Урок английского языка по теме: "Лондон". Урок-экскурсия

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

социокультурный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона, выдающимися личностями;

развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;

воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного отношения к иноязычной культуре;

учебный аспект – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме “Лондон” на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи, развитие навыков аудирования и чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.

Оборудование урока:

Рисунки с достопримечательностями, портреты членов королевской семьи, раздаточный материал с лексическими единицами и диалогами, атрибуты игры: “Угадай слово”.

План урока:

1. Организационный момент:

- знакомство учащихся с задачами урока;

- обсуждение способа путешествия

2. Речевая зарядка:

- повторение лексических единиц

- драматизация диалогов

3. Основная часть урока:

- экскурсия по Лондону

- чтение текста о шотландском поэте Роберте Бернсе

- аудирование текста об интересных фактах из жизни Королевской семьи

4. Заключительный этап урока:

- учащиеся выражают своё отношение к происходящему на уроке.


1. Организационный момент:

Задачи урока:

Teacher(T): Today our lesson will be unusual. Have you ever been to London? I suppose you haven’t. Now you have such an opportunity. At our lesson we’ll make a trip to London, the capital of Great Britain. It’s one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. We’ll see attractive places, you’ll know important facts about history, famous British writers and poets, Royal Family and other useful things.

Обсуждение способа путешествия:

T: First we should discuss how we’ll go by air or by sea. Well, what do you prefer?

Pupil(P) 1: I prefer to travel by sea. It’s very pleasant to breathe fresh air and enjoy sunrise and sunset staying on the deck of a ship.

T: What about you P2?

P2: I’d like to go by air. It’s much quicker,

P3: You’re right. It will take three hours to go to London.

P4: Certainly it’s very comfortable. But at the same time it’s very dangerous because of catastrophes and terrorists.

T: What’s your opinion P5?

P5: In my opinion if the weather is suitable for flying it’s better to go by air.

T: OK. We are leaving to the airport.

P6: May I ask you a question?

T: Sure.

P6: Is it possible to book air tickets now?

T: I suppose it is.

The sound of a plane.

2. Речевая зарядка.

On a board of a liner.

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen. Put your safety belts. We are glad to meet you the board of our liner. We are flying to London. It will take three hours. We’ll be in London at 11 a.m. We wish you a good flight.

Повторение лексических единиц.

T: First let’s review all the words which will help us in our journey. You have cards. I’ll name the letter, you must show the card, name the word which begins with this letter and translate it into Russian. (Учащимся раздаются карточки с лексическими единицами, учитель предлагает назвать слова на определённую букву, показать карточку и перевести слово на русский язык).

A: Admiralty, Albert Hall, ancient

B: burn, bury Burns, Byron, Banqueting House, Bank of England, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, British Museum.

C: Celts, Cenotaph, crown, conquest, castle, church, commercial, Chauser, Covent Garden.

D: Downing Street, destroy, Darwin, Dickens.

F: financial, fashionable, firm, fortress.

H: Houses of Parliament, Horse Guards, Home Office, Hyde Park.

N: narrow, Newton, Normans, Nelson’s Column, National Gallery.

P: Palaces of Westminster, prison, pavement, Piccadilly Circus, Poet’s Corner.

S: St. Cathedral, St. Jame’s Park, Spencer, Shakespeare, separate.

T: Tennyson, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Treasury, Tate Gallery, Thames.

W: White Hall, War office, West End, Westminster Abbey.

“Своя игра”. На доске расположены несколько блоков (улицы, дворцы, церкви, площади, памятники, парки, части Лондона). В каждом блоке имеется два вопроса, цена которых зависит от уровня сложности. Один из учащихся выполняет роль ведущего, остальные выбирают вопрос и угадывают о чём идет речь.

T: Let’s play a game “Guess a word”. Choose the unit and the price of the question.


20$ In this street we can see many governmental offices: War Office, Home Office, Treasury, Admiralty.

(White Hall)

50$ In this street at House No 10 the Prime Minister lives.

(Downing Street)


20$ This square was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar. (Trafalgar Square)

50$ There are many famous cinemas, theatres, restaurants in it. (Piccadilly Circus)


20$ It’s the seat of the British Parliament. On the Clock Tower you can see famous Big Ben. (Westminster Palace)

50$ It’s the official residence of the British Queen.

(Buckingham Palace)


20$ This church was built by Sir Christopher Wren in the 7th century. (St. Paul’s Cathedral)

50$ Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. It is famous for the Poet’s Corner. (Westminster Abbey)


20$ This monument is on Trafalgar Square, a tall figure of great seaman. (Nelson’s Column)

504 It’s a monument to fallen in two world wars. It was built in 1920. (Cenotaph)


20$ It is a popular place for public meetings. It’s famous for its Speaker’s Corner. (Hyde Park)

50$ This park in the north-west of London is the home of the London Zoo. (Regent’s Park)

Rats of London:

20$ It is the historical part of London, its financial and business centre. (The City)

50$ It’s the most fashionable and expensive part to live. (West End)

Драматизация диалогов.

You have cards with the dialogues in Russian. Translate and dramatize them.


- Are you for the first time going to London?

- Yes, I have always dreamt to visit this city.

- I believe there are many attractive places.

- Certainly. I’ll be able to see with my own eyes everything I’ve read and heard about.


- What would you like to visit in London?

- Oh, there are so many places I want to see. But first I’ll start with the Tower of London.

- I’ve heard it has a great history.

- I’d like to see the Ceremony of Keys.


- You see, the English are very proud of their traditions and carefully keep them.

- You are right. When you come to England you’re struck by quite a number of customs at once.

- One of the most interesting is Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.

- Sure.


- In London there are so many unusual things which can not be found in any other city of the world.

- What do you mean?

- I mean double-decker buses.

- I’d like to make a double-decker bus tour about London and see much of the city from its top.

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen. Put your safety belts. We are arriving to International London Airport. Welcome to London.

3. Основная часть урока.

A group of Russian tourists is in London for the first time. They want to see the most famous sights of London. This gentleman is a group leader (GL). And that one is a correspondent (C). He always asks many questions. And these ladies and gentlemen are guides (G) from the London Tourists Information Office.

G1: Welcome to London. We start our tour from Tower Bridge. It is the only Thames Bridge which can be raised. On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings in London. It was begun by William the Conqueror the first Norman king in the 11th century as a fortress and a palace. Then it was a prison where many famous people died. Black ravens lives outside the Tower now. A man looks after the ravens and gives them food in the morning and in the evening. The Tower of London is a museum now. At Ten o'clock every evening the guards lock the big doors of the Tower for the night.

G2: Now we are in the White Hall. It runs to the Parliament Square where the Westminster Palace stands. The Houses of Parliament are the seat of the British government. It was designed in the Gothic style and built between 1840 and 1860. The original Palace of Westminster had been a home for the

Royal family until the 16th century. There is the Clock Tower and the clock in the Houses of Parliament. It is the biggest clock Tower in Britain. It weighs 13,5 tongs. The clock Tower is 316 feet high. People have to go 374 steps to reach the top. The faces of the clock is very large. The minute hand is 14 feet long. The hour hand is 9 feet long.

C: Why it is called Big Ben?

G2: The man in charge of building was called Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben.

G3: Now we are coming to Westminster Abbey. It is a beautiful Gothic building. It was a monastery and a Norman church for a long time. Westminster Abbey has many historical associations. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300. Many famous people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens. In the Poet’s Corner there are memorials to Shakespeare, Byron, Burns.

RT1: Could you tell me when in was built?

G3: In the 11th century but it was destroyed and rebuilt several times.

GL: I want you to know some facts about the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. Let’s read the text and answer the questions.

Robert Burns a well known and a popular Scottish poet was born in 1759. He was born in a poor family of a farmer. There were seven children in it. Robert was the oldest. His father, William Burns, was a farmer and Robert had to help him. His father loved and understood people and Robert learned from his father to love people. His mother had a very good voice and she often sang songs. She knew many folk tales and she told them to her children.

At the age of six Robert went to school because his father wanted him to be an educated boy. Burns was fond of reading and his favorite writer was Shakespeare. At the age of 16 he began to write poems. The heroes of his poems were the heroes of his mother’s stories.

In 1777 he moved to another town. In 1784 his father died and Robert had to work on a small farm but the farm brought him disappointment and misery. In 1791 he had to sell the farm and he became an officer.

The young poet felt the injustice of the world and his protest is shown in his poems. Robert Burns published his book “Poems” when he was 27 years old. He wrote about kindness and honesty of common people. He took part in making a book of Scottish folk songs, writing words for many melodies. He died in 1796 at the age of thirty seven in poverty. His poems are known and loved by people all over the world.


  1. When was he born?
  2. How many children were there in his family?
  3. What have you learnt about his parents?
  4. When did Robert go to school?
  5. Who was his favorite writer?
  6. When did he begin to write poems?
  7. Why did he have to sell the farm after his father’s death?
  8. How old was he when he published his first book “Poems”?
  9. What did Robert Burns write in his poems about?
  10. When did he die?

T: Let’s listen to the poem of Robert Burns, translated by Marshak “My heart’s in the Highlands”.

My heart’s in the Highlands my heart is not here,
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of value, the country of worth,
Wherever I wander: wherever I rove;
The hills of the Highlands forever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straits and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud pouring floods.
My heart’s in the Highlands my heart is not here,
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.

G4: Now we are coming to Trafalgar Square. It is in the centre of the West End. Trafalgar Square was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in which he was fatally wounded. It was designed between 1829 and 1840 with Nelson’s column as a centerpiece. The column is over 170 feet high with the statue of Nelson’s showing him with one arm and with one eye .He lost them in the battle. On the north side of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collection in the world. Including paintings of the British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch and ither famous schools.

C: Excuse me. What do the four lions at the base symbolize?

G4: They symbolize Nelson’s four victories.

G5: there are a lot of parks and gardens in London. In Regent’s Park there is London Zoo, one of the biggest zoos in the world. Hyde Park is a royal park since 1536. People are allowed to walk, to sit and to lie on the grass. The Serpentine is a lake in the middle of the park. It is a custom for some people to swim in it on Christmas Day. It is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.

RT2: Could you tell me what kind of place is Speaker’s Corner?

G5: It is a place where anyone can make a speech about anything they want.

G6: Now we are at Buckingham Palace It was built in 1703. Buckingham Palace is now the official residence of the English Queen and the British Royal Family. It is like a small town with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sport clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourists attractions.

RT3: How many rooms are there in the Palace?

G6: There are 600 rooms.

T: The Royal Family is another story. In the past they started wars and made laws. What does the Queen do now? Listen to the text “A job for life” and choose correct variants in the test.

A job for life.

Elizabeth II calls the Windsor family a “firm”. She thinks of it as a business rather than a family. And the main business of the Royal Family is… well probably being royal and they are paid for it.

The Queen is one of the richest women in the world and she gets about 8 million pounds a year to be the queen.

There are hundreds of traditional ceremonies which the Queen has to keep. Each year in October there is the State Opening of Parliament. The Queen, wearing her crown, arrives at the Houses of Parliament by carriage. She reads the queen’s Speech.

Another traditional ceremony takes place on Thursday before Easter Sunday. The Queen out purses of money to older people who have done good work. Every summer the Queen gives three or more garden parties at Buckingham Palace. About 8000 guests come to each party. They drink about 27000 cups of tea, eat 20000 sandwiches and 20000 pieces of cake.

The Queen and other members of the Royal Family often travel abroad. They meet important visitors. Not long ago Princess Anne came to Moscow for the opening ceremony of new British Embassy. So their life is quite busy.

Once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister. Any law, made by Parliament, really becomes a law only if the Queen agrees to it. But no king or queen has refused a new law since 1701. Many people agree that she does her job well and she deserves her salary.


1. The main business of the Royal Family is

a) making laws
b) probably being royal
c) visiting other countries

2. The Queen is one of the richest women in the world and she gets about

a) 8 million pounds a year
b) 5 million pounds a year
c) 10 million pounds a year

3. There is the State Opening of Parliament on

а) December
b) October
c) May

4. At the traditional ceremony on Thursday before Easter Sunday the Queen

a) reads the Queen’s Speech
b) invites the press
c) gives out purses of money to older people who have done good work

5. Every summer the Queen gives three or more royal garden parties at BUCKINGHAM Palace where she invites

a) 2000 guests
b) 4000 guests
c) 8000 guests

6. The Queen and other members of the Royal Family often travel abroad. Prince Anne came to Moscow for the opening ceremony of

a) new British Embassy
b) Olympic Games
c) Fine Art Pushkin Museum

7. The Queen has a meeting with the Prime Minister

a) once a month
b) once a week
c) twice a week

8. Any law, made by Parliament, really becomes a law only if the Queen agrees to it. But no king or queen has refused a new law since

a) 1701
b) 1801
c) 1721

4. Заключительный этап урока.

T: Our tour has finished. I hope very much that you have enjoyed our tour of London. And now I’d like to know your impressions of our lesson.

P1: It was great. We have learnt many interesting facts about London.

P2: Especially I liked the Royal Family story. I’ll try to know more about it.

P3: As for me it was interesting and useful to play the game “Guess a word”.

P4: We have read about the biography of Robert Burns. His poems are very nice.

P5: I suppose our trip was enjoyable.

P6: If I go to London I’ll know where to go and what to see.

P7: I liked our lesson because we improved our knowledge about London.

T: Your homework for the next lesson is to write your opinion about visiting London. It can be a letter to your friend or an article for a newspaper. You have worked very well today. Thank you. Goodbye.