Выборы школьного самоуправления в Лицее "Школа менеджеров"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Воспитательный аспект – Урок затрагивает проблему активного участия школьников в выборах в лицее “Школа Менеджеров”, способствует осознанию необходимости участия в выборах для реализации своих возможностей влиять на жизнь лицея.
  • Учебный аспект – совершенствование навыков говорения и чтения.
  • Речевой материал – proxy, election committee, election campaign, signature, to be registered as a candidate.

Лексический и грамматический материал предыдущих уроков.

Ход урока

Every year a very important event takes place in our school. It is election to “МЭРиЯ”. Today we will summarize our knowledge about election and maybe learn some more facts about it.

I think you agree with me that МЭРиЯ is a very important part of your studies and out-of-class activities in our lycee.

What is МЭРиЯ? Could you tell us what this abbreviation means?

How many Departments are there in МЭРиЯ? What are they?

I. Heads of departments and mayor have a lot of duties. Look at the table and say what heads of departments and mayor are responsible for?















a) information about students’ marks

b) informing classmates about activities held in our lycee

c) coordinating work of all departments

d) cleanliness of our classrooms and nearby territory

e) organization of sport competitions

f) discipline and order in the lycee

g) edition of the newspaper “Weigh”

h) calculation of money earned by students

a) I’m sure there are students here who represent some of the Departments in your class. Can you tell about your duties? What are you responsible for?

II. Both students and teachers take part in the election. Look through the table and say how different groups of people participate in the election. You may not know some of words here. Try to guess their meanings.

Members of election committee




Give their voices for candidates

Help candidates to attract voters’ voices

Fight for voters’ voices

Organize election campaign

III. You are sure to know the procedure of the election. Look at the process chart and say what different groups of people do at every stage of the election process.


IV. Do you know how a student can become a candidate? What advice would you give your friend who is going to be a candidate?



You should

A) start an election campaign

B) ask his/her friends to vote for him/her

C) white a very attractive election program

D) consult election committee

E) collect signatures to be registered as a candidate

F) find a good proxy

V. What would you advice him/her to do after he/she is registered? What should be his/her further steps?

VI. Personal traits are very important for a candidate who wants to win election. What traits in your opinion are necessary for it?







In my opinion

I think

I believe

I suppose







he/she should/shouldn’t

be sure of himself/herself

be helpful

be handsome

be shy

be active

be able to make students obey the rules

be reliable

be prudent

be friendly and cheerful

wear more official clothes

be hardworking

be sociable

be reserved

be modest

be optimistic

be pessimistic

be polite

be held in respect

VII. Are there any students here who were nominated for the position of Mayor or head of any Department? Do you think you are suited for a position in МЭРиЯ? What would you do if you were Mayor of “Managers’ School” or Director of a Department? (Practicing Subjunctive Mood)

VIII. The election is over. Do you know the official results? Which of you can inform us about the results of the election?

IX. Are you satisfied with the results? Did candidates you voted for win the election?

X. Some candidates won the election others lost. I think they lost because they had done something wrong during the election campaign. What would you say to your friend who lost the election? Use “should/shouldn’t have (done)”. You may also use words and word combinations below and from exercise VI for ideas.

For ideas:

- promise to defend students’ interests

- promise to arrange discos every week

- promise to allow classmates to go to school without second footwear

- promise to make school life more interesting

XI. Did you all participate in the election?

How many students of our school stayed away from the polls?

Is it much for our school?

You know that low voting is a big problem not only in our school. Do your parents usually vote?

As you know in some countries voting is compulsory. What are these countries?

Is it necessary to make voting compulsory in our school?

I’m very glad that you are very active voters and you take care of the future of your school. I hope that when you are 18 you will remain as active as you are now and will not allow other people to decide your future.

XII. Home task:

  1. Write an article about the election for our newspaper “Weigh”. The article should include:
    Information about the self-government system of our lycee.
    Information about candidates and their programs
    Your agreement or disagreement with the results.
  2. Prepare questions for a public opinion poll. The problem is “To vote or not to vote”.