Открытый урок в 9-м классе по теме: "Meals"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Defense of projects "Meals"

Live not to eat, but eat to live.


1. Систематизировать знания по теме “Еда”.

2. Активизировать навыки устной речи.

З. Воспитывать уважение к культуре других стран.


  • плакат с пословицей
  • плакаты от каждой группы
  • медали:

The best story teller
The best project maker
The best actor

карточки с пословицами
национальные блюда

ENGLISH – scones AMERICAN – onion rings RUSSIAN – pancake TATAR – chack-chack

Teacher: As you know, people from around the world eat different kinds of food and they have different tastes. And there is a nice proverb to begin our lesson

Tastes differ. О вкусах не спорят

- We already know that Indian people do not eat beef products. Do you know why?

(Because cows are sacred in India)

- American kids usually drink Diet coke and other soft drinks. But kids from European countries like to drink all kinds of fruit juices. What do you like to drink?

(As for me, I like to drink….)

-What types of food do you know?

(I know: meat, diary, fruit, vegetable, bread/cereal, and fat/ sugar)

- Why must we eat meat products? (Because they provide us by protein)

- Why must we eat diary products? (Because they help us to build strong teeth and bones)

-Why must we eat vegetable? (They help you have Healthy gums, good eyesight by providing vitamins С and A)

- Do you consider all types of food to be healthy?

(I consider not all types of food to be healthy)

- On what does it depend?

(The choice depends on age, heath, job, and climate.)

- Is it healthy to eat much sweet and salt?

(I think it is bad for my teeth and health.)

-What is important to stay healthy?

(To my mind, to stay healthy is to eat fresh food, do not eat too much salt, sugar, to drink herb tea and milk with honey, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not eat much before sleeping.)

- Prove that by the proverbs.

Eat with pleasure, drink at measure.

After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.

Now you have cards with proverbs, but they have been cut. You should find the ending or the beginning. (Части пословиц разложены на столе)

No song, no supper.

A half of loaf is better, than no bread.

First come, first served.

You cannot eat unscramble egg.

- We have already said that choice of food depends on age, health, job, and climate

- Why do Russian people eat much meat? (Because they live in a cold country)

- What are the traditional Russian meals? (Okroshka, pancakes, schi, borsch, pelmeni.)

- What are the traditional American meals? (Bagels, girdle vegetables, iced tea.)

- What are the traditional English meals? (Scones, porridge, tea with milk, jacket potatoes,)

- What are the traditional Tatar meals? (Nuts and honey, gubadiya, belish, echpochmak.)

- What is your favorite food to eat? (Best of all I enjoy eating...)

- Are you picky about food? (I cannot say that I am picky about food, but I like tasty food.)

Thank you, friends for your answers. Now let us have fun and see your projects.

  1. American food. (Onion rings)
  2. Russian food. (Pancakes)
  3. English food. (Scones)
  4. Tatar food. (Belish)

Защита проектов

Защита проектов проходит в форме костюмированного представления.

По следующему плану:

1. Story about national meals. (Рассказы по коллажам составленными детьми)

2. Recipes. (Выступления детей в костюмах и презентация национальных блюд)

3. A play. (Игра “Угадай блюдо или напиток”)

4. Puzzles, crosswords

Ученики выходят и рассказывают о национальных кухнях. В ходе презентации той или иной кухни, дети проводят игру, загадывают загадки и кроссворды, а затем угощают теми блюдами, о которых рассказывали.

Thank you for your job. You are good and talented. Now let us find out who is

  1. The best actor.
  2. The best story teller.
  3. The best project-maker.

Подведение итогов. Вручение медалей.


Stories about national meals

I want to tell you about American meals.

Typical American meals are barbecue, grilled vegetables, and ribs.

A very popular beverage is lemon tea. In the morning Americans have a bowl of cereal, bacon, egg, toast with jelly and a bagel. The usual noontime meal consists of something light and quick to eat.

It may be a hot dog or a hamburger. After work people often have dinner. It consists of milk, and some meat. Americans also enjoy carrots, peas, spinach, beets, tomatoes, and green beans. The meat could be chicken, turkey, beef, or pork. They seldom sit at the table and eat very long; they "eat and run". I dislike American meals, because it is not tasty.

I want to tell you about Russian meals. The usual meals in Russia are breakfast, dinner, and supper. Russian people prefer omelets, boiled or fried eggs or just some porridge. They are 3 coursers in Russian dinner. For the first course they usually have soup: schi, borsch, rice soup with meat and potatoes, chicken broth. For the second course they like eating fried meat, cutlets with potatoes. For dessert they take stewed fruit, tea with lemon and sugar. The best typical Russian food is okroshka. I like it very much. It is fresh. However I am Russian I dislike eating pelmeni, because they are fat. It's difficult for stomach to deal with it. But you'll never leave Russian table being hungry.

I want to tell about English meals.

A modern English breakfast is mostly a help yourself thing. You can have a cheese sandwich; some toast with jam or a bowl of very low in calories corn flakes with fat free milk. You can have breakfast on your lap while reading a newspaper and nobody is nagging you about your manners.

Vegetables like lettuce, onion, beans are favorite English accompaniments. As for drinks you can have a nice wine or a cup of coffee.

I want to tell about Tatar meals.

National Tatar meals exist for a long time. But many meals of Tatar people come from other people: Uzbeks, Russian, Tadjiks and others. Original meals appeared many years ago. Chack-chack is the solemn and official meal. It’s served for the important events. Gubadiya, belish, tochmachly ash are served not very often, especially for holidays. I must say that Tatar people like drinking tea with milk. However I’m Tatar I dislike drinking that tea, I like to drink lemon tea.


(ученик в стилизованном костюме булочки с изюмом)

1. Hello! I’m Mrs. Scone

I contain some flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, some butter,

1 cup of milk, some sugar and salt, 1 egg and raisins.

I’m baked 20 min. in a hot oven.

I taste wonderful. Enjoy, scones, please.

(ученик в стилизованном костюме лукового колечка)

2. Hi! I’m Mr. Onion ring

I was made from onion and a mixture of 2 eggs.

You should add some milk.

Then I was put into the flour.

I'm cooked very fast in the oil.

You may salt me, if you wish.

I'm very tasty. Enjoy me, please

(ученик в стилизованном костюме треугольника с мясом)

3. Good morning! I'm national Tatar echpochmak.

I contain some paste, chopped meat, some potatoes and onion.

I'm baked 40 min. in a hot oven. I'm very tasty.

You may eat me with tea and milk. Enjoy me, please.

(ученик в стилизованном костюме блинчика)

4. Hello! I'm Mrs. Pancake. I'm a round and a ruddy cake.

My Russian name is "блинчик".

I contain some milk, flour, 2 eggs, some salt, sugar and baking powder.

I'm cooked into the hot pan.

Russian people enjoy eating pancakes with sour cream, jam.

My toppings may be chopped meat, curd. I'm tasty.