the qualities required for the job you would like to choose.

23. Speak on the following topics.

1. How to choose a profession. 2. I think my profession is one of the best. 3. I think I’ll be able to use a foreign language in my future career. 4. I believe I possess the qualities required for the profession I have chosen. 5. All jobs should be taken seriously. 6. Experience is the best teacher. 7. You should always improve your professional skills and work well.