1. Работа с прилагательными способствует расширению словарного запаса учащихся, что является одной из важных задач обучению английскому языку.
Нами разработан элективный курс, который рассчитан на 16-20 часов. Он помогает учащимся обогатить словарный запас прилагательными и учит их активно использовать в устной и письменной речи.
Все задания можно условно разбить на следующие группы:
- Словообразование прилагательных с помощью префиксов и суффиксов.
- Отработка употребления прилагательных на уровне слова.
- Отработка употребления прилагательных на уровне словосочетания.
- Отработка употребления прилагательных на уровне предложения.
- Отработка употребления прилагательных на уровне расширенного высказывания.
Задания первой группы направлены на образование прилагательных от различных частей речи. Они включают в себя следующие задания.
1. Изучи следующие прилагательные, образованные от существительных и проанализируй способы образования прилагательных. Выпиши суффиксы, с помощью которых они образовались.
Noun |
Adjective | Noun |
Adjective |
adventure athlete beauty boy centre continent courage coward danger noise poet star terror value |
adventurous athletic beautiful boyish central continental courageous cowardly dangerous noisy poetic starry terrible valuable |
faith fool friend gold hero industry metal music mystery nation nature person skill sun |
faithful foolish friendly golden heroic industrial metallic musical mysterious national natural personal skilful sunny |
2. Используя суффиксы –ful, -less образуй прилагательные от существительных. Помни, что суффикс –ful означает “полный чего-либо” (full of, or causing) , а суффикс –less означает отсутствие качества, называемого существительного.
Noun |
Adjective in -ful |
Adjective in –less |
care fear help hope rest use |
3. Закончи следующие предложения, используя прилагательные с суффиксами –ful, -less.
- The man felt no fear when he went hunting. He was really a .... hunter. (fear)
- The young boy’s legs were hurt and of no use to him. He found that his legs were .... when he tried to walk. (use)
- My friend talks all the time. His words are ..... . (end)
- I liked the story very much. I thought it was ..... . (delight)
- The sailor understood that their situation was very dangerous. Some of them had already lost any hope that they would be saved. They were sure that their situation was .... . (hope)
- Many racing cars have …. engines. (power)
- This grass snake is not dangerous at all. It is quite …. . (harm)
- Children should be …. To their parents. (thank)
- He made a lot of mistakes in his composition due to …. writing. (care)
- Bright flowers make the room look .... . (cheer)
- A ..... person can do nothing for himself. (help)
- Richard was ill and could not fall asleep. He had to spend a ..... night. (sleep)
- Only a very .... craftsman could make such a beautiful piece of furniture. (skill)
4. а) Образуй прилагательные с помощью следующих суффиксов:
-al |
-able |
-ful |
-ous |
-ic |
-y |
-less |
geography- geographical conversation- practice- classic- tradition- experiment- person- |
enjoy- enjoyable value- honor- understand- remark- eat- drink- |
boast- boastful faith- cheer- truth- colour- delight- harm- wonder- |
mystery- mysterious joy- glory- envy- nerve- danger- humor- fame- |
hero- heroic patriot- artist- fantasy- history- |
sun- sunny greed- grass- health- luck- |
noise- noiseless sleep- sound- care- fear- |
b) Образуй прилагательные с помощью следующих суффиксов, не глядя в предыдущее упражнение. (Учитель должен проследить, чтобы учащиеся выполнили это упражнение, не глядя в предыдущее).
-al |
-able |
-ful |
-ous |
-ic |
-y |
-less |
geography- conversation- practice- classic- tradition- experiment- person- |
enjoy- value- honour- understand- remark- eat- drink- |
boast- faith- cheer- truth- colour- delight- harm- wonder- |
mystery- joy- glory- envy- nerve- danger- humour- fame- |
hero- patriot- artist- fantasy- history- |
sun- greed- grass- health- luck- |
noise- sleep- sound- care- fear- |
5. Изучи список имен прилагательных, образованных от имен существительных собственных (географические названия), выдели суффиксы, с помощью которых они образованы.
Proper noun |
Proper adjective |
Proper noun |
Proper adjective |
Britain Canada China Europe France Germany Ireland |
British Canadian Chinese European French German Irish |
Italy Japan Scotland Spain Wales Greece Mexico |
Italian Japanese Scottish Spanish Welsh Greek Mexican |
6. Образуй имена прилагательные от имен существительных собственных, не глядя в предыдущее упражнение.
Proper noun |
Proper adjective |
Proper noun |
Proper adjective |
Britain Canada China Europe France Germany Ireland |
Italy Japan Scotland Spain Wales Greece Mexico |
7. Вставь прилагательные в данные фразы:
- ..... athletes (Canada)
- ..... traditions (Japan)
- ..... Isles (Britain)
- ..... humour (France)
- ..... dances (Spain)
- ..... championship (Europe)
- ..... songs (Scotland)
- ..... music (Italy)
8. Вставь прилагательные в данные предложения: The ..... southern regions are known for their warm climate. (France) Sir Francis Drake sailed to fight the ..... Armada. (Spain) The names of many ..... places are hard to pronounce. (Wales) The tour included a visit to several ..... cities. (Italy) Roger is spending a holiday on the ..... coast. (Greece) Most ..... farms are very large. (Canada)
9. Образуй прилагательные, используя данные словосочетания.
The humour of Ireland ....... humour
The lakes of Canada ....... lakes
The people of China ....... people
A village of Mexico ....... village
The mountains of Scotland ....... mountains
The population of France ....... population
The plants of Germany ...... plants
Computers of Japan ...... computers
The tourists of Italy ...... tourists
10. Выбери правильный вариант написания прилагательных –able или –ible.
1. a) enjoyable | 2. a) reasoneable | 3. a) believeable |
b) enjoible | b) reasonible | b) believible |
c) enjoiable | c) reasonable | c) believable |
d) enjoyible | d) reasoneible | d) believeible |
a) forgiveable | 5. a) noticeable | 6. a) changeable |
b) forgivible | b) noticible | b) changible |
c) forgivable | c) noticable | c) changable |
d) forgiveible | d) noticeible | d) changeible |
7. a) manageable | 8. a) responseable | 9. a) senseable |
b) managible | b) responsible | b) sensible |
c) managable | c) responsable | c) sensable |
d) manageible | d) responseible | d) senseible |
11. Изучи и проанализируй способы образования прилагательных с помощью отрицательных приставок. Образуй новые прилагательные.
un- |
dis- |
in- |
im- |
ir- |
armed – unarmed healthy- popular- true- wise- willing- |
agreeable- disagreeable pleasant- respectful- continuous- claimed- contented |
correct- incorrect direct- attentive- dependent- humane- visible- |
possible- impossible polite- modest- movable- proper- medicable- |
realizable- irrealizable reclaimable- recognizable- reducible- reformable- remissible- |
12. Закончи следующие предложения, используя прилагательные с отрицательными приставками.
a) An ..... person often has to consult a doctor. (healthy)
b) If you are ..... about something, you are doubtful about it. (certain)
c) A word which is false is ..... . (true)
d) An ..... person is one who is disliked. (popular)
e) An ...... workman is one who is untrained. (skilled)
f) An ..... person gives no thanks for the kindness he receives. (grateful)
g) An ..... object cannot be moved. (movable)
h) An ..... person is lacking in good manners. (polite)
i) A ..... boy has no respect for others. (respectful)
13. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. I found myself in a very ..... situation and didn’t know what to do.
a) embarrassing
b) embarrassed
2. That’s an interesting idea! Let’s discuss it.
a) interesting
b) interested
3. When I’m ....., I find Bell’s advise a real tonic.
a) depressing
b) depressed
4. Paul has an ..... habit of interrupting ideas.
a) annoying
b) annoyed
5. The students were ..... by his unusual ideas.
a) fascinating b) fascinated
6. His lectures are always deadly .....
a) boring
b) bored
7. It’s ..... how clever your dog is!
a) surprising
b) surprised
8. ...... music was coming through the open windows.
a) relaxing
b) relaxed
9. The end of the film was totally .....
a) disappointing
b) disappointed
10. His remarks were deeply .....
a) embarrassing
b) embarrassed
14. Сгруппируй слова согласно словообразованию.
Charming, generous, kind-hearted, lovely, boring, active, courageous, reserved, greedy, studious, angry, talkative, funny, hard-working, sensitive, gifted, broad-minded, energetic, choleric, industrious, well-bred, open-hearted, good-natured, wicked.
Задания второй группы направлены на отработку прилагательных на уровне слова. Они включают в себя следующие задания.
1. Из колонки В подбери синоним для слова из колонки А.
Column A |
Column B |
Generous Exciting Naughty Brave Strange Industrious Quiet |
disobedient peaceful busy kind thrilling courageous unusual |
2. В каждой строчке выбери два слова, сходных по значению.
Merry silent splendid noiseless powerful joyless
Strong weak little willing small ready
3. Найди пары слов, сходные по значению. Употреби эти слова в предложениях.
Dull, brilliant, foolish, clear, diligent, understandable, boring, shiny, hard-working, silly.
4. Найди пары слов, противоположные по значению. Употреби эти слова в предложениях.
Greedy, quiet, weak, useless, wrong, excited, rich, light-minded.
5. Из колонки В подбери антоним для слова из колонки А.
Column A |
Column B |
Easy Fat Long Cold Soft Empty Safe Heavy Clean Wrong Dry Fast Wide Ill Fist |
hard right dangerous dirty wet difficult short last slow thin narrow full well hot light |
Задания третьей группы направлены на отработку прилагательных на уровне словосочетания. Они включают в себя следующие задания.
1. Подбери пару.
Cheap | girl |
Cosy | dress |
old-fashioned | hairstyles |
Tasteless | movement |
Pretty | sofa |
Elegant | wallpaper |
Handsome | painting |
Attractive | church |
Beautiful | sunset |
Comfortable | room |
Не все существительные одинаково сочетаются с прилагательными. Следующая таблица показывает, какие прилагательные могут сочетаться с существительными по теме “Внешний вид (качество) человека или предмета”.
2.Ознакомься с таблицей.
3. Выучи сочетаемость существительных с прилагательными.
4. Заполни таблицу самостоятельно.
5. Составь свои собственные сочетания, используя таблицу.
6. Составь свои собственные сочетания, используя таблицу, удали прилагательные и дай заполнить пропуски своему партнеру, проверь правильность выполнения задания.
7. Опираясь на таблицу, подбери к слову подходящее окружение.
A dress attractive
A man, a woman, a hairstyle, an animal.
8. Построй ступеньки из слов, используя словарь синонимов:
clever---------- dull
9. Подбери к существительному не менее трех прилагательных, которые ассоциируются с этим существительным, и три прилагательных, которые ты бы никогда не употребил с данным существительным.
Snow (soft, white, cold)
( hard, red, hot)
Tiger, school, hat, wallpaper, table.
10. Сначала учитель знакомит учащихся с уже известными устоявшимися сравнениями "аs...аs": busy as a bee, as hungry as a hunter, as proud as a peacock, as white as a sheet, as cool as a cucumber, as fit as a fiddle, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as blind as a bat, as deaf as a post, as fat as butter, as silent as the grave, as stubborn as a mule, as quick as a flash, as old as the hills, as hard as nails, as sweet as honey, as pretty as a picture, as good as gold, as fresh as a daisy, as cold as ice и др.
Придумай новые сравнения с прилагательными: beautiful, ugly, long, short, clean, dirty, rich, weak, clever, big, small, lazy.
Задания четвертой группы направлены на отработку прилагательных на уровне предложения. Они включают в себя следующие задания:
1. Опиши предмет, придумав прилагательные, начинающиеся с букв алфавита от A до Z. Например:
My friend’s dog is an angry dog.
Опиши хозяина собаки, одежду хозяина собаки, движения собаки друга используя как можно больше прилагательных (А-Z).
2. Заполни пропуски словами, которые пришли вам на ум.
How to study.
adjective _______________________
adjective _______________________
noun ___________________________
noun ___________________________
plural noun ______________________
adverb __________________________
verb ____________________________
adjective _________________________
plural noun ______________________
adjective _________________________
adjective _________________________
adjective _________________________
plural noun _______________________
letter of the Alphabet _______________
Подставь слова в текст
.How to study.
_adj_______________teachers always give out adj_________________ assignments.
But, as everyone knows, if you want to pass your classes so you can go to a/an n__________ and become president of a big international _ n__________ _____________________ and have million of _pl n__________ ____________ in the bank, you must do your homework and study adv_______________. If you just sit around and _v_____________ , you won't get ahead in life. You must learn to pay attention to every _ adj_________________ thing your teacher says. Do not interrupt or whisper to others __pl n_________________ during class. Be sure to have a nice adj______________ notebook in which you can write down anything the teacher says that seems _ adj__________________.Then go home and memorize all of these __ adj_______________ notes. And when your teacher gives a surprise quiz, you will know all of the pl n____________ and will get a/an _letter of the ABC________________ as a grade for the class.
Подбери слова в пропуски, подходящие по смыслу.
3. Все прилагательные в тексте заменены словом spreggy. Подбери нужные по смыслу и по форме слова и поставь вместо слова spreggy.
There are spreggy views from the balcony of this spreg, spregged, spregth-floor flat. The spreggy block has a resident porter and spreg spreg garage.
For a spregger family, or a spregging enthusiast, this spregged house is spreg. It has five spreg bedrooms and is surrounded by a spreg mature garden which also guaratees spreg privacy.
private | gardening | underground | luxury |
complete | larger | fantastic | modern |
beautiful | detached | sixth-floor | |
ideal | sunny | one-bedroomed |
4. Поставь прилагательные в правильном порядке.
A new/woolen/red/smart/hat.
A(n) modern/luxurious/Italian car.
two silk/long/blue/beautiful dresses.
A(n) old/English/heavy dictionary
a pair of leather/old/brown shoes
a green/fantastic/Japanese/large motorbike
a(n) old/ English/small/church
a plastic/blue/little spoon
a gold/tiny/round/Russian/coin
5. Раскрой скобки, правильно употребив степени сравнения прилагательных.
I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was __________(small) the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was _____________(small) room _______________
the hotel. The weather was terrible too. It was _______________(cold) in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty – it was ________________(dirty) all the beaches on the island. The food was ______________(expensive) _________ I expected and I didn’t have enough money. One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was __________(expensive) vase _________ the whole shop. But ______________(bad) thing __________ all was that I lost my passport and I couldn’t go back home. It was ____________(horrible) holiday _____________ my life.
Задание пятой группы направлены на отработку прилагательных на уровне расширенного высказывания.
1. Причитай данный текст и расширь его за счет прилагательных.
One night a friend of mine was driving past one of the cemeteries outside Rome. By the side of the road he saw a girl of about 18 who was hitchhiking. He stopped to pick her up and? As she looked cold, lent her his jacket.
She told him where to go and he took her to a block of flats in a small street. As she got out, she held out the jacket but Carlo told her to keep it and that he would see her another time. She smiled and went into the building.
A few days later, Carlo went back to find her. When he told an old woman the girl’s description, she told him that the girl used to live there but had died a couple of years before.
Three months later Carlo went to the cemetery to put some flowers on his mother’s grave. As he was leaving the cemetery, he noticed his jacket on another gravestone. When he picked it up, he saw the photograph of the girl he had given a lift to.
Ознакомься с тем же вариантом текста, написанным автором. Сравни свой вариант написания и оригинал.
One cold winter’s evening, Carlo, an old a friend of mine was driving past one of the huge cemeteries just outside Rome. It was freezing cold and he happened to notice a young girl hitchhiking by the side of the road. Even though it was winter, she was wearing just a thin dress.
Carlo pulled up and opened the passenger door to let her in. Her lips were blue with cold so he gave her the jacket he was wearing to put over her shoulders. After a few moments’ silence, he asked her where she wanted to go and she whispered some instructions. He glanced at her and noticed for the first time that she was extremely beautiful. She had a delicate pale face with long blonde hair and large green eyes. He wondered what she had been doing standing by the side of the road and guessed that she looked so sad because she had had a row with her boyfriend who had left her there.
They drove on in silence, the girl making little gestures to show him which route to take. They finally turned into a narrow street in an old part of the town. As soon as the girl got out, she took off the jacket and held it out to Carlo. He refused to take it because she still looked cold and he wanted an excuse to see her again. She smiled mysteriously and disappeared through a dark doorway, without saying a word….