Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: "Покупки". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6


1. Автоматизировать употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных.

2. Активизировать лексику по теме “Покупки”.

3.Развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи учащихся.

4. Автоматизировать сравнительные союзы “As ...as” и “than”.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие. T-Р1, Р2, Р3

How are you?

How are you doing/ getting on?

Oh, Dasha, your dress is so fine!

Kate, you are looking smart!

Nadya, your blouse is beautiful!

You are as beautiful as princesses!

-I’m fine.

-I’m Ok.\ I’m in the pink

-Thank you. 

- I know .Thank you.

2. Активизация лексики по теме “Зима”

By the way, girls, have you bought new clothes for holidays?

Let’s go to the department store!

The weather is fine today, isn’t it?

-Not yet.

- OK. With pleasure

- Yes, it is.

P1. - It’s winter now. December, January, February are winter months.
P2. - It’s cold in winter. It often snows. P3. - The trees, the streets are white with snow.

P4. - Winter, winter, winter,

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.

T: Well. It’s December now. December is the first winter month.

What can you tell about December?

T: What can you tell about January?

T: All right. And February then?

T: Yes, you are right. But usually February is as cold as January.

P1: Chill December brings the sleet,

Blazing fire and Christmas treat.

P2: January brings the snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glow

P3: February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen lake again.


Do you like winter? P1: Yes, I do. I like winter, because I can skate, ski, sledge.

P2: We can play hockey and snowballs

P3: We can make snowmen

P4: We have winter holidays

P5: It’s winter. It’s winter

Let’s skate and ski

It’s winter. It’s winter

A great fun for me.

3. Активизация лексики по теме “At a department store”

T: The weather is fine but we are sitting here. Let’s go to the English supermarket to buy outfits for holidays. We shall go by train.

We are at the railway station now. While we are waiting for the train let’s sing a song.

На мотив песни “В траве сидел кузнечик” (во время исполнения песни учитель показывает картинки с изображением одежды)

What would you like to buy? – 4 times

I’d like to buy a dress,

I’d like to buy a skirt,

I’d like to buy a hat,

I’d like to buy a suit.

T: By the way, girls, what would you like to buy?

P1, P2 - I’d like to buy a smart dress.

-I’d like to buy a new hat.

-I’d like to buy a warm sweater.

-I’d like to buy a modern suit.

T: Here is our train. Let’s go to the train.

(Дети выбегают к учителю, держат друг друга за талию, изображая вагончики поезда)

  • Can I help you? (В такт стука вагонов)
  • Yes, please. (гудок)

4. Активизация прилагательных в форме игры “Give the opposites”

Why are we stopping? We are at customs. We should have the “passport control”.

Give the opposites.

1. old

2. high

3. messy

4. strong

5. dry


7. beautiful

8. hot

9. happy

10. large

11. fat


13. free

14. long


16. big

17. fast

18. short

19. good

20. light

Thank you. Let’s go on our travelling.

-Can I help you? (Поезд продолжает свой путь)

-Yes, please.

5. Активизация степеней сравнения прилагательных и их автоматизация.

The shop is not open yet, let’s go to this beautiful park and have a rest. Now close your eyes, relax and repeat after me.

Big-bigger – the biggest

Small-smaller- the smallest

(Long, short, cheap, expensive, beautiful, warm, smart, good, bad, little, many, much.)

Thank you. We have had a good rest.

6. Активизация лексики в диалогах.

T: How will you say in English? P1, P2, P3:
- Это довольно коротко

- Это слишком длинное.

- Это довольно дорого.

It’s rather short. Have you got anything longer?

It’s too long. Have you got anything shorter?

It’s rather expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?


P1: P2:
- Hello, can I help you?

- What would you like to buy?

- Here you are.

- How about this one?

- Yes, please.

- I’d like to buy a blouse.

- Oh, it’s rather short. Have you got anything longer?

- I think it’s better.

7.Активизация союза as...as.

Compare the things using as....as (учитель показывает картинки)

Перо- as light as a feather

Ночь - as black as a night

Мышь - as small as a mouse

Слон - аs big as an elephant

- as hot as an oven

- as white as snow

- as cold as ice

- as red as a fire truck

- as strong as an ox

- as stubborn as a donkey

  • as wise as an owl
  • as clear as a day
  • as fast as a leopard
  • as blue as sky

Translate my sentences:

1)Это яблоко такое же красное, как и то.

2) Мое платье такое же красивое, как и у Тани.

3) Моя юбка такая же длинная, как и у Оли.

4) Эта блузка белая, как снег.

5) Ее глаза голубые, как небо.

6) Она легкая, как перышко.

7) Молоко холодное, как лед.

8. Let’s go home and boast of your outfits

T: Kate, your blouse is nice. P1: Yes, my blouse is nice.

P2: My blouse is nicer.

P3: My blouse is the nicest.

P4: My blouse is as nice as Kate’s one.

9 Активизация пословиц. Give me English equivalents:

  • Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.
  • Доброе имя лучшее богатства.
  • Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
  • В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

10 Итоги. Оценки.